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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22011254 No.22011254 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone still holding? How much you got?

>> No.22011286

Only have 215 because I'm not sure how far this will go

>> No.22011291

I sold everything for Algorand. Cardano lacks institution adoption which is really bad.. It's literally a glorified science experiment

>> No.22011341



>> No.22011393

Wish I never bought this.

>> No.22011412


500 fomo baby stack.

>> No.22011439

Poorfag reporting in.

>> No.22011606


>> No.22012382

held for 3 years now. Wallet is just as shitty interface as ever, have to manually update. Maybe 2047.

>> No.22012407

sold that shit end of july when the hype died, will buy back when it picks back up

>> No.22012532

Holding 15k of those and staking them but the gains are kinda mediocre compared to what I could have gotten

>> No.22012686

How much is staking getting you?

>> No.22012752

talk about poor.. that's 20$.
Both sat value and $ value will be higher in a year, I guarantee at least 1$.
Q4 is the coinbase listing, at least wait until then with limit sells if you want to get out.
It's supposed to be 3-6% a year, but that's only the cherry. the cake is sitting on your stack while the sat value will increase to 4k or more.

>> No.22012760

bUt CaRdAnO iS sUpErIoR pEeR rEvIeWED tEcHnOlOgY

iT’s PeEr ReViEWeD

>> No.22012903

I still have 25k and holding for the Coinbase listing pump

>> No.22012964

I can’t even get rid of it or send it to some place to get rid of.

>> No.22012991

Fuck off Charles you’re not a Chad nor will ever be. Lambo doesn’t make you Chad

>> No.22013052

Send them to me.....I could do with all the help I can get!


>> No.22013071


>> No.22013074

ayy lmao you have dozens of exchanges that don't require kyc that have cardano, are you retarded?
crybaby go back to your pnk $turd $boys $based scam threads and leave the adults alone.

>> No.22013093

There's no Coinbase listing confirmed.

>> No.22013135

hell yeah, 100k, now Im buying ERGO ;)

>> No.22013153

Cardano is not for low iq /biztards

>> No.22013168

Atomic mobile Wallet is frozen. Too lazy to go desktop.

>> No.22013261

I guess you're not losing enough money to care about stopping the loss.
It is confirmed in a roundabout way, through custodial staking. They won't add custody and deny trading.

>> No.22013306

the fact that biz isn't in on Cardano is a confirmation they don't understand anything apart from moon hype - no grasp of blockchain, economy, or being able to envision the future. To recognize substance takes study and intelligence, and this place is just brimming with lazy neets and pajeets.

>> No.22013326

>in it for the tech

>> No.22013554

Yes, I am in it for the tech because I think good tech will eventually prove itself to be a good investment. If it solves real issues then it will actually be adopted.

>> No.22013622


Its good tho, there doing stuff no one else is doing.

>> No.22013876

Not selling before it goes 3x

>> No.22013885

2017 called, they want their buzzwords back

>> No.22013954

you gotta try harder than that. you just sound like a stupid person

>> No.22014008
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ADAETH is going to fucking crater lmao have fun syncing your wallet or whatever it is you kids do

>> No.22014033


>> No.22014069

280k still buying

>> No.22014413

even if you say it has the best tech there's no guarantee that it gets adopted. there are so many Eth competitors right now that do stuff in different ways, and Cardano is slow to deliver.
It's a good bet but never put all your eggs in one basket.

>> No.22014839

Lucky you. I only have 50k

>> No.22015060
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>glorified science experiment
it really is tho
haskell is the jeet barrier & they're the code monkeys of the planet

>> No.22015074

Ethereum killA.. smart contracts coming “soon” kek

>> No.22015075

Sure, nothing is certain here and am not all in ADA (is about 30% of my portfolio). I don't know if I am being weird but I see the delays as a substantial signifier -- think it would be absurd to assume the best system would not take its time to deliver. Pleasing the investors is secondary to the actual technological quality and this is why people bash on the project. I assume Hoskinson knows from working on ETH that it's also not worth rushing and then have to re-build major parts of the code with the next major update. It just seems that Hoskinson planned this decades ahead and not just a few months.

>> No.22015095

It’s for super smaht homosexuals

>> No.22015708


>> No.22015757
File: 25 KB, 646x731, 823DC60E-09F1-4F55-A8C2-3399E92B33FA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 posts
>muh intelligence
>takes study
midair detected

>> No.22015778

He didn’t work on eth. He’s not a developer. He’s an incompetent hype man.

>> No.22016066

Ikr! We just have to hope that when Cardano has it later this year that ETH is still relevent!

>> No.22016069

>coins only use is staking to make more coins
>value of coins drop due to constant supply increase to pay stakers (inflation)
Yeah to the moon KEK

>> No.22016260

What do you think mining on ETH and BTC does you retard?

>> No.22016339

>He didn’t work on eth
Actually yeah he did. He was the co founder and CEO of Ethereum. Vitalik may have wrote the initial code (not as good as what people think) but Charles was the one who made stuff happen and stuck to the principles that code is law. Vitalik is a autistic hypocrite swindler with a mental age of around 8.

>> No.22016468

if you bothered to do even 5 mins of research youd know the rewards are coming from a reserved amount, not out of thin air.