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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2204745 No.2204745 [Reply] [Original]

are you faggots prepared for the #FiatCrash???

>> No.2204767

oh bobby ree ching chong bing bong. you rike beetcorn? i rike ah beetcorn. ohhhh beee corrrn.

>> No.2204780

of course a fiat would crash

>> No.2204788

made me lol way harder than it shouldve

>> No.2204792
File: 11 KB, 263x191, IMG_7850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf even is this 'fiat crash'

>> No.2204801


>> No.2204806

I don't trust Chinese people, never did.

>> No.2204811

are you retarded or just new?

>> No.2204814

I love Bobby Lee. The guy from MADtv right? I cant tell em apart fuck it

>> No.2204815


>> No.2204824
File: 12 KB, 188x186, IMG_7918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poor and newISH
not retarded tho

is it the name for the inevitable bitcoin crash? or something else

>> No.2204832

10/10 my sides are in orbit

>> No.2204833
File: 49 KB, 420x480, 346223233312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goyims, the fiat is going away

Buy more digital coins

Is good investment

>> No.2204839

Do you even know what "fiat" means?

>> No.2204843
File: 68 KB, 416x620, op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fiat is the thing you spend on burgers and netflix

>> No.2204847

Google what 'fiat currency' is anon

>> No.2204850


fiat currency is money issued/backed by the govt. as we know, it's no longer actually backed by anything besides the govts word that its worth something.

if people put so much money into cryptos, and eventually lose faith in and dont see the value of fiat currency, fiats will be worthless.

>> No.2204860
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>> No.2204861

(and of course crash[hard])

>> No.2204864

Listen fucking new friend, the global collapse has started. Just look at China where they just lowered the credit rating. This is it. Hodl tight

>> No.2204866


Easily the funniest post on /biz/ right now.

Also, could you imagine if Lamborghini caught wind of our memes. And started to market just that, did exactly as we all want anyhow? Lambo starts accepting BTC. This Huracan will be 150btc. Could you imagine. I can't even imagine.

>> No.2204877
File: 232 KB, 629x500, paytheirwayistheonlyway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello cashless society.

>> No.2204879
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eye whill yuse mhy credit chard.

>> No.2204881

This is so fucking stupid and I can't fugue out why it cracks me up

>> No.2204890

Any other signs?

I doubt fiat is gonna crash any time soon, the entire global economy would collapse and it would just cause mass panic and chaos. I don't see fiat going away for the next 50-100 years to be honest.

>> No.2204903


>> No.2204911

yeah and people didnt think BTC would hit 2k this year either. we're in an age of globalization, ideas spread quickly, and we're a tech driven world now (sorry africa, youll figure it out). #FiatCrash 2040, screencap this.

>> No.2204912

>Any other signs?


>> No.2204928

Does this mean BTC is due for some new moons soon?

>> No.2204956

im not sure if i should get pissed at all the new fucking retards lurking here, or happy these faggots are actually buying cryptos, trying to make a couple hundred bucks for weed and will of course be weak handed as fuck and panic sell the second theres a dip

>> No.2204960

BTC is always gonna moon. Unless a hardfork gets made and a seperate BTC is created, BTC is going to be worth more in the long-run even if you bought at the ATH this year.

>> No.2204988

Hey...I've been here 6 weeks. In holding through this dip and buying more....and believe me....its been painful to watch....but I am here with iron fists.

>> No.2205259

If you really want to know.


>> No.2205277
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>taking advice from Ricegoys

>> No.2205296

I think the lambo meme got started because a dealership actually did start accepting bitcoin.

>> No.2205325

what a retard
how the fuck are people going to buy a house if their fiat crashed on the way to the contract signing?

>> No.2205333
File: 88 KB, 1223x670, 5-27-2017 12-52-00 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ohhhh noez
>ouchie wawa
>better buy a house!

>> No.2205392


Why is bitcoin supposed to be as good as gold? I want something I can hold in my hand if it all goes tits up.

>> No.2205456

>fiat crash
>literally been memed on for the past two+ millenia
fiat isn't going to crash you fags. And don't even give me any of that Weimar Republic bullshit, that's just one type of fiat crashing. Not a whole and total "fiat crash." It's never going to happen, stop daydreaming about your zombie apocalypse fantasies.