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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 127 KB, 1242x1237, 5E778E20-AEB2-4B61-B656-440EEB4C0023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22042063 No.22042063 [Reply] [Original]

That monthly candle is grotesque. We’re in a for a huge red dildo on the next monthly candle (less than 18 hrs away). Probably retracing to $8 by eoy. Now is the time to swing.

>> No.22042089

>looking at the monthly candle
Just because your gambling for a 2x doesn't mean us chads that will get just'd by the tax man if we sell are going to

>> No.22042296

LINK will hit 4$ end of Autumn, then bounce to 12$ during winter, then crab, hit 9$, then hit 40$ during the golden bull run then crash to 9$ again and after that idk.
>t. time traveller from 2022

>> No.22042351

Bump for swingers to get capped

>> No.22042401

Sub 1 dollar

>> No.22042449

Post your short if you are so confident, nigger

>> No.22042470

>time traveller
>telling us link instead of what will be top 3 coins and who wins the superbowl

>> No.22042489

Yeah it's way above it's actual worth. I'll buy if it gets below $10

>> No.22042492

AhhHhHh is septemberrrrr. Don't ask why but that means big red dildo! Heckin' sell your links now!

>> No.22042504
File: 183 KB, 800x450, 1598486280460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DAILY LINK COPE GENERAL, get in here bois

>> No.22042597

Going back to 0.0001

>> No.22042605

Replace LINK with ETH and go to 2016 archives.

>> No.22042911

Op just wants to buy cheap, fuck him.

>> No.22042929

Post shorts

>> No.22042947
File: 183 KB, 470x647, Martin_Scorsese_Berlinale_2010_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly Kafkaesque

>> No.22042975

>us chads
the us are officially a thirld world shithole now, and no matter if trump or biden wins, you're going to be the laughing stock of the world for another 4 years

>> No.22042997

Dude just swap it on uni we won't tell on you

>> No.22042999

Today will be a bloodbath. And it'll keep going on for weeks.
Iron hands linkies ! Losing half your money is just a small inconvenience.

>> No.22043014

>crypto tax

>> No.22043092
File: 66 KB, 686x798, 1592707206097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They literally can't trade for an easy x2 their linkies because if they do their money goes to Shaniqua and her 5 kids.
That's absolutely hilarious.

>> No.22043156

Same for Euros.
If you speculate that's a taxable event, and the money goes to Fatima and her 6 jihadis.

>> No.22043288

you are the same niggers that were saying link would never go above 15$ again

>> No.22043395

not really negro

>> No.22043418

>tax authorities in the future won't retroactively analyze all public keys known to be tied to your name

>> No.22043440

>Europe is all the same hurr
Mutt cope

>> No.22043474

Yes, really.

I'm a Euro.

I live in the countryside, and my little rural town is filled with hijabi-wearing women who don't speak my language.

>> No.22043590

>monthly candle green that make next one red
The market doesn't care about your theory on monthly sequences. You haven't cracked some code buddy

>> No.22043637
File: 214 KB, 1418x1160, 2AA02FCA-9EB3-4545-82F1-FAB37DC568A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone ignoring the cup and handle forming perfectly on the daily

Ok then.

>> No.22043664

>he’s scared of the 100 IQ retards that work as tax goys
lol good goyim

>> No.22043683

I'm euro and have 0% tax on capital gains. I now have a small yearly fee of 0.05% on my networth though.

>> No.22043704

>0% tax on capital gains
What about tax on speculative gains?
You know, the thing I was actually talking about?

>> No.22043731

>he thinks tax authorities won't simply purchase or lease tools developed by crypto eggheads that let you "analyse" public keys using spiffy, easy to comprehend visualizations

>> No.22043749

Wait, you guys have a wealth tax? Is this new?

>> No.22043798

I sold LINK at $19.90 for Suterusu. SUTER will 50x soon, and I'll retire. Sometimes, it's that simple.

>> No.22043816

Noone cares about the superbolw outside you shitty country btw.

>> No.22044008

>40$ during the golden bull run

More like 150$

>> No.22044018

BTC, ETH, DOT. 49ers

>> No.22044176

>bro i dont wanna pay tax on this shitcoin fulled entirely by the craze of defi ponzi shitcoin scams!
>better to hold into a 80% loss
ok my dude. cya a year from now at $3

>> No.22044197


>> No.22044631

When is the golden bull run?

>> No.22044915

Wait until 2021 spring

>> No.22044932

why are stinkies so fucking retarded?

>> No.22044954

If Link actually were to crash, what would replace it as the DeFi standard token?

>> No.22044986

haha sure man you mightt be right but you had 3 years fucking faggot

>> No.22045012
File: 29 KB, 474x562, d9e358877b1563982660fc026ddd2e65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now is the time to swing