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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2202549 No.2202549 [Reply] [Original]

fuck you retarded sia coin faggots you and you're idiot CEO making "speeches" in NYC yet SC fucking tanks to nothing. Faggots.

>> No.2202577

When wasn't it an expensive, impractical and retarded idea?


>> No.2202596


>> No.2202706
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It's fucking hilarious how the shitcoins that are being utterly shilled into oblivion on this board are lauded & receive the most attention on here, yet coins like SC and other serious cryptos (which barely even get mentioned on here on a daily basis) that actually hold some kind of good potential in the future are the ones that get shitted on by newfags in this board.

Recognize the pattern here guys.

>> No.2202719

Why is SC a good coin with potential?

>hurrr duuurrrr it's decentralized cloud storage

why is that good. the answer is you don't know. there is literally no difference between you and someone who buys mooncoin.

I do my research on the coins I buy, and I can talk about every single one. Just thought I'd swing for the fences and bought into the SC hype and got FUCKED.

>> No.2202734

kek I love reading bagholder's rage.

>> No.2202757

I did my research too, you fucktard.

Seems like they're doing pretty damn fine compared to fucking mooncoin, which their entire company is probably the equivalent of a goddamn ghost town in North Korea.

You just sound like a newfag with weak hands who probably lost about $20 in his portfolio value all because of a small dip (in which almost EVERY crypto is experiencing atm, even bitcoin ffs), so now you wanna jump ship like a fag. Fuck off.

>> No.2202775
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>he thought 1 autistic white guy stood a chance against the 7 autistic white guys selling the Storj ICO

You guys are great. Love ya

>> No.2202798


There's barely any threads on Waves or Augur, so yeah I agree with you.

>> No.2203003

Calm down. He only promoted Sia because he was invited. Polo's wallet will be fixed within the next two days.
Just wait out the storm and hold for a year.

I am holding a good couple of millions of sia, and I've lost gains of over half a million, so just calm your tits and wait it out.

>> No.2203017

What's the problem with Polo's wallet?
Do you think Sia ran reach 0,25$ next year or this is just a pipe dream?

>> No.2203026
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>when you buy the ATH and blame /biz/ for your losses

>> No.2203258

>What's the problem with Polo's wallet?
Something about fees. That's what the main devs said, and that it was something on their end, which is why Yunbi also has the same issues. The devs said they should be able to fix it within two or three days. Not sure what it is but it doesn't matter so long as it gets fixed. I wouldn't be surprised that a large amount of the push downwards, other than bitcoin being a cunt, is caused by the nervousness of people being unable to take out their coins.

>Do you think Sia ran reach 0,25$ next year or this is just a pipe dream?
As for sia's price, I do believe it will reach the 2 cent mark within a year, depending if bitcoin doesn't kept acting like a selfish cunt by being a bubble on purpose.

The roadmap of sia within two year is very promising, and what will be accomplished by next year should be interesting. In a month or two, minebox will officially start shipping and grow the network. Within 6 months, people will be able to download through seed links and that will make it go viral on an individual level as people won't need to download the sia UI to share files. Essentially becoming a decentralized megaupload without any fear of Hollywood shutting it down.

I expect sia reaching over 1 billion marketcap within two or three years.

>> No.2203402

Sia ''we want everything to be decentralized regarding storage, even us'' versus storj ''centralization is easier''

>> No.2203435

Siacoin got seriously pumped in recent weeks with loads of noobs jumping on board because blockchain file storage is something easy to grasp. I dont think what Sia are offering is anything exciting. Its just another cloud storage company, but on a blockchain. So what. Ideas are easy, execution is difficult. they have first mover advantage, but thats about it. Hope the Sia team are as good as peope hype them to be.

>> No.2203584

You're literally talking out of your ass.

The fact that they are just another cloud storage company but on the blockchains means that the entire thing is decentralized. The coin makes storage become a contract that incentives people to keep the storage for the allocated time or lose money. What makes sia great is that it separates your data into chunks, and so long as ~ 10 host keep your data, you'll never lose anything. Meaning no one can ever hack your data as no one holds any actual information. Compare that to dropbox or Amazon that actively spy on their users or can be hacked. No one would be able to do that with sia.
Plus by being a free market, allowing anyone with a shitty storage in their garage to allocate their storage, but protected by the sia network encryption, it makes the actual price for getting storage much cheaper than anyone else on the market by a lot. One of the main problems in the storage world is that you need a reputation, because no one would give out sensitive data to anyone, so you need to have a very well known brand. But with sia, anyone can join in and no one is at risk.

The great thing also is that the devs themselves cannot bail out like the storj team. The sia dev only has a secondary worthless coin called siafunds which only allows them to collect ~ 3% of all contracts on the network. Meaning for them to make money, they need to become the Facebook of Storage or die. Compare that with Storj, the other storage coin that have decided to become centralized ''because it's easier'' that are holding 90% of the coin and can sell at any time.

The potential for the coin is great, and the dev team in charge are razor focused on only creating that vision.
The coin got pumped because after ripple got pumped to insanity, some old guys wanted to find 'the next ripple' and saw sia as their next big coin. Not because ''blockchain file storage is something easy to grasp''.

>> No.2203611

sia is pretty much going to destroy storj, just hodl

>> No.2203639

How can I litterally be talking out my ass. Do you even know what that fucking means when people refer to the word literally in that context? Have you even seen someone 'literally' talking out of their ass with your own eyes? Cos if so you are a fucking sick pervert.

Fuck Sia. Fuck Myspace.

>> No.2203640

This gif. Wtf

>> No.2203647


Same reason I bought sia and also why I am actively mining it now.

>> No.2203710

By being literally a brainless asshole

>> No.2203749

what makes you say that? what are the key differences?

>> No.2203764

I got boned a little on SiaCoin. I bought 10k @ 450, since it was just added on Bittrex and expected it to rise. I've been buying more Siacoin the whole way down to ~300. After a while I thought, the fuck am I doing? It just keeps going down.

but then I remembered I'm in this for the long haul and felt pretty fucking good about it.

>> No.2203932

I bought at 420. If it doesn't moon this weekend I'm gonna sell at a loss

>> No.2204025

It'll come back.

sia is decentralized
storj is not

>> No.2204040
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I bought at 200 and 400. It's a long term prospective providing the devs keep their commitments, so it's up to us to apply pressure on them and see them succeed.

Be activist coinfags.

>> No.2204061


I did exactly the same... it's literally the only coin that I've seen go down and thought "time to buy more"! Probably because it's cheap enough

Even thought about getting into the storage side, but need 2k sia in the wallet and can't withdraw through polo right now

>> No.2204235

You'll be able to withdraw soon enough.
I swear that is what is keeping the price down.

>> No.2204270

Can I use it now? I actually want to store my shit with them.

>> No.2204306

Yes, sia works. They actually do have a working system. Download the UI, add in some sia to the UI wallet, and upload your files.

>> No.2204552
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>> No.2204693

SIAcoin CEO can't even take a proper selfie and I'm supposed to believe in a blockchain that doesn't even allow withdraws from Poloniex?

>> No.2204697


I only bought 3k but you convinced me to buy another 7k because I'm pretty sure I'm going to use their service anyway if it doesn't moon.

>> No.2204705

withdrawl to what? your ass? you want to put sia in your ass? oh you faggot! you want sia in your ass!

>> No.2204931

Cool. I'm still holding a lot. This crash hurts but I still made double from last week when the marketcap was 70m so it just means I mass less money.

The project will bloom, regardless of the current marketcap.

>> No.2205409

I really wish you illiterate motherfuckers would stop using the word 'literally'

>> No.2205691

Does that figuratively make you angry?