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File: 10 KB, 245x250, 1598727188212s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22002136 No.22002136 [Reply] [Original]

I hear BONK is adding LINK to their BAL... bullish AF!

Partnerships with ETHverse, BART, and Ferrum... coming soon will be partnerships with Twitch, gamers, and much more.

Liquidity locked, founder and dev is public, most legit project on Uniswap by far.

NFTs and DeFi both in one... this shit will moon hard!

Get it how you live... buy some fucking BONK, you stupid plebs.

>> No.22002430

where buy?

>> No.22002579
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>> No.22002619

Sounds great

>> No.22002830

All the cucks will understand how legit this is. I’ll be real here, the old website looked like Arabian nights on VHS but now it looks really good. If you’re lurking on 4chan & you have a brain then just read about bonk for 3 minutes. I’ll spoon feed you the information if I have to.

>> No.22002938

I read but why buy?
I get rich?

>> No.22002950


biz you must do the epic needful

>> No.22002980
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>> No.22003118

I buy bonk than win nintendo?
Nintendo old, no?
Why buy nintendo?
I want be rich!
I buy bonk yes?

>> No.22003223
File: 205 KB, 507x519, bonk_kirby.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I appreciate the timeline of your thoughts & it seems like you are doing the needful like no one has ever done the needful before. I commend you on your lavish expenditures, you have but begun the voyage of a young man, call you a hero if you must. There is something grand & spectacular about your sentences. The way you organize is a new standard for the ages. Onward!

>> No.22003264

So what's the benefit of a balancer pool? Aren't they a staking coin? Deflationary tokens don't work in Balancer, see STA.

>> No.22003369

Seal has said they he specifically didn’t want bonk to be deflationary so they could take advantage of a balancer pool. Check out this medium article they published about the benefits of a balanced pool.


>> No.22003449

This is actually one of the most interesting projects right now

>> No.22003472

So buy now?
You are no sens!
I want be rihc!

>> No.22003665

Buying bonk is buying the most undervalued NFT project BEFORE the NFT hype goes crazy

(Rari, Enjin games, Meme .....)
The NFT wheels are in motion BIG time

This will hit 1$ early September (fucking fast moon basically)

>> No.22003959

Okey. You made me. I buyt now alot. Wen moon? Wen lamborgini?

>> No.22004009

oh fuck man, I always forget this is how biz talks about serious matters.

ahem, allow me to translate for you.

Sirs! The gem that bonking you on many heads one morning is declaring the needful. Allow the hawk to swoop down for the richening. The swooshing, it will fill the pockets. bonk will become the rising gem but do not be fooled by the many evils of the west. Such projects are like a flying carpet, doing the many ruggings, they sail far away to distant land! The bonk rug is moving! but with you on it. Do you not see the? my brother you are in the home with new riches.

>> No.22004082
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I am strapped in sirs

>> No.22004374

I come from home wher I and yu and all sirs talk seriuos wen put rupee in palaces to make me richest. Plese dont fool me i have little rupee i put in this bonk. I fly dont in rugs but i come to amerika and find you white men and ask rupee back. I have little rupee I,m not rishest. Why do fun me wen I want to be white men rishets?

>> No.22004482

take yer fkn bonk ass mallet and shove it up yer degen ass, buncha fucking scam boiss!!

>> No.22004604

Put BONK:LINK:stablecoin in balancer
If token rises, sell that one, buy others
If token falls, sell others, buy that one

Automated volume

>> No.22004871

First nft staking protocol. Seems highly undervalued if executed properly

>> No.22005191

Why no answer?
Wen lamborgini and wen moon?

>> No.22005214

Based anons, when this moons we'll all be filthy rich.

>> No.22005382

front running bot on BONK uniswap
Set slippage to 3% or below when buy frens

>> No.22005609

Incredibly. I’m baffled as to why this token is under a $1 million market cap, should be 10x from here just on the basis of what it has now. Again, I can’t stress the importance of the rebrand enough.

Whoever convinced seal to change the logo. I tip my fedora to you sir.

>> No.22006016

i buiy bonk hour ago. still no moon? why? Meny men hear promise $1 i need bag rupee to payed back my father who sold me to merry this men. i want to be away from him in amerika. i liked white men come to me bring bonk bonk then leave me rupee i buy bonk.

>> No.22006836

New website is 5x better I agree

>> No.22006838
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>LOL retards are talking about this bullshit when I’m literary making a fortune on DFIO

>> No.22006909

that's a man

>> No.22006934

Strange that you feel the need to cuss out BONK when I hold a shit tonne of DFIO as well

>> No.22007130

The new website is key. Seal mentioned that the guy who designed pamp’s staking page also designed the site. It just has more of an image as to what the project is supposed to be. It’s also nice to see activity and them actually following up on their promises. It’s been going strong for over a month now. I would sincerely consider buying a bag before the NFT staking, even if they just release a beta/prototype then it should turn heads. Like I mentioned earlier, bonks execution & how they coordinate their marketing will decide a lot.

>> No.22007159

Yes sirs by bob very organic media campaigns many blessings sirs

>> No.22007385

noone answer me i buyt bonks 2 hours back prize still stayed.
wen moon sirs?
my father likes me not i payed back loan.
i no need lamborgini i need fly amerika to merry white men who makes bonk.
he like pajeet girl me.

>> No.22007720
File: 113 KB, 527x536, mr_bonk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do the needful & have some freaking patience you wingnut

>> No.22008009
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Seal only dates anime chicks from burgerland, i commend you on your efforts though, but you can not has him.

>> No.22008141
File: 1.08 MB, 1080x1920, PicsArt_08-18-02.22.56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do the needful
Buy the BONK
blessed to all buyers

>> No.22008529

why that? i learnt from vishnu who not lyes to me that white men likes caramel and he produces great bonks. i need bonked to show father he no shaut me.
i buyt bonks now i must be amerikan white men merry. white men bleach inside clean to be best his greatest king sir trump madonna said be best.

>> No.22008544

Not really sure how I can help you out here. If you have any questions about the actual token, then I’d be happy to provide you what information I know. I hope your fast car themed princess love story goes as well as you imagine it will.

>> No.22008740
File: 96 KB, 700x717, madonna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because I have talked to Seal a few times & he likes cat girls!

also, the rumor is that in order to be on the BONK team you have to nofap for at least a couple weeks.

>> No.22008776
File: 986 KB, 818x742, madon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not the pic i wanted wtf

>> No.22008854

okok. big white men like cat i like not girls.
i like cat too. braise curry medium spice6/10.

>> No.22008914

>>22008740 think he like me he tolks me here. can i come to you?

>> No.22009045

do some honky BONK

>> No.22009060

BONK has like a $500k marketcap... one of the best plays to do 100x in the next few months!!

>> No.22009145

at this point, I truly can't tell if this is even a larp with the current state of biz. are you saying you're a 6/10? show tits and vagine with cat ears please.

>> No.22009661
File: 51 KB, 532x261, Bonk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This September... Brought to you by BONK

The fuck ?!?! 600k cap

>> No.22009679

100x bonks? white men have how much? i buyt little bonk rupee has no doller. Vishnu say i destini merry white men in distant land amerika. do you see?