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22024142 No.22024142 [Reply] [Original]

>we DESTROYED our economy and way of life over a virus which kills only 15% of boomers over 80 years old

>> No.22024176

Its actually way lower since they can only get the case count so high by claiming 80%+ are asymptomatic

>> No.22024243

We are surrounded by pussies who think dying is such a big deal they would rather live for eternity in servitude than die with dignity

>> No.22024324

As it should be. BLM zoomer. Boomer Lives Matter.

>> No.22024340

>fatality by case rate not by population
>also this is only for China
>also this was in February
>also op is a retarded faggot nigger from nigger Africa

>> No.22024356

if that makes any sense to you then I dont know what to tell u kek

>> No.22024416

Hells yea gots me lots of extra gibs that i used to buy discount stocks. You'd have to be a brainlet to not have made money from this whole thing

>> No.22024428

Actually if you weren’t a simp you’d realize that we don’t know the long term effects of COVID on the body especially the heart. Even if you’re asymptomatic you could be potentially destroying your bloodline with long term defects. Apparently the virus has the potential to completely reshape your heart muscle.

Give it 50-80 years Americans will be extinct

>> No.22024435

Protect boomers lives, 401ks and house prices at all costs, including the future of western civilization.

>> No.22024531

most zoomers are too young to ''''''''''protest''''''''' at BLM riots
millennials, however.....

>> No.22024536

Back to >>>/pol/ you Communitarian loser

>> No.22024559

>Apparently the virus has the potential to completely reshape your heart muscle.

This is fucking absurd.

>> No.22024605

>virus which kills only 15% of boomers over 80 years old
I think the words WHO CATCH COVID might have introduced some much-needed sense to your post. 15% of over 80s ded in total be a fucking shitload. We would be cremating piles of deceased decrepits on street corners

>> No.22024608

>muh heart
>muh lungs
Its the lamest conspiracy theory of 2020, and also the least evidence

>> No.22024627

It's a magic virus, it does magical things unlike the millions of other viruses floating around this planet, better cower away in fear forever based on hollywood-inspired what-ifs

>> No.22024638

Yeah, americans are fucking retarded and totally worthless at preventing the pandemic so now they try to cope by downplaying the danger.

>Apparently the virus has the potential to completely reshape your heart muscle.
but do you have a source for this?

>> No.22024646
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Boomers literally laid the foundation for BLM to arise, a culture that denies genetic racial reality in order to fit a nice Disney narrative and outsources every possible task to pajeets and chinks to afford a couple more glasses of wine to pour down their fat gullets, fucking die boomer, God is trying to cleanse this Earth of parasites. Rather than nobly and gracefully walking into the sunset, you old cunts would rather eke out a few more miserable years of boomer hedonism at the cost of tanking the whole future of this species, hurry up and catch the coof

>> No.22024671

>He only looks at deaths
>He doesn't know even the mild cases can last 3 months with the possibility of PERMANENT symptoms
>He thinks we could've pretended like everything was normal with everyone sick in their home/hospital

>> No.22024672

What makes you think it is a conspiracy theory?

>> No.22024686



>> No.22024714

No one espouses it besides anonymous personalities on the internet, and there is 0 evidence it is true

>> No.22024718

It kills 15% of infected boomers over 80. The vast majority of people cannot become cases because they have had rhinovirus a few times in the past 10 years and have loads of T-memory cells that can brrrrrrrrrr antibodies that are good enough.

It's closer to 1-2% of boomers over 80+.

>> No.22024738
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>PERMANENT symptoms
>the danger.
>Apparently the virus has the potential to completely reshape your heart muscle.


>> No.22024746

>it's been a few months

Conditions like bronchitis can last for weeks or months after a bout with the flu. You're a bunch of suckers.

>> No.22024891

>coping american
the whole world even third world shitholes are doing better than you, so it must be a massive hoax, right? You can't get it under control because your population is retarded, but it doesn't matter because it is just a flu right? Or maybe it is a scam that the whole world is in on just to trick americans.

>> No.22024907

True, you're absolutely correct. In addition we started the biggest qe programm ever witnessed so that the elderly's assets won't deflate. The price is again young people clusterfucked, not able to buy a house anymore. Instead of protesting we buy into their inflated assets and make sure they can get rid of their bags. But not me, i put money in crypto, 50% btc.

>> No.22024921

Ahhh a fraction of a percent of deaths in my state.

Ahhhhhh shut it all down we're all gonna die.

Reee wear a mask I want everyone to be safe

>300k+ obesity deaths a year and a huge toll on US healthcare

fucking cunts deserve to die

>> No.22025012

>Apparently the virus has the potential to completely reshape your heart muscle.
This is 100% amerfat cope.
>BMI 40+
>Exercise '30 mins every week!' consists of getting up to take a shit 5 times a day plus walking to the door to get doordash mcdonalds
>Thinks pizza is a vegetable.
>'hurrr put bacon on that!'
>'diet coke pls!'
>has heart attack

>> No.22025032
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>> No.22025054

>This is fucking absurd.

No, it isn't.


>> No.22025067

Unfortunately Trumptard destroyed economy

>> No.22025074
File: 195 KB, 618x410, preview (26).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Granny is skilled in love making, anon. One day, when you're desexed and decrepit, you'll briefly understand (due to Alzheimer's).

>> No.22025107

Got my 95 year old grandmother staying with me, she wants to go but I’d‘nt want her to go this way.

>> No.22025127

That is not 'reshaping the heart' its specific inflammation.

>> No.22025140

You’re not God so stop trying to control who lives and dies.

>> No.22025157

I guess that's what the first guy meant. Anyway, pericarditis is not some trivial shit.

>> No.22025177

the "economy" was already rotting from the inside out.
it was a mutual consensual hallucination.
the banks and hedgefunds and VCs allowed this to be thing that shakes out weak hands because they knew something had to wipeout the chucklefucks that were getting too confident.
Again, a mutual consensual hallucination.
the thing you should be more concerned about is that the "economy" will still keep chugging along, not creating any real productivity, but instead evolving into rentier capitalism.
anybody could have seen this coming.

>> No.22025216

Never said it was, but first guy said 'reshape heart muscle' which is some DeadSpace-tier nonsense science. Swelling of the pericardium, while severe, is not remotely the same thing.

>> No.22025249

Lol, well she’s gone sooner rather then later. Who wouldn’t prefer peace before death?

>> No.22025280


0.6% total pop death rate. this was known about 3 months ago.

>> No.22025289

based and rp'd

>> No.22025389

endless money printing an debt destroyed our economy, it was just blamed on covid.

repo market collapsed in 2019. stock market crashed before the shutdowns.

>> No.22025416

Millions would be dead if that was the case. Its more like 0.01%

>> No.22025451
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i didn't know even shills had patrols in biz

>> No.22025559
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Thoug ht this was Interesting

>> No.22025627

Comorbidities? Cool it with the anti semitism. #dumptrump

>> No.22026220

we didnt destroy anything. the deep state/cabal/satanic pedophiles that control our media did. anything to try and make trump lose the election(they will fail, of course)

also they wanted to buy more bitcoin since it's never going to 4k ever again

>> No.22026589

>stay inside for a few months
If that's how little it takes to destroy it, it was shit to begin with.

>> No.22026615

Yea that's why I specifically said "possibility of..."

I guess it's too much to expect people like you to know how to read lol

>> No.22026678

Actually it has been more like 6 months now. Since when has the flu shown symptoms for 6 months lol. Cope more Trumpcuck.

>> No.22026693
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The average age of the people who die from the memevirus is also higher than the average normal life expectancy. The 2009 flu pandemic was 43. Let that sink in, yet not masks, no shutdown. Nothing

>> No.22026771

Yea pretty much. These normies just can't handle staying home for a couple of months lol that's what's actually going on here

>> No.22026806
File: 253 KB, 538x700, heres_the_deal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death."

Sigh. Let me spell this out for you. America is showing a lot of recorded chink flu deaths because:
1. Blatant mislabeling of cause of death, around here our hospitals are marking people as having died of COVID if they get in a fucking motorcycle accident. It's all a scam to get more funding.
2. There are MANY grotesquely obese people here who fucking drop dead after 2 big macs, these people are ripe with comorbidities, they were 2 steps from deaths door anyway, rona just tapped them through.
3. America is the protagonist of the world, as is evidenced by your obsession with us, so the executives with last names containing precious metals who work at megacorporations that shadow-funded this chink virus scam campaign are working EXTRA hard to make an example out of America. Unsurprisingly, this strategy works on mouth-breathing troglodytes like you.

>> No.22026841


I made good money buying the dip in stocks and working from home is comfy as fuck
Thank god for corona desu

>> No.22026844

the “flu” isn’t what people think it is first of all. there’s a reason it’s seasonal. so many lies have been structured in order to manufacture a world full of “sick” people

>> No.22026896
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Yeah, but I have made a ton of money in the market AND the panic has justified my superiority complex. Worth.

>> No.22026954

>Give it 50-80 years Americans will be extinct
0.0000000000% death rate faggot

>> No.22027144


Actually, Donald J Trump is president and called for 15 days to slow the spread, after his stock market collapsed.

Now he can blame his economic failures on covid, say it was covid and the shutdowns that crashed the economy.

But keep believing its the dems that shut down the country. Despite the republican president, most state governors and legislators being republican controlled, Trump still has you sheep cursing democrats and the "media" bogyman for what Trump and the republicans did.

You Trump retards are so fucking gullible.

>> No.22027444

Where I live, all the Boomer faggots support this shit 100%. I never want to hear a Boomer call the younger generations pussies ever again.

>> No.22027530


You're delusional. Trump wanted to close the international borders before anyone else did and he was ridiculed for it,.

>> No.22027600

Someone tell him about neural damage on the youngsters

>> No.22027602

>The best part? All the geezers I know supported the lockdown 100%, yet they complain about the economy tanking! They are so stupid that they cannot see the relationship between these situations. How do they manage to dress themselves?

>> No.22027651

Wtf are you talking about? The oldest zoomers are 24-25

>> No.22027788

>we DESTROYED our economy and way of life
I've lost so much damn money making money on the stock market this summer
And my way of life has been severely compromised this summer, what with that toilet paper shortage in March

What the fuck are you talking about? Destroyed what? I've only made money this summer. And is your "way of life" actually ANY different today from how it was before? Hand sanitizer and putting a mask on to go to the store? Is that what you mean by "destroyed your way of life" shit.

>> No.22027854


Nice regurgitated talking point. What does that have to do with the fact Trump is president and runs the country? Republicans run most states. Trump and the Republicans called for 15 days to slow the spread and started shutdowns.

>we DESTROYED our economy and way of life over a virus

Nope, Trump started the shutdowns and he wants to blame covid for his own economic failures. Explain why the repo market collapsed in 2019? Why was the fed injecting a hundred billion a day in short term credit markets months before covid and the shutdowns? Why did a liquidity crisis crash the stock market before shutdowns?

The narrative here is that 1. Shutdowns caused the economic collapse. 2. Democrats started the shutdowns. Both are false. The economy started to collapsed before covid. And Trump started the shutdowns. Because it was a god send, for him, that covid could be used as a scapegoat for the collapse that happened due to his own failed policy of massive money printing and debt. Not covid or shutdowns which happened later.

>> No.22027913

Obviously know nothing about economics. Unless you were fuckin blind or stupid, Sept '19 forecasted the coming storm. Covid just amped up the damage

>> No.22027980

The economy was already dead. It was impossible to sustain...the corona virus was just a small needle that pricked a 10 year asset bubble that needed it. The virus is real but the damage to the economy was already on this path....and get ready because we haven’t seen anything yet. We’re screwed for the next 10 years minimum.

>> No.22028017
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my life has not changed at all haha

>> No.22028026

silentgen 28-46
boomer 46-64
genx 64-82
milli 82-00
zoom 00-18

any other definition is cope


>> No.22028066
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>> No.22028093


>> No.22028103
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The economy was already collapsing, and the fed was artificially propping up the economy, which would eventually collapse anyway, the virus just sped the process up. Literally any Austrian economist would predict and tell you this. Which is why the federal reserve was pumping half a trillion into the repo market in January, long before the virus became a problem.


>> No.22028143

that's wrong, and you're completely forgetting Gen A (currently all babies and toddlers)

>> No.22028171
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>> No.22028186

I can’t understand why people keep blaming covid for the collapse when this explanation is clear as day for everything and has been stated multiple times a day on every economic forum for the last 5 years.

>> No.22028207
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i read this in Schiffs voice...

>> No.22028214

Dude, the stock market is soaring. Nothing got destroyed.

>> No.22028244

>close the border with china
>after it's already spreading within the country unchecked
>later close the border with europe

*slow clap*

>> No.22028247
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—- HODL —-
——-FOREVA ——————-

>> No.22028314

wow guys, it's almost like these demographic terms are made up by marketing agencies in order to sell cultural products that infiltrate different geographies and communities at different times and don't mean a goddamn thing except in the abstract

but unironically, zoomers don't know a non-internet, pre-9/11 world.
beyond the marketing BS, these two things have fundamentally changed humanity.

>> No.22028360

Sweden didn't do shit to try contain the virus and their economy tanked severely. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Quit wasting time worrying about political bullshit beyond 'how can I profit from this?'.

>> No.22028430

Lmao it is just sad to see how many retards on this board continue to drink the communist koolaid and cannibalize their own society you mongs needs to read foundations of geopolitics aleksandr dugin

>> No.22028435

wow. imagine being a country of 10 million people heavily dependent on imports and exports, and the entire world economy halting for months having an impact on yours. complete nonsense aye

>> No.22028592

Much lower than that. This data is from february, so it only looked at known cases (ie, the ones that were severe enough to warrant going to the hospital). In reality the vast majority of people who get this are either asymptomatic or have mild flu-like symptoms.

A little while ago they even did antibody testing and found that vast swaths of the population already have antibodies to it, meaning a metric fuckton of people got it and got over it without even realizing it. It's fucking nothing.

Now, how many people's lives will be forever ruined due to the economic collapse, social collapse, lockdowns, and the downstream effects of these?

>> No.22028855

dimbfuck - the post

>> No.22028891

jesus fuck you are stupid

>> No.22028929

go to pubmed faggot

>> No.22029018

You mean the hollywoodchina-democrat-jewepstien connection?

>> No.22029063

No, the Americas economy would've still collpased, because 80% of our economy is services/consumption and the virus without the lockdown would've still affected the amount of consumption people do. For example virus makes it so that less people go to restaurants, less revenue for restaurants, they can't pay for rent or pay salary to their workers, they go under, now more people are unemployed, they can't pay their rent/mortgage and have to consume less due to no income, meaning there's less money circulating in the economy, money velocity plummets and it just spirals from there on out to every part of the economy.

>> No.22029443


This has collapse has been years in the making. The US has become a state-directed economy with the fed massively distorting incentives, picking winners and losers, rewarding bad risk taking and punishing savers and conservative businesses.

In the good years, corporations keep all profits they get from risk taking and leveraging to the max. In the bad years when it blows up in their faces the government bails them out on the public's time. And since its usually funded purely by debt and debasing the national currency, the cost almost entirely falls on the middle class.

Companies that take on excessive, normally unprofitable risk, are now rewarded since risk is subsidized by the public. Companies that properly access risk to survive downturns are punished by the fed rewarding their competitors who took more risk and get bailed out by the government.

What you end up with is an economy full of poorly run companies leveraged to max, needed ever bigger bailout after bailout at every increasing frequencies any time there is any minor hiccup in the economy.

The only solution is a big reset. Stop the continual looting of the middle class through printing money and distributing to failed corporations. Most US companies need to go bankrupt. The US dollar needs to collapse to keep our government in check. Politicians who have no clue how to run an economy should not have so much power. The government should only ever be trusted with a fixed rate currency, or no government currency at all.

>> No.22029953

Boomers aren't 80+ years old

>> No.22029988
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banks and career politicians are the problem