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22022052 No.22022052 [Reply] [Original]

The Liquidity Mining program starts tomorrow for FLOW and already +22.8%.

I don't even have to tell you what LM does to tokens and how valuable it is in the market currently but except from that every night at 22:01:53 UTC, FLOW adds +1%* on top of your tokens which we call "Surge".

The combinations are many but one of my favorites it's taking your daily 1% Surge and adding it to the pool.

This is only the beginning for FLOW.

For more articles related to how everything works,
feel free to check:



>> No.22022111
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>anonymous dev
>why isn't it on defi pulse
>lol you guys are gonna get rugged

>> No.22022113

fucking everything is pumping today. i love the weekend

>> No.22022135


Liquidity is completely locked :)
This is one of the safest projects out there and dev makes sure that everything is on favor of the holders/investors.

>> No.22022160

OMG!!! Liquidity Mining starts tomorrow + get 1% everyday on top of the rewards generated from that stream. This is game changing.

>> No.22022166

Liquidity mining is going to be insane this shits gonna fly.

>> No.22022168

>havent performed dyor

>> No.22022177

Hello, bag holder here. I've been waiting for this to see how it does for the price. It's already going up. If this is like high apy, I think it will be very attractive for people looking for yield farming and staking.

>> No.22022185

Holy shit, liquidity mining changes everything here, I'm loading up a bag

>> No.22022197
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>> No.22022211

I think Morpheus is going for a good but relatively stable and reasonable APY, insane APY for farming kills every project that’s attempted it. Nothing like YAM being $100 and people producing 5 of them every 20 minutes. Not exactly rocket science to see why it failed.

>> No.22022236
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>> No.22022398

that's how you know this project is legit, has very stable yield. All about the long term growth. Crazy high unstable yields are just short-sighted projects that are clearly all about making the founders/whales a ton of money. Just completely unsustainable

>> No.22022410

This is the next big thing I'm in

>> No.22022537


>> No.22022630

>FLOW (Store of Value) can help diversify collateral by being combined with digital assets that fill other roles such as ETH (Protocol) and AMPL (Elastic Supply)
brainlet here, what does this mean?

>> No.22022653

biz never listen unless it’s a 100x in 1 day coin
FLOW is such a safe bet and LM releasing tomorrow this is a fucking no brainer

>> No.22022669

Is the UI for liquidity mining going up soon? What’s the minimum stack needed for pooling?
t. Didn’t buy the dip

>> No.22022684

It's positive non-dilutive rebases combined with liquidity farming, and the rebase inflationary period gets smaller over time, similar to btc tokenomics. It's the non-retarded lovechild of AMPL and YAM with BTC-like features.

>> No.22022741


>> No.22022748


Still a good entry point right now.

Everything will be ready tomorrow for the users to use! At least V1 but fully functional.

>> No.22022763

Big brain here, all-in’d at 45 cents the last few days. Bought this originally at 25 cents and swung it all the way down, increasing my stack along the way. 45 cents was the easiest marker I’ve ever seen for averaging down. I swear I’ve gotten so familiar with the movements of this coin that making money with it is ridiculously easy. Green days are ahead boys.

>> No.22022815

While I must say SWINGIES GET THE ROPE I also must commend your gains.

>> No.22022829


Congratulations buddy!

>> No.22023017

I would literally sell at something like 1.75, put 1/4 stack in SHRIMP, 3x, and then buy this 3 hours later at 1.50. Did that almost all the way down. Didn’t sell the top but started doing that at $2. Buying the bottom of meme ponzis (and this) are the best decisions I’ve made this month. But now that I’m all in this, I’m just gonna wait it out. This is going to be a ridiculously fast 2x from here.

>> No.22023201

Bought at $2 and still don't feel bad about it. Enjoying the ride and learning along the way.

>> No.22023235

Nice site, clear, consise. Alright I'm in

>> No.22023555

Do you guys even FLOW?

I mean this seems to be a legit project and it hasnt really taken of yet.

>> No.22023831
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This is just the beginning aswell

>> No.22023862

can you lose money staking FLOW when mining goes live this week?

>> No.22024129


>> No.22024147

since you'd be providing liquidity, you'll still be vulnerable to impermanent loss just like any other liquidity providing. However you do lose a lot less since it's mitigated by the 1% daily rebase + liquidity mining (increases the longer you provide liquidity) + liquidity fees. A lot safer than providing liquidity to any other coin

>> No.22024155

400k flow up for grabs in the yield mining and liquidity pool

>> No.22024250


Thanks - I made it - community member here :D

>> No.22024284


And that's the beauty of $FLOW.

The community is amazing and everyone jumps in and helps. No bullshit. Gorgeous project.

>> No.22024371
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satoshi BUTTerin is a butthurt nigger

>> No.22024473

Can someone explain to me how this will not lead to inflation? 1% is already a lot (although I know it's only in this first era)

Also, any information on what the staking rewards will be?

>> No.22024599

The developer wrote this article yesterday. Liquidity Mining explained:


>> No.22024636

**inflation explained ^

>> No.22024650

>not one week ago during the whale dump
>constant fud “how does flow generate value?” “It’s a ponzi” “anon dev=bad”
>flow still bought up, slowly recovers from a massive dump and is lovingly updated by the dev, starts going traction and attention
I can’t wait to be a smug mother fucker as this thing finds its legs and shit all over that faggot who was fudding in every single flow thread about how it “doesn’t generate value”. FUCK YOU.

>> No.22024684

Right now i have an ETH in just out of curiosity

>> No.22024707

rewards depending on how much people use the liq mining - the less the better for the individual. The more it uses the lower get the payout of course.

Inflation benefits the early holders yet you are right it is a lot of inflation in the genesis era but that is exactly the point to reward early genesis holder - early believiers if you want so.

I have honestly no idea if this will stay around 1$ or even less or move to 3$ but Im confident in it due to its unique mechanics to reward me long term.
That said if FLOW is around in 2-3 years and everything goes according to plan, if the community stays together and dont sell of their genesis gains too fast and violent, if we have a good FLOW distribution over many holders... Then I say this will be a very good hold over time.

>> No.22024896

I needed a cash flow so bad so a friend hooked me up with bitcoin games and since then it's been worth it

>> No.22025116

My thoughts as well. Been lowkey shilling this but it’s been met with muh scam muh pajeet prepare to be rugged brainlets who spend zero seconds on looking into it

>> No.22025150

ok and how does it generate value exactly?

>> No.22025421

How does anything generate value? By people using it in different way, in this case, as a store of value.

If people want to store their wealth in FLOW it will succeed, if not, it will fail, simple as that.

>> No.22025727
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>> No.22025783

how does AMPL create value? They unleashed the geyser liq mining and the price went nuts. People want to be rewarded and liq mining is a good way to do so.
Beside that there are no VC or early whitelist whales in it. There is literally one early whale Im watching on this token - while on AMPL I have around 40 wallets on my watchlist...
Even if we dip you should at least keep an eye on this project. But keep in mind genesis wont last forever and liq mining starts tomorrow.

>> No.22026204

Pump, short correction, higher floor, pump seems to be the pattern here

>> No.22026603

>How does anything generate value?
by having a use i.e. oracle network (DIA), platform for making apps (ETH.) There is no purpose for this token,

I'm sorry to say. it's a ponzi scheme where you dump your inflated bags on newcomers. and considering you're down 250% from the ATH it's no wonder you shill so hard. Those bags must be heavy.

>> No.22026626

Flow is about to blow the fuck up. I had been lurking in the TG/discord for a week or so of sideways movement. Now I am in. I have to say, if there is a new project that deserves to moon, it is this! No whales. solving a real problem. No hopes and dreams project. Everything that needed to be up and running is already. The only thing that remains is marketing.

>> No.22026668

whitepaper is literally 5 pages long. Go read it or stfu

>> No.22026681

>250% down from the ATH
I’m not going to listen to someone that doesnt even known how percentages work. Mongoloid.

>> No.22026731

you really can't tell me why this token generates money, can you? sad
insult me all you want. you simply have too many bag holders to get past $2 again

>> No.22026887


>> No.22026902

>you really can't tell me why this token generates money, can you? sad
when you hold this token it grows by 1% for genesis period, and 0,5% next year, 0,25% next etc. It literally generates money for the holder. Your turn, what other token generates money?

>> No.22026906

>insult me all you want. you simply have too many bag holders to get past $2 again

That's one more reason to pass $2. More bag-holders means less sell pressure if one of them decides to sell. Where the whales in the projects you're probably in can destroy you in seconds :)

It's a good thread, with many intelligent people until now, don't show how ignorant you are here and ask sorry to the rest that have to see your verbose sentences

>> No.22027023

this is going to be massive

>> No.22027041

I wouldn’t even thinking about selling for less them 5 dollars. Haven’t yet and had the option to sell for 10x. Flow hold game is strong

>> No.22027054

$1 incoming
Fuding a $4m mcap coin is the toppest of keks. Stay poor, this is going to be massively shilled soon after ATH is breached again.

>> No.22027150


>> No.22027194

exactly. it generates inflation that will then be dumped onto the other holders of this ponzi scheme. the 1% inflation is higher than the rate of new adoption for this PnD useless token
it was in the .4-.5 range for a full week. everyone who bought that will dump before you ever see $1.50 again. it's a perpetual PnD coin with no purpose
the ATH won't be breached again, why would it be? the coin has no purpose and hype is dead. LM doesn't mean anything anymore

>> No.22027242

Holy shit is it happening?

>> No.22027285

You’re so fucking deluded it’s hilarious, and it’s non-dilutive rebases, which you probably don’t even understand to begin with. “Muh inflation”
It’s literally about to hit 1.50 in the next hour

>> No.22027295

You're that guy who doesn't understand investing, right?

>> No.22027364

Okay, I'll be here in 1 hour. It won't be over $1.50, and I expect you to kiss my feet and call me master. You have too many bag holders desperate to unload.
I make a lot more money from investments than you do, pal.

You'll be at .9 again within 24 hours. Wait.

>> No.22027386

There is a flow of inflation, but different of others project the inflation is added in your wallet.

Also, the Marketcap still so reduced, and has a great opportunity to pump to 2 or even 3 tomorrow.

Great chance of fast day profit.

>> No.22027411

This is now a $3 waiting room

>> No.22027425

>kiss my feet and call me master
It just pumped 1.25 to 1.35, don’t be pissed at me you’re losing out on free money.
> I make a lot more money from investments than you do, pal
Oh boy, the worst kind of cope.

>> No.22027451

Cmon bitchass

$1.51319 right now

>> No.22027452

I will hold it and 2$ will be my target, but only selling if after pass 2$, it try to retreat.. Even 3$ the MC will still be low. The mining pool will add liquidity what is great

>> No.22027460

Honestly. I'll be here in an hour. Make sure you don't leave. I want that feet kissing

>> No.22027464




>> No.22027478


>> No.22027486

It’s at 1.63 within 10 minutes, bitch. Start stretching that asshole, tranny.

>> No.22027496



>> No.22027529

lol preston got REKT

>> No.22027536

Check again you retard

>> No.22027572


>> No.22027578

Bitch ass nigger’s got nothing to say. Read and weep.

>> No.22027603

First time in crypto? Euphoria. I'll be here waiting in an hour for that depression, guys.

>> No.22027645

Bought my bags at $1. Was worried this shit wasn't legit, so didn't buy any of the dip.

Let's ride.

>> No.22027679
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Nah, just one of many trades. Lost a good amount in mtgox. (((2017 vibes))) though

>> No.22027726

.50 sellers btfo

>> No.22027733

bump, 3$ eod

>> No.22027745

By the way, bear trap is over, faggot. We’re riding back up.

>> No.22027754
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>2.5$ EOD
>2.5$ EOD
>2.5$ EOD

>> No.22027757

WOW! HUGE buys coming in now. Sellers are getting rent lol

>> No.22027758

You can buy my bags when you fomo in once is blows past $10 and you understand what’s happening, it’s ok

>> No.22027829

We breaking $2 in the next hour holy shit.

>> No.22027852
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>> No.22027860

You won't get it any cheaper rajeesh

>> No.22027873

we're fucking mooning

>> No.22027926

$70k of flow was just bought

>> No.22027958

Patience once again paid off... bought all the dips, now enjoying moon. But don’t tell we didn’t tell you.

>> No.22027985
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>> No.22027997
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>> No.22028080

I'm laughing pretty hard. Rejected at 1.5 as expected, now at 1.4 and you're all so euphoric you'll see and dump back to .9. easiest swing of my life. just be here in an hour from now guys. I want to speak to you after you lost your profits. maybe I can offer advice or therapy

>> No.22028100
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Flow is one of my first uniswap coins I've bought into, believed in the technology and had patience with it. Purchased around 4 eth worth at various prices form $1.30-1.60 as I was getting used to uniswap. Trust your intuition

>> No.22028139


>> No.22028144

Your little pajeet tricks have no power here boy :)

You're a failure and so are your predictions.

>> No.22028150
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>> No.22028152
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>> No.22028153


>> No.22028164

Flow liquidity pool will have 400,000 flow up for grabs

>> No.22028183

$25 EOW

>> No.22028192

dude its just embarrassing for you at this point. You lost so hard you have started to larp that u actually bought.

>> No.22028223

Did this guy really just admit he bought in to flip when it pumps lmfao, not even worth you (You)s at this point

>> No.22028228

>the exact same guy fudding in every thread
I know it’s you by the same tired arguments that are routinely disproven and your smug writing style. Where ever flow is discussed this shit skin “crypto pro” fails to grasp his fundamental misunderstanding of flows utility and potential. RENT FREE

>> No.22028232

ye idk must be bait at this point

>> No.22028249

whatevs preston

>> No.22028282
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Just dipped prepare for another breakout

>> No.22028286


>> No.22028301

alright so now we're back at 1.3. like I said, I'll see you in an hour. how long left now? 45mins? keep this thread alive guys. I will be speaking to each of you individually. if you didn't take your initial investment out at $1.5 then, well, maybe I can recommend some literature to help you in the future PnDs you invest in

>> No.22028363

Wait are you actually saying the price wont go in a straight vertical line to 14 bucks!?
Reminder: this person fudded it at 40 cents

>> No.22028403

Kunduk tries very hard to get it cheaper

>> No.22028450

Uh-oh. It's 1.25 now... Not looking good FLOWies...!

Notice how much more humble the comments are becoming? Reality setting in now.

I'll be back in 45mins to check up on you guys. Now it's time to do some squats in my private gym. (And for what it's worth - I haven't ever fudded this coin until today.)

>> No.22028486

Dont be embarrassed that u fudded it at 40cent bro

>> No.22028501

I hope the blood from your veins FLOWs into the tub, remember to cut down the vein not across xoxo

>> No.22028536
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>> No.22028668

see ya tomorrow when you will be buying this at new ath price lol

>> No.22028785

lmao you were actually 100% spot on. I'm a bagholder from $1.30 who just managed to get out of this shit. Good luck flowchads I hope you bros make it

>> No.22028841

105 ETH buy baby

>> No.22028863

paper hand

>> No.22028923

I'll be back in when it gets down to $0.5 again

>> No.22028951

Heard the same thing with YFV yesterday

>> No.22028987

fuck why didn't I get in on this when it was first shilled

>> No.22029002

>Already over 1.43 again
kek roped

>> No.22029083

u mean when we back to 2.45
all ya fudders so retarded
no doubt u'll say the same when we hit and double ath

>> No.22029256

I sincerely hope you guys make it

>> No.22029342

not too late considering where this is going, pretty much guaranteed to break the previous ATH of $2.50, should do it tonight really. Heading to $14+ by next week, screencap this

>> No.22029434

ok bud

>> No.22029503

go read articles
go buy more flow
this is:
- before LM
- before CMC
- before CoinGecko update
- before marketing

DYOR and don't miss your chance!

>> No.22029623

This very much

>> No.22029849

Alright, I'm back from the gym. Broke my ATH PR on squats, shit was so cash. Unfortunately though, that will be the only ATH we see tonight. I correctly predicted a dump at $1.50 over an hour ago here >>22027364

Alright so, for everyone here who was in euphoria and expected $2-$14 tonight. What happened? How did I predict it? Well, like I alluded to in my first post here - the coin has no use-case. It's a PnD. Even if you did see $2 tonight you wouldn't be able to cash out because hundreds of bag holders are sitting with uniswap open waiting on certain price markers to dump on you. One bag holder with a 20k FLOW stack has a 5% price impact and can trigger a panic selloff. It has happened over and over with this coin. It's extremely good for swinging.

Listen, I like the telegram community and I legitimately feel bad for those of you getting burned on this. If you want to know how to profit on this coin then sell at 0.05 BEFORE every psychological marker. If you see $1.50 coming up then you sell at $1.45. You don't sit and wait for $2. You don't talk about $3 EOD. You don't read the telegram memes. You TAKE PROFIT. Are you understanding this? It's extremely basic stuff but I don't see anyone taking this approach except a few individuals. It's a zero sum game, with a further 1% rebase increasing the volatility. There's a very high chance FLOW could see .8 tomorrow. I'm not saying that will happen, but it's likely. If you see euphoria comments like the many in this thread. You sell immediately. Cannot stress it enough boys, take profits.

>> No.22029961
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>> No.22030074

The person posting these memes is the same person who dumps on you and buys back in after the 30% panic dip (such as the $1.5 to $1 that we just saw.) You ignore them and you take profit as I said in my post

>> No.22030094

>fudded at 40cents
>fudded at 60 cent
>still fuds at $1.40

>> No.22030111

been holding for 10 days never sold a coin
try again bub

>> No.22030119

I can smell the cumin wafting off this post

>> No.22030255

imagine taking laughable profit before all these exciting stuff on a way and get ripped off
good luck

>> No.22030361

I'm white and you're a racist cretin
Smart trading is fudding? ok
This attitude is how you end up bag holding forever. Do not be this guy
Well that was silly, wasn't it?

>> No.22030460

>only when there's no ground reasons for price raise
>you can't beat these facts

>> No.22030480

You’re a nigger YAF77

>> No.22030788

anon where can I learn how not to be a complete financial fuckup?

>> No.22031011


>here is my pajeet defi clone shitcoin #17738
>i dont have to tell you what it does
>you’ll get rich okay?
>just buy
>if you have any criticism or questions you are a mad fudder, this is the next yfi
>i think thats a scam!
>haha stay poor

>> No.22031018

you're so salty this took off without you

>> No.22031184

is being retarded fun? sometimes it looks like retarded people are having a great time. like life is full of little adventures when you're retarded. ordinary things i take for granted, like putting on pants or drinking a glass of milk, are serious achievements for a retard.

>> No.22031272

so fucking glad i loaded up during the dip. already up 3k. this is just the start too, exchange listings are coming very soon, i’ve heard

>> No.22031309

The whole NO USE CASE FUD just really pisses me off. THE USE CASE IS STORE OF VALUE YOU CRETINS. Everything else can be debated or whatever but saying no use case is just plain stupid. Ask yourself: what is bitcoins use case? How are people using bitcoin right this moment? are th\ey not storing their crypto wealth in it? Except the problem with BTC is all the inflation goes only to miners, while in Flow is distributed to everyone. BTC needs to incentive miners more than hodlers. flow doesnt have that problem. It is literally that simple

>> No.22031418

Where have you heard this? What's the point in saying that with no backing you moron.

>> No.22031456

Bitcoin is the world's first secure decentralized monetary system. Flow is an inflationary bag of shit.

>> No.22031581

barely even trying

>> No.22031647

can you tell me how this token hedges against BTC?

>> No.22031683

you can store value in anything. you can store value in a toilet. it's not a valid use-case you miserable little gremlin

>> No.22031687

answer my question first. also is retard strength real? i've always wondered but it seems like an urban legend

>> No.22031747

You really can’t answer him, can you?

>> No.22031796

go fuck urself i got pulled on this like 2 weeks ago u scamming cuck

>> No.22031837

You're so fucking knew you don't even know what you just said you absolute mongrel

>> No.22031880
