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22023659 No.22023659 [Reply] [Original]

Holding 7K Rndnr. Picking up more right now.

$10 Render and I'll change my gender.

>> No.22023890

What I'm holding right now is a card to some dollar bills lol, bitcoin games better come through

>> No.22023984




RNDR is going to gobble up the marketcap of Golem, iExec at minimum and continue far beyond that. These fuckers are stealing Jules's technology.

Join the discord for more adoption related information.


>> No.22024021

Wow based. Didn't even know about the patents.

>> No.22024105

Its a shame OTOY decided to peg the token to a specific amount of rendering time. Will be very difficult for this coin to break .25 cents until they change that.
>they'll update it periodically!
That is not a long term solution for how volatile crypto is.

>> No.22024223

Once again with this retarded FUD. OTOY fully expects this coin to go past 25 cents as stated here:


They have also identified some usecase that would bring up the price. Rendering is only 1% of what the network will be used for. Judging by the dates of the patent this is something that has been in the works for 6 years. There is no cap at any price like you are saying.

>> No.22024399

>because some workloads may simply need to get done at any price, and have no other system where they can be executed.

Their entire usecase for price over .25cents is that hopefully occasionally someone has a big enough job that they can't go anywhere else too, so it forces the price to increase temporarily.

I got news for you retard: this is how competitors kill you. Banking on no one coming in to fulfill that need at a better price point is so fucking smooth brain I can't even believe I'm taking the time to write this out.

>> No.22024524
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I've been bullish ever since George Gilder wrote about them in his book. This is the smart money coin. Actual customers and revenue generating software with a real use for blockchain. Skycomputing is the future and fucking google bending the knee proves it.

You stupid .25 peg low IQ fudders only increase my stacks. Thank you.

>> No.22024525

Have you not looked at the chart? It has gone past 25 cents and not far from retesting a higher price. 25 cents was the ICO price for this coin. You should look at it as a floor not a ceiling because just based on price action that argument has been invalidated.

The patents have been here for years, there are big companies working with the team, there are CEOs from real companies on the advisory board for OTOY/RNDR and you think that the team is just conveniently going to stop at 25 cents? You are nuts.

>> No.22024555

>Change my gender
Thats literally not possible. Cutting your dick off only makes you a faggot without a dick, not a female

>> No.22024596

Can you share a link to what you are talking about? That is very interesting and I would love to look into that.

>> No.22024763

Please do not buy RNDR. You are too fucking stupid to understand things when they are spelled out for you. This token is not for you. I'm begging you not to buy it.

George Gilders book life after google.

>> No.22024778

>Have you not looked at the chart?

Have you? It's not pegged at .25 cents, so stop making that argument because frankly it's misdirection. It's pegged to processing time, which has the result of keeping it roughly pegged to .25 cents because that's the threshold for when people decide to go look at competitor options.

>The patents have been here for years, there are big companies working with the team, there are CEOs from real companies on the advisory board for OTOY/RNDR and you think that the team is just conveniently going to stop at 25 cents?

All completely meaningless when you are developing a UTILITY token. The purpose of the token is to be used to pay for infrastructure, not to make 4chan biztards rich. FOMO price action can still happen, and it could make it have a run over .25 cents but as long as its pegged to a specific amount of processing time, and as long as competitors are there offering alternatives at that price point, it will always fluctuate back down to around .25cents.

The only way this token is going to see steady price action over .25cents is if they unpeg it to processing time and create a new system where a certain USD price needs to be met in value of RNDR tokens to process a job. Until then though, you might as well be dealing with a stable coin.

>> No.22024791

iExec makes your shitty rendercoin obsolete

>> No.22024820

Please, show me exactly where you think its spelled out that it has other use cases over 25 cents? Because I copy and pasted that directly from the AMA, so....

Also, I bought 10k at .08 cents long before you ever even heard of this shitcoin. I plan on selling September 2nd and taking my profit.

>> No.22024906

There was something about the readjustment of rates depending on the token's value.

>> No.22024999


No offence, but do you RNDR moon boys not read? I mentioned that in my very first post in this thread. Readjustment is not a long term solution for a dynamic digital asset. If you are counting on a centralized adjustment scheme to account for both swings up and down, you haven't learned a single thing about cryptocurrency.

>> No.22025123

This is NUTS holy shit. There is an entire chapter on OTOY/RNDR. This guy was Ronald Regans most quoted author BTW. Huge find, please join the discord.

You have brought up some good points but I am telling you there is more then what meets the eye on this coin. I would recommend that you hold your bags and also consider joining the discord, we can talk more there. I don't really have an answer for you other than that I believe its really naive to think that such revolutionary tech is going to be pegged and perhaps you are over thinking things but a difference in opinion is always helpful.

>> No.22025143

Im counting on the fact that they have a product that works well, that will be in demand more and more as time goes on. The rendering market is growing 22% year over year, and cloud rendering is expected to increase exponentially whereas localized rendering is expected to stagnate. Im not in this for a 1 month pump and dump

>> No.22025212

So tired of spoon feeding you dumb fucks


Congrats we got in at the same price. No one gives a fuck that you're selling your 500 tokens faggot. If you're selling in 3 days why the fuck are you even here.

>> No.22025284

Holy shit you are fucking braindead. The credits are on the user front to reduce friction. All it takes is ONE FUCKING FUNCTION to pull the aggregated RNDR price data and adjust the exchange rate on the fly you fucking troglodyte. You don't know a fucking thing about this space and it's glaring.

>> No.22025314

Tell me more about how a company that has google using there blockchain will be beaten by a company with zero users after years of development faggot. Render blockchain is the cheapest and easiest to use packed in multiple operating systems and tiers.

>> No.22025367

Based anon

>> No.22025431

Are you an actual NPC? RNDR has fixed tokens. They admit, as other pro RNDR folks pointed out above, their only usecase over 25cents is if a company has NO OTHER CHOICE but to use them for a job that increases the value of the entire network. If RNDR tokens are over 25 cents, that means they are paying MORE THAN MARKET VALUE for video rendering time, per their peg.

No matter what it will always gravitate back to .25 cents.


You literally quoted the CEO telling me that the company might have to buy at a loss to keep the price are selling at. Do you really not understand what this means?

>If you're selling in 3 days why the fuck are you even here.

You are the worse RNDR fan boy ever. The anticipated NVIDIA announcement is Sept 1. On the off chance we see a quick run to .30 cents I'll be selling that hype. I'm selling because i've made my money here, and there's no real chance we're gonna see price over .25cents until major changes are made.

>> No.22025478

And his id is green

>> No.22025501


No one is talking about credits smoothbrain. No one gives a fuck about credits. The RENDER TOKEN is whats pegged to SPECIFIC RENDERING TIME.

The render credit is pegged to a temporary price point. No one gives a fuck about this. You are being disingenuous by acting like this is my argument. It is not.


>> No.22025529

> dynamic readjustment doesn’t work
Lmao what? Average the price of the few days, this is something so basic and easy and is used basically in every product ever that depends on market prices and you are saying it won’t work. Kek

Look rndr has just started going up, there’s still a huge way up left, so don’t be a salty faggot trying to fud. Or come up with some better fud

>> No.22025585
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>> No.22025588

> thinks there's a hard peg at .25 cents
> holding for the chance of .30 cents

You are a walking hypocrite wrapped in ignorance. Read his post again, but read it slowly moron. The last part is very important. Please sell your RNDR, you don't deserve to hold it.

>> No.22025621

>Average the price of the few days

Show me this in the white paper, or on any RNDR controlled content page. If you link me that RNDR bag holder from MEDIUM, i'm not even gonna bother replying.

>> No.22025636

Token to performance ratio will be readjusted to keep fiat/performance ratio stable you mong.

>> No.22025651

I never once said the price is pegged to .25 cents.

The price will always, no matter what, gravitate towards .25 cents. Please put the joint down and scroll back up and read.

>> No.22025714

HAHAHAHA you don't even understand how it works. Fucking brilliant. I'll let you figure that one out. Remember to sell your tokens in three days and fuck off.
Worthless FUD. Post the link.

>> No.22025768
File: 6 KB, 159x250, 1598195285160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Millions of people using render credits that buy tokens off the market will crash the price down to .25 cents

>> No.22025857


Reminder that the FUDDERS want to get cheaper tokens.

>> No.22025881

I implore you to please join the discord, even the CEO of OTOY is in it. I have been collecting adoption related info for 2 weeks now like Apple patnerships, NVIDIA conference, World Economic Forum usecase mentioning. You would be a great asset.

Please join as well, different opinions are always welcome in an investment. Would love to have you.

>> No.22025957


You guys can join too, everyone join this is paradigm shifting tech and I believe that adoption related info collected will be very useful.

>> No.22026100


>> No.22026166
File: 56 KB, 798x480, RNDR 1 to 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22026192

Good fud

>> No.22026286
File: 53 KB, 1851x277, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is a short-term solution to onboard artists as they could be uncomfortable with wallets and buying from exchanges. However they are working on ways to make it easier for them but in the meantime people still want to use the network so they created this as a temp. solution.

The CEO has said this in the attached picture.

>> No.22026624

Bends my mind that people can’t get this point. RNDR is going to a dollar minimum, no question.

>> No.22026864

join the discord!!!!!

>> No.22027490

Cant believe this is shipping on all future macs.

>> No.22027567

When is it going bullish bros

>> No.22027834

wait what?

>> No.22027984

In order to turn on all future macs, you have to get a physical render token and put it in the cd slot. EVERYTIME. Even when you wake it from sleep.

>> No.22028174

No, you got it wrong. You need to put it on a floppy disk

>> No.22028315

No for real tho, Octane Render ships for free with all future macs

>> No.22028438

What’s the deal with that? Is it a version to work with AMD cards instead?

>> No.22028811
File: 737 KB, 1079x1778, RNDR-Algorand_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick reminder that otoy is moving rndr to the Algorand blockchain away from ethereum in order to scale. They've made it public info that they are limited currently with how much they can process and chose algo to scale more.

>> No.22029475

$5 EOY