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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2205043 No.2205043 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw fell for the "live with your parents until 30" meme

>> No.2205049

not only are you 30, but you're here on a friday night crying to me about it. sad.

>> No.2205067

>fell for the meme
>implying you had a choice
Lazy neets gona lazy

>> No.2205068

Where else would I be on a Friday night? I'm a fucking virgin because I stayed with my parents.

>> No.2205073

did you not save enough to buy a house already?

>> No.2205090

i didn't respond because i want to give you life advice. goddammit. take this shit to pol.

>> No.2205101

This has nothing to do with politics though, why on earth would I post it there?

>> No.2205129

You mean /bant/? /pol/ is for serious discussion.

>> No.2205135

the jews are responsible for his poor decisions so it's pol related. how new dot are you?

>> No.2205140

ive got no friends. that's my problem.

>> No.2205145

>he thinks /pol/ is a political board

>> No.2205184

Bitch I live with my grandparents and I still managed to get laid.

>> No.2205189

at least you saved a fuck ton of money on rent while you were working hard at your entry-mid level job RIGHT???

>> No.2205315

It's OK bro, I'm in the same boat
We're all not gonna make it

>> No.2205376

I would love to move back home and not have to pay for shit and save all of my money but my principal doesn't allow me to and I'll end up killing myself before telling my parents about my problems or shortcomings

>> No.2205428
File: 448 KB, 797x1145, 20170416_182954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>living alone
>no friends, family lives across the country
>hodling 5ETH, 100kMOON
>rent due
>final paycheck arrives from job
>insulin costs more than gold, but still have to manage juvenile diabetes
>get on /biz/ because Friday night and no friends
>IM_a_VIRGIN/plzKillMe/I ducking don't aspire.mp3 is first page


>> No.2205460

spoilers really should be universal to all boards


>> No.2205517

>at least you saved a fuck ton of money
y-yeah sure, anon.

the alternative would have been homelessness