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22056781 No.22056781 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw only need a 5-10x to make it

I started with 15k earlier this year, this pretty surreal bros. What’s your strategy when you hit a mil? I was thinking about cashing out like 100-200k just to have some comfort then leave the rest in to keep investing and growing

>> No.22056815

Need to start working on a strategy myself. Just crossed the 100k mark and have never had this many shekels and really can't even think of how to spend even this much.

>> No.22056860

I started about a month ago with 1,500. I haven’t gone up much, maybe 200 bucks. What am I doing wrong?

>> No.22056866

if you have 6 figures you've basically already made it, just park in one of the big 3 (btc, eth, link) and exit when msm hype begins again, or hold through and wait a couple more years for bounce back.

>> No.22056877

Go All in on BAT

>> No.22056905

But I’m already all in on linkies

>> No.22056912

legendary advice lmao

>> No.22056922
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>has already 10x'd
>hasn't sold and left this place forever
You will regret

>> No.22056945
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I only need a 2x or 3x (for LINK).

Getting kind of tired waiting on it desu

>> No.22056950

Sorry to tell you this but money isn't worth much anymore. You need $10M to make it.
Everyone is getting hilariously rich on stocks (crypto is small). Once people start cashing out expect double digit inflation - for years

>> No.22056999

just took out a bunch of cash from what would be considered nothing. going to hit up random shit with at least 40% of it. it wouldn't be prudent to just convert it all to cash

>> No.22057060

Well start is maybe the wrong word, I’ve been in crypto since late 2017 and had 30k before the covid crashed my portfolio down to 15k. I’ve just been following where the money is going and hopping between various defi and polkadot projects depending on the news/sentiment at the time. Whenever I do short term trades with Uniswap PnD’s I don’t get too greedy anymore and will at least sell initial at 2x. Stuff like that. You get way better at learning the markets with time. I was a fucking noob at first and didn’t know what the hell I was doing. Turned 10k into 50k then watched it crash back down to 5k. You live and learn.

>> No.22057108

17k to 400k this year with defi scams, what do we do know fren

>> No.22057129
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Checked. This is a BAT thread now

>> No.22057168

Don't FOMO into stuff. If you see something is already pumped chances are by the time you get in it's gonna dump, especially if it's being shilled on Biz by that time.
Research a token you like the sound of, read up what's coming out for it soonish and place your bet.
Most importantly, if you really believe in it, hold, don't keep fomoing into other shit at the top and costing yourself fees
I started around the same time as you with about the same amount of money and I'm up 15x

>> No.22057176

based and redpilled 50% LINK/ 50% DOT holder. we'll get our 50x in no time, don't worry.

>> No.22057200


>> No.22057339

This is good advice. Last week I started looking into recently added coingecko coins and researched a bunch of projects. I decided to get in on Yfv at $14 and dexg at $100. Good gains so far. Either do the research and get in early or buy the dip. Never fomo.

>> No.22057468

You should probably consider taking some profits. A lot of people made $100k+ from pocket change during the 2017 bull run, never took profits and lost (almost) all of their gains.

If you're in a first world country then you need $1.5MM+ POST tax to make it. It's really not worth it to try to dodge taxes if you've already made it (you won't be able to reinvest in other assets AND you might get caught). $1.5MM is $45k/ year at a 3% withdrawal rate. That's enough to live a comfy life. Especially if you have some other income on the side.

I'm at around $1MM. 8% crypto, 80% stocks and 12% cash. I save 50%+ of my income. I plan on buying a cheap apartment with the cash soon. If markets don't crash hard then I'll probably make it to my $1.5MM goal within 2-4 years.

>> No.22057542


>> No.22057705

>park in one of the big three
imagine the delusion

>> No.22057815

Where's the rest of your bags?

>> No.22057951

You need to learn to LARP like them

>> No.22058013

> really can't even think of how to spend even this much
And you shouldn't. That's a poorfag mentality. No one who is wealthy (and doesn't go broke) fantasize about how much consooming they could do with their millions.
Instead, think about you net worth in terms how much passive income it can generate. If you don't want to spend your initial investment and you have a moderately risky portfolio (mainly real estate and stocks) then use a 3-3.5% withdrawal rate. In other words, you should think of your $100k as $3k-$3.5k worth of consumption per year pre tax.

>> No.22058068

BTC is going to 100k within 2 years. Why not just all-in on that and retire now?

I couldn't imagine holding almost 90% stocks during this clown bubble the nasdaq is in right now.

t. $1.1MM post tax net worth, 90% BTC/ETH and 10% metals and miners.

>> No.22058084

all in unitrade, then retire

>> No.22058121


Its a top 5 coin now are you retarded? 4 If we don't count tether. Its absolutely one of the big 3

>> No.22058203

>$1.5MM is $45k/ year at a 3% withdrawal rate. That's enough to live a comfy life
that's $3750/month AHAHAHAHAHAH where do you live to call it comfy?

>> No.22058232

Once you hit a million you can do what other rich folk do and diversify 3/4 your funds into the stock market. You'll make probably 30-50k monthly as play money and use the last quarter to keep trading if you want.

>> No.22058276

Yeah, this is important. Diversify into the market AFTER this clown bubble pops

>> No.22058279

All in Chaincoin.
It will rebound.m

>> No.22058285

That's a middle class existence anywhere in america outside of coastal property bubbles. I know you think lambos and escorts are middle class, which is why you'll never make it.

>> No.22058297

Right now if you wanted to almost guarantee a 30-40x in the next cycle peak you could buy some combination of


Also some of your portfolio in yCurve liquidity pools and 10-20% of your LINK holdings in yLINK vault. Honestly even 10K USD now would probably make it in the next 3-5 years probably closer to 3

Maybe add in these two if you want to be a bit conservative

>> No.22058299

They wouldn’t all fit, I have like 20 coins right now. Various defi and polkadot projects along with some others.

>> No.22058329


Yea rural Ohio its definitely doable.

>> No.22058330

this guy is right
this guy is an idiot, moderately risky portfolio in RE and stocks?? he has fucking crypto man, he needs to cash out and buy some RE

I have almost exact same amount as you, had only 7k in June. Trying to lower risk and move more funds into defi, but..
Just hope that If we run into a bear market net worth drops below 100k, I won't try to gamble it back up, pretty sure I won't..

>> No.22058335

In most of europe you'd live a comfortable life
In eastern europe you'd live like a king

>> No.22058346

topkek so you make it and plan to stay in that shithole clown country?

>> No.22058352

Texas baby

>> No.22058370

Because I don't believe BTC is guaranteed to reach $100k within 2 years. Far from. I'm still bullish on crypto, but I just don't want to risk it when I'm this close to my goal. I wouldn't be that surprised if BTC dumps to <$5k and stays there.
If I "only" had a $200k net worth I would probably have 20% in crypto though.

>> No.22058398

>In most of europe you'd live a comfortable life
like what? Germany and Switzerland are the only place worth it. And with $3750/mo in Switzerland you're poor.

>> No.22058407


>Makes 10x initial investment
>Swaps 100% of gains into a shitcoin
>Shitcoin tanks

Congrats you now owe the IRS ~$60K.

Think before you ruin your life OP.

>> No.22058442

>comfortable life
pick one

>> No.22058467


i live off of less in Los Angeles, really awesome apartment with my cat and gf. Cozy af

>> No.22058489

HAHAHAHA I literally made 400 euros my first day

>> No.22058507


show receipts.

>> No.22058540

This is only true if you live in a shithole country.

>> No.22058559

>Also some of your portfolio in yCurve liquidity pools and 10-20% of your LINK holdings in yLINK vault.
These are all retarded dedi bubblecoins that could jenga to zero at any time. It's a house of cards by design and while it's fun to gamble and yield farm and whatever, it's far from the safe 5-10x that a person with six figures should be looking for.

>> No.22058574

Two words of advice: PRQ, XCM

>> No.22058589

Poland, for instance. A really pretty country, decent people and culture, some great looking cities. And at $3750 a month you're looking at a worry free life since living costs in eastern yurop are just laughably low

>> No.22058620


Where the fuck do you live? Rural Ohio is amazing. Especially the people. I grew up there and go back to visit all the time. Even 1 acre of land in the middle of nowhere and enough money to become truly self sufficient you will be more than fine. Energy, water, some crops, chickens, go fishing etc.

>> No.22058633

>link not ranked #1/2/3
>ranked 4th or 5th
>idiot refers to it as a big 3 when its not in the top 3.

>> No.22058670

What did you buy? Actually curious since I lost about 50k since Jan and I’m curious what a timeline where I made it looked like.

>> No.22058683


You're retarded. What is yield farming? I want you to tell me because you obviously don't understand it. Then when you fail I'll explain it to you. They are pulling in the most value in DEFI because they offer actual services.

>> No.22058734


Tether doesn't count you should already understand why and XRP is a joke that is never returning to the high. Its top 3

>> No.22058754

Good luck at getting robbed

>> No.22058846

That's enough to (at least) live a middle class life anywhere in the world. The median wagie income is $48.5k/ year in the US. And don't forget that we're talking about PASSIVE income, you'll have all the time in the world for side projects, work (if you want), researching investments etc. on top of that $45k.
If you don't want to work you can move to a cheaper country and/or a tax haven.
You can probably get away with a higher withdrawal rate than the 3% I used. If you don't mind spending (some of) your initial investment then 4-5%/ year is probably fine.

If you're a normalfag consoomer who wants to live like a king in a big famous city then 45k/ year obviously isn't enough though. Good luck making it to $30MM+.

>> No.22058852

The way I see it, all markets are fueled by narrative at the moment thanks to credulous RH normies controlling price action, and BTC's narrative is that "it's time to moon". It's spent 3 years correcting and consolidating, the halvening has happened, the rainbow stock to flow chart has printed its first red dot of the new cycle. As soon as stocks falter even the slightest, retail money is going to flip its shit and start looking for the next asset that has a compelling story behind it. Both BTC and metals have the narrative going for them that they're historically undervalued and are overdue for a new boom cycle. Irrespective of whether the fundamentals support the prospect of line going up or not, line will go up because cretinous retards have been given frictionless access to the buying and selling of all asset and equity classes now.

Anyone who survived crypto in 2017 understands what's going on right now in stocks and tech, and it's not a part of the market cycle that any sane person would/should want to buy in on.

>> No.22058872

you make a valid point.

>> No.22059051

Sorry to hear that anon, I hope you recoup some of your gains later this year. I’ve been fortunate enough to ride a lot of good pumps. AMPL and XOR are probably my biggest two with a 10x. Stuff like Aave, Tellor, and xDai I’ve also pulled a 5-6x with. Other projects I’ve seen great gains with are REN, AKRO, XRT/RWS, KSM, RING/KTON, PCX, BNT, LINK, ERD, KAVA along with some others. I’ve sold some of those but still hold most

>> No.22059597

Make sure to address your tax situation.
In the US, those who have held for more than a year to get to a high portfolio value are in a VASTLY different tax situation than those who trade all the time.

>> No.22059643
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Go in on xrp for flare then. Xrp is guaranteed to go up in the 6 month claiming period and you get 1:1 tokens as an airdrop. At the least you're looking at a 4x total if you liquidate both.

>> No.22059742

Once you've made it you should stick it all in a Nasdaq or S&P fund and just live off the yearly gains.

>> No.22059846

>enough to make it
Hello anon, i present you Inflation: your worst enemy

>> No.22059885

Why you wasting time here? Get your ass to uniswap and cash out tomorrow.

>> No.22059892

>50k monthly
>with 1 million in stonks

>> No.22060748

After taxes, This is going to be our worst enemy, and honestly I'm more worried about inflation than tax glowies.