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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 58 KB, 1200x630, Ampleforth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22016186 No.22016186 [Reply] [Original]

Let me make it abundantly clear what is going to happen in the next 24 hours.

>We are at the start of the next bull run which will last for weeks.

>Whales who are invested in this coin literally do not want to see it drop to negative rebase territory now that all the sell walls have been broken and we are well above positive rebase territory.

>The pump is correcting slightly right now so it's a perfect time to grab yourself a bag or increase the one you already have

>We WILL exceed the $2.00 mark tonight in time for rebase.

I kid you not, this is it.

>> No.22016213
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Amplchad reporting in

>> No.22016251
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Pleasure to have you brother

>> No.22016253

AMPL and VRA. Chad holds. Let's gooooooo

>> No.22016285

I heard the bit about Whales not letting it drop into negative rebase territory before... not what happened at the end of July.

That being said I’m considering grabbing a bag of this again. A nice little rally plus a Coinbase listing could be comfy as fuck

>> No.22016402

>not what happened at the end of July.
Dude...Ampl had been pumping for the whole fucking month of July...of course it was eventually going to go into negative rebase just like it will eventually go into negative rebase again after this run.

The whole of August was negative rebases with the price being under $1 but now we are well above that, whales want that sweet fucking daily compound interest just as much as anyone else.

There is literally no fucking reason for this bullrun NOT to happen now.

Sell walls - DESTROYED

>> No.22016578

Ii have to resist the urge of buying in again. A lot of people got rekt or trapt last time.

TOOTHANON i hope you held

>> No.22016785

I have to stake at geyser or just hold on my wallet?

>> No.22016943

have the devs sold their monthly coins this month yet?

>> No.22017025

Honestly buddy...just rewind time two months ago and imagine it is 30th June. You can even use this https://amplcalc.app/ to calculate how much you could have earned in July's pump.

You are in the exact same position now. Just don't be greedy and hold when you've already 100x'd your original investment.

You can do either one. I'm all in ampl, none of this half eth half ampl business.

devs never sold their monthly coins. The investors received their tokens that were owed to them and after the pump we saw in July decided to cash out some of their profits...literally what I am telling >>22016578 this guy to do.

But whatever you do, keep a juicy bag in Ampleforth because you are all so fucking early.

>> No.22017120

how high we going this time around, marketcap-wise?

>> No.22017138

tether will be dethroned by ample

>> No.22017156

Wasn't this the target for July?

>> No.22017180

i used to have 10K but because of this fucking monthlong negative rebase i now have only 6500 AMPL
am i going to make it?
by the way, do we calulate % of marketcap or circulating supply for our share?

>> No.22017199

This coin has one of the most batshit crazy graphs. WTF does it happen?

>> No.22017205

A very conservative estimate puts the MC at $1billion.

If we see the exact same volume we did in July, then it's $7billion.

If Coinbase lists in the next few days which is rumoured to be the reason why, along with Sushi, it's been pumping so hard, then lord knows how high it's going this time.

>> No.22017505

Tether is a stable-coin, Ampl is not.

>> No.22017575

Meant >>22017138

>> No.22017658

literally only homos fear a negative rebase cycle.

My percentage of MC went up 1.7X during Aug by sitting in comfy geyser collecting good boy points.

>> No.22017686

How high will this run go you think?

>> No.22017783
File: 13 KB, 410x159, Anon's share of ampl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6.5k bag? Fuck yeah you're going to make it dude. When we hit $1bil you're going to be laughing.

>by the way, do we calulate % of marketcap or circulating supply for our share?

Use the bot on Ampl's Telegram group for that sort of stuff. You can do it yourself by joining the Telegram group but I have done it for you with your figure of 6.5k and your share is pic related.

>> No.22017797

I would need mc to hit $50B to reach my goal which I know is unrealistic. I wish I had put more than $400 into the dip two weeks ago

>> No.22017861

see >>22017205

>> No.22017948

Yeah $50billion might not be realistic for this pump but who the fuck knows man?

What I do know is that 24 hours ago we had a MC of circa $170 million and that has already nearly doubled to $325 million...IN A FUCKING DAY.

>> No.22017990

What's a make it stack?
Is 1k enough?

>> No.22018178

How does $500 sound to you?

>> No.22018252
File: 304 KB, 661x940, 1592671558694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>came in this thread to post >SCAMPL
>AMPL is actually mooning

>> No.22018394

Literally this. There’s been talk that $SUSHI alone isn’t driving this pump. There’s bigger news behind the scenes. If it’s a Coinbase/Binance listing, then we are a week early

>> No.22018971

Checks out, looking good so far, starting to gain traction

>> No.22018998

I am SO, so sorry you didn't reserve your rights.

>> No.22019176

bought a bag. i'll check back in at christmas and see where i'm at

>> No.22019277
File: 520 KB, 1125x2436, FEECF6F7-0065-427E-8158-F73592B37C95.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys be patient. Wait until the next sell off to go in.

>> No.22019599

guys will i get rebase as liquidity provider on uniswap ?

>> No.22019644


>> No.22019799

how come my wallet doesn't get rebases? 34 days ago- deposit 414
today- 414
what the shit?

>> No.22019823

did you check etherscan?

>> No.22019881

you're lucky then. you'd only have around 280. ow

>> No.22020012

oh yeah it's actually a .02 difference. guess its balanced out over last month

>> No.22020067
File: 9 KB, 1185x537, rebase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait wut. what going on here

>> No.22020383


>KuCoin requested more liquidity for the next epic pump

>And 28 million USD were moved to the ecosystem as geyser incentive

>That's called providing liquidity and incentives:


>> No.22020411

I miss the RSR v AMPL threads

>> No.22020514
