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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22022048 No.22022048 [Reply] [Original]

>The top 100 holders collectively own 88.69% (64,802,346.63 Tokens) of Momentum
>CTRL+V Entire code

>> No.22022085

Aaaaah shiieeet.
Here we fucking goooo :)

>> No.22022101

Easy money but obviously about to crash.

>> No.22022286

Forgot to mention-
Audit confirmed coming, the project is like a week old
Locked liquidity until dec 2021
400 holders, yeah no shit the whales were made in the first hours
Every sell off is bought up within minutes
Coingecko and mc coming
Dev autistic Whieboi, if you honestly think that webpage screams pajeet instead of no social skills math nerd you're fucking reatarded

>> No.22022374

XMM literally been discovered as organized PnD. Bagholders gonna offload first chance they get lol. Reaching 10c was a fkn fantasy at best

>> No.22022415

FUD absolutely btfo hahahaha

>> No.22022458

>get rekt to the tune of 4% while doing it

Nah dude nobody is gonna pump n dump you would get the dynamic rope. We're all hodlers. But we do encourage people to cash out their initial investment once we gain more traction as a way of protecting yourself, it is crypto after all.

>> No.22022527
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^PnD group right here. Enjoy your bags

>> No.22022609

No shit people wanna shill their coins, they don't grow without outreach lmao do you think knowledge of a tokens existence just magically appears in your head? It's essentially a baby STA with a better burn function so im all for it dude.

>> No.22022673

It's a literal ctrl+v coin made in 1 day.
Nice try

>> No.22022711

Actually this is false. Look at the code on etherscan

>> No.22022769

The devs seem to be putting in a lot of work on the audit, landing on coingecko, and making a more aesthetic website for a PnD scam coin.

The xmm community told devs that liquidity locked is a must before anyone buys in, and they listened. So here we are today. Devs are pretty based imo

>> No.22022795
File: 79 KB, 640x640, 1598450913889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pumping

>> No.22022822

I love the FUD is that you GC ???????

>> No.22022834
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>> No.22022836

Who exactly do you think you're fooling ? Proof of the opposite is available everywhere. I wonder what kinf of retard would just eat up something written on biz without checking. So why are you doing this ? Did somebody touch you inappropriately ? Are you a jealous STA tranny maybe ?

>> No.22022867

>Locked liquidity until dec 2021
Have a look at the pinned etherscan links and tell me where does it state that it is locked?
You guys are getting fucked. I already took my profits from this scam

>> No.22022927
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>> No.22022929

>Forgot to mention-
you didn't create this thread, how could you forget to mention.....unless...okay thanks for making it more obvious

>> No.22022934

lol let's all fucking chill

>> No.22023351

everyone should be looking at $waif for that balancer listing next

>> No.22023938
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