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File: 121 KB, 460x468, B4790C55-9CE9-48C2-B7B1-8DDF8308D3EA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22053040 No.22053040 [Reply] [Original]

Aside from RSR is there anything outside the top 5 you rate anywhere near RSR?

I have small amounts of a few coins like Kleros and Algorand, but that’s it.

>> No.22053179

A little bit shy of holding 1mm RSR here. Ultimately I want to also hold a decent amount of link and PNK, think that's the holy trinity. Recently sold all my linkies though to chase some shitcoin pumps. Intending to re-enter link and grab some PNK if I catch a good pump on the shitcoins.

>> No.22053409
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I have some link, and some stakenet, out of curiosity, but it is hard not to just stack RSR since I know that RSR is the last one I will ever own.

>> No.22053438


>> No.22053454


>> No.22053458

reminder that 300K is suicide

>> No.22053504

BTC, RSR, AMPL and VIDT here. RSR largest holding
>yes I buy biz shills
But it's working

>> No.22053884

Always been 100k though, granted some people are getting priced out.

>> No.22054213
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I spent a lot more money on BTC and ETH, but despite my best efforts RSR and LINK hulk smashed them and became the largest holdings by far. So, yeah, I appreciate RSR more than the other 15 little bags I hold.

>> No.22054253

>Always been 100k though
No it hasn't, poorfags said it was 100k only after they missed the pump to 1.5 cents. For over a year everyone agreed 500k was the suicide stack.

>> No.22054283

Trying to decide between STA and XMM

>> No.22054339

no, it was always 100 times the supply of LINK

>> No.22054431

>For over a year everyone agreed 500k
No they didnt

>> No.22054489

Morpheus.Network is the one u need to have a look at if you wanna understand where value on logistics field goes - the practical value, team experience and results bring it to new level

>> No.22054542

PNK is my main hold, but RSR is a close second. Both are clearly the top picks this year; no one disputes that

>> No.22054566

I'm not arguing with you, consensus was 500k until about 3 months ago. I'm not going through the archive to prove I'm right because I don't care if you faggots end up with only $100,000.

>> No.22054624

is 10k good or go higher

>> No.22054632

RSR hasn't even been actually relevant for a year. I tried to buy 6 months ago buy my wallet crashed and I got refunded.

I don't know what happened. Oh well, I'm banking more on sta, dot, and pnk.

>> No.22054725
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I have about 500 LINK and 700k RSR. Seriously thinking of just selling the rest of my LINK to round out my make it stack. It just doesn't feel worth it holding anything else when you see where this project is going.

>> No.22054738

RSR is definitely in my top 5 alt holds, not including BTC or LINK since everyone should have them by default

>> No.22054821

holding 1mm. This coin is /biz approved and 4chan always gets what it want.

>> No.22054845

the market detected your skin color and rejected your transaction. this is a feature not a bug

>> No.22054913

I do dispute it, Sta will blow pnk out of the water, with the Sta gains i will close my accumulation phase of rsr. Aiming at 8.8 mil.

>> No.22055053
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Oh sweatie..

>> No.22055128

I’m holding RSR and FTM at the moment

>> No.22055199

Shill me on this fwen

>> No.22055210


>> No.22055274

i only have 50k right now, but i hope in 8 months i see people saying that they went all in and now have 1200

>> No.22055474

you had a year.

>> No.22055495

I've got rsr, link, pnk, sta, rlc

>> No.22055595
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Yeah I get what you're saying it's a COMFY hold. I do also own some kardiachain (KAI) though.
>Getting rich of the back off colonizercoin
>Getting rich of the back off mass Vietnamese crypto-adoption

>> No.22055639

my whole portfolio is 550 LINK / 600k RSR. i feel similarly but i'm pretty well in profit on both so i'm just taking 8% profit from LINK whenever my portfolio doubles since it's got less short-medium term growth potential of the two. both are great projects though.
i do think your holding is safe desu (i'm biased since it's very close to mine). imo it's a form of barbelling: LINK is a safer bet but RSR is higher risk/reward.

>> No.22055642
File: 1.34 MB, 2000x1274, RSRAF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The god stack:


>> No.22055705

I threw 300 bucks in over a year ago because I thought it had promise but I was crazy about LINK so the lions share of my portfolio is in LINK.

That 300 bucks has been running crazy numbers and now I'm sitting cozy with 300k RSR.

EXTREMELY happy with my investment strategy.

>> No.22056083
File: 335 KB, 1060x1049, 2855AFB6-4011-4146-BA04-9FC0E8EA2CD3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DAILY reminder if you’re a newfagit burger buying RSR nobody here will tell you that, since it’s is technically illegal for burgers to own, once listed on coinbase, if you attempt to transfer your RSR directly for fiat you will be taxed 60% off the top JUST FOR ILLEGALLY OWNING RSR. fair warning

>> No.22056114


That's part of the fun ;^)

>> No.22056125

Akro and Sta
I'm pretty certain on Akro as a long haul, putting about 50/50 in that and rsr going forward
Have a decent bag of Sta that I'm holding too

>> No.22056179

3mm RSR and I still trade all these shit coins daily. Anon, I...

>> No.22056265

this is not true

>> No.22056351

>own something supposedly illegal
> now we tax you more instead of prosecuting you and taking it all

>> No.22056360
File: 56 KB, 1024x1024, B9FDEE22-1612-4149-877B-BF9233F51F0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huge warning to all those RSR bag holders( I’m not one of them thank god) if you’re an American who has already bought RSR tokens you’re in for a huge surprise... I know for a fact RSR WILL BE LISTED on coonbase. If you have purchased rsr from houbi or uniswap you should sell now or risk getting taxed at 60% just in penalties for owning RSR illegally. Don’t say I didn’t warn you frens

>> No.22056362

>t. Bought at 2c

>> No.22056415

I'm done with fucking around with crypto. this is my final hold.

>> No.22056452

i bought at 0.002

>> No.22056534

Then you know in every thread the suicide stack was said to be 500k. Only nu-RSRlets have ever said 100k was a suicide stack.

>> No.22056559

Bitcoin will be tested soon and the whole crypto market should crash once again. Hold your belts. After this annoyance, the market should recover in no time.

>> No.22056589


ill just be happy if this goes to 30 cents cause ill have like $20k

>> No.22056598
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>> No.22056718

lmao how are they going to know?

>> No.22056917

if something is illegal, the government is not going to just say "now we tax more!"

they will seize it all and prosecute you

That guy just wants to keep people out so he can accumulate. or hes just bored

>> No.22056943

Did you mean to post this nonsense FUD in separate RSR threads?
You had a year.

>> No.22057214
File: 72 KB, 445x808, 1373058483254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We aren't going below 3 cents again are we?

>> No.22057240

i want to buy a bunch of rsr but Idk how the fuck to do it can anyone help me ? please fellow anons i want to hold with you guys

>> No.22057259


Wtf is this? This true or the worst attempt at FUD?

>> No.22057285

ty fren, what would i do without your help and concern

>> No.22057335

IOTA is my next biggest holding. While it's not in fashion right now, it will be.

>> No.22057392

I'm struck with an urge to sell all my RSR if it hits 5 cents. Convince me not to bros!

>> No.22057394

I like this pic, but as a brazillian you should put a RSR symbol at Brazil too. Why? My country is going to economic chaos because printer goes brrr than ever.

>> No.22057421

Boring, gay, and retarded.

>> No.22057458

I'm holding AGI and AKRO also

>> No.22057459

1m RSR here and done buying. About to throw $5k in LGCY

>> No.22057460

Yes we need to hit the 2.8c to moon again.

>> No.22057484
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>> No.22057585

niggers posting weak fud because they got in too late. YOU HAD A YEAR NIGGERS

>> No.22057626

I used Binance

>> No.22057674

I'm feeling generous. Before beginning, I don't think it matters, but you should turn on your VPN.

First, you will need to make a Metamask wallet. It's a browser extension. Set it up and store your key offline.

This browser extension will interact with Uniswap where you can trade Ethereum for other ERC20 tokens like RSR (and LINK, and SWAP, etc).

Send ETH to your new wallet plus some for gas. it's crazy expensive right now.

After setting up the wallet, go to app.uniswap.org. It should connect or ask to.

Now you with need RSR's contract address. Go to etherscan and look up RSR and get the VERIFIED address.

Go back to Uniswap and select "Add a token". They've updated their site recently, you may need to choose Uniswap from a list, and then add token.

After adding, it should populate and you can exchange ETH for RSR.

Run the transaction. It will give you the etherscan transaction link.

Once it's complete, you can verify you have RSR by going to your metamask and under "Assets", scroll down to "Add Token". Add RSR's contract address and then your balance of RSR should show.

Gas is crazy, but do a small transaction first if you're nervous.

>> No.22057714

Bullshit, there was no proper early consensus and most people defined an RSR suicide stack to be anywhere between 100K to 1M. >>/biz/thread/S14637358#p14637414

>> No.22057749

Guys, the CEO of Reserve accepted my LinkedIn request.

Am I going to make it?

>> No.22057762
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All ears.

>> No.22057786
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listening, go ahead.

>> No.22057802

can i go through binance ? or is there a difference

>> No.22057820

cant buy if you're an americano

>> No.22057904

don't worry i'm not a burger eater thank you for carrying about me tho anon <3

>> No.22057911
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Gather around, gather around

>> No.22058008

Checked and gathered Anon

>> No.22058026
File: 218 KB, 600x579, feelsmeh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey quiet down, anon has something to say!

alright go ahead anon

>> No.22058048

I admit I was just bored and tried my hand at a fud attempt... how’d I do guis?

>> No.22058111

where will it go EOY

>> No.22058132
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>> No.22058158

not bad depending on hard you were going. the 60% tax thing gives it away to anyone who isn't complete dumb dumb

>> No.22058194
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>> No.22058198
File: 1.75 MB, 306x205, rsr-hyde.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made this gif and the kim gifs

ask me anything

>> No.22058219
File: 77 KB, 504x379, 1598890365620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here here

>> No.22058246

i'm in this with you anon catch me in the 9 trillion "rsr is dead sell now'" threads that are going to be popping up in the following years

>> No.22058271

Could go to 10c. Will set it up nicely for at least $1 eoy 2022

>> No.22058333

I'm like 95% all rsr, the other 5% is in eth.
Have been trying to load up on some more, but this shit keeps going up.
I just wanted 100k coins man, why you guys gotta be like this to me?

>> No.22058399
File: 9 KB, 225x232, 4EA6A593-C007-4618-8DAF-6C9289768973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incredibly based and redpilled.
How will FUD writing niggers ever recover?

>> No.22058495
File: 2.84 MB, 264x200, 44ABA6A4-5C2C-443C-A99C-75380C3D2572.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>22058132 >>22058198

>i made this gif and the kim gifs
>ask me anything

Do you plan on making any gifs that are glamorous or radiate superhuman Western power?

>> No.22058528
File: 1.27 MB, 367x498, kim-pew_1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have to reinstall adobe premiere

>> No.22058688
File: 2.50 MB, 1939x1292, 1597962810296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are the kind of person who invests in assets that will have long term value, RSR is one of the comfiest holds there is. The only other coins I'm holding right now are LINK and DEXG.

>> No.22058699
File: 31 KB, 500x459, 1597288472831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon put those FUD niggers on notice. $56.68 and two Venezuelan house slaves is the minimum sell price

>> No.22058744


>> No.22058858

checked and invested into rsr this double dubs is a signed from god

>> No.22058965

am i too late to get into RSR

>> No.22059087

no anon bust in 100$ and get a comfy stack

>> No.22059185

It's always been 100k you retarded faggot

>> No.22059297

i managed to get a 800 stack might put some more cash into it. how much should I put into rsr?

>> No.22059341

did you forget the "k"?

>> No.22059369

lol, that's what I was thinking too. Better get a lot more than 800

>> No.22059370

take out a loan and buy a make it stack for $30k
pay off the loan after three more doublings and ride the rest into the sunset

>> No.22059387

no anon sadly i put most of my investing money into PNK and put the rest of it into RSR

>> No.22059446

not sure what you can expect with a $23 investment

>> No.22059480

some scrap but enough to invest more on other projects opportunities will always happen

>> No.22059544
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Checked and based

>> No.22059546

well this is a long-term hold. don't expect anything for like 2 years

>> No.22059570 [DELETED] 
File: 238 KB, 555x937, 365786845876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot off the presses.
Do you like the symbolism here?

>> No.22059608

how long are you going to hold ? I'm going to try to get a loan to invest more into rsr i plan of holding it as long as possible at least until I get a comfy payout

>> No.22059639

RSV is a useless USD-backed pos

>> No.22059665
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Wasn't sure it would workout, but I think it is the version to go with.

>> No.22059725
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>> No.22059910
File: 92 KB, 834x444, Illuminati.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guys, the CEO of Reserve accepted my LinkedIn request.
>Am I going to make it?


>> No.22059935
File: 52 KB, 482x101, 1530809224132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AVAX will be top 5 this time next year.
I suspect Roger will dump BCH for it, too.
But yeah, other than that' it's all shitcoins.
LINK/RSR/AVAX is the golden trio.
>t. 7M

>> No.22059983
File: 100 KB, 631x437, humble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was more like 1M sui / 5M make it back at 27 sats.
But most newfags don't remember those days.

>> No.22060092
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>> No.22060165

As based as a man can be.
What about jannies though?
Any opinion on them?

>> No.22060213

Double checked and based

>> No.22060397
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>> No.22060440
File: 760 KB, 719x1409, Screenshot_20200830-210136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey that's mine. I like it color cuz it shows the desert. And I like the two opposing B/W sphinx because the two coins.

>> No.22060489

dangerously based

>> No.22060548

by far the comfiest hold in all of crypto

>> No.22060566
File: 64 KB, 500x857, 4b4e45f40e2432d51eb1c3c61a26d93d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I like what you did. Very much. Now here's your next project. Should be easy.