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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22001430 No.22001430 [Reply] [Original]

So with DeFi could anyone just take out a $100k loan for like 0.5% APR ? How does this shit work? I want to buy a home with a loan and i'd rather use a crypto backed loan cause it seems like a better deal than a loan from a bank.

>> No.22001460

why would you like to pay high interest?

>> No.22001471

Ya the demand for this will be massive. Doubt it’s .5% Fucking hated the Bank loan process wish they would duck my nuts

>> No.22001507

He said .5 not 5%

>> No.22001513

With stuff like AAVE you will need like $200K+ in collateral in order to take out a $100K loan. And the interest rates are more like 2-4%

>> No.22001534

Yeah but remember it has to be overcollateralized. So if you want to take out a $100k loan, you need to have ~$120k-150k worth of crypto locked up.

It's still a good idea. Borrowing against cryptocurrency is not taxed, so if you never pay back the loan it's kinda sorta like selling it without paying taxes.

>> No.22001564

Do you have to have the collateral locked the entire time?

>> No.22001591

Also what if the crypto loses a shit ton of value

>> No.22001634

and the loan is backed by smart contracts? so if you don’t pay back the loan your collateral automatically gets deducted? I usually hang out in /smg/ but all this DeFi shit sounds interesting

>> No.22001658

It is. It’s the future can you imagine the retail demand to not have to deal w the motherfucking bank

>> No.22001677

You would get liquidated. Bye bye crypto, but you get to keep the house

>> No.22001681

You need to keep a high health factor so if your crypto goes down 50%+, it doesn't get liquidated. So $100k deposited as collateral, borrow $20k and as long as your crypto doesn't go to $20k, you won't get liquidated. Aave shows the health factor before you borrow.

>> No.22001682

do you know if this works in canada?

>> No.22001696

Honestly I don’t know how you leave smart con And aren’t all in link, we’re gonna see a major green soon for sure

>> No.22001722

what if you just use USDC as collateral?

>> No.22001734

If your crypto drops in value below the liquidation level (where your loan value reaches 60-80% of your crypto value, depending on the token) then it will all be sold to pay off the loan and you will have nothing left.

I heard they do it in stages though, like they’ll just liquidate a portion in order to bring your loan to good standing and if it keeps falling they’ll liquidate more then

>> No.22001743

After I get a bank loan I can go and burn all my money through right it’s not like they are actively monitoring it. Not so much the case here it seems

>> No.22001778

Kind of annoying tho if crypto crashes you get fucked esp flash crashes, whos to say it’s not going to soar like 2-3 months later and we’ll you lost your shit

>> No.22001781

Your interest on your loan is automatically calculated in the total amount you owe, which constantly increases. If the total ever exceeds the liquidation threshold, you'll lose at minimum a 10% penalty fee on top of whatever you owe in collateral. Then you'll have to pay income tax amount on the defaulted loan size.

>> No.22001795

You need to have collateral locked up the whole time, need to maintain a certain LTV (loan to value) ratio as required by the site.

If your cryptocurrency falls in value, you're in danger of being liquidated- aka some of the crypto you have backing the loan is no longer yours, until the LTV has been met again. (It's not an automatic process- at least in compound.finance, anyone can liquidate an position that's below the LTV, so bots usually do it.) So there's incentive to overcollateralize beyond the minimum requirement.

You can use stablecoins as collateral. What are you using it to borrow?

Defi works anywhere, these things aren't really regulated. A lot of people prefer to use a centralized company like Blockfi or Nexo (less smart contract risk) but those are only allowed for use in certain states/countries

>> No.22001840

If you look at it the other way, if the crypto crashes hard enough you might have come out ahead. It's like a really expensive stop loss, but you get the proceeds earlier.

>> No.22001866

thank you,
and i meant my question in like a tax-related way

>would those tax implications work in canada?

>> No.22001882

this is all very interesting, thank you all for your answers. I never realized people were already doing DeFi stuff until a couple days ago.

I’m a 30 year old zoomer, are there any youtubers or videos that give a good DeFi rundown

>> No.22001915

Unironically defi dad lmao

>> No.22001921

i just took out a 87k loan with 2% apr using aave. took 10 seconds.

>> No.22001929

idk i guess this stuff isn't as good as i thought. i just wanted a big loan at a really low APR

>> No.22001938
File: 138 KB, 808x1783, 703993F7-7A83-48EB-9268-878B2B7D366A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you sirs

>> No.22001951

how much collateral did you have to put up? and what did you use for collateral?

>> No.22001960

oh, not sure. I imagine so? google something like 'borrowing against collateral taxes canada'

>> No.22001970 [DELETED] 

No it's pretty much brand new. There's some videos that have been made but they're sort of obsolete by now, so there's not any I'm aware of. Everything is moving so quickly. I suppose https://defipulse.com/ is a good starting place.

>> No.22001980

thanks anon
im kinda retarded for asking you anyways and assuming you know

>> No.22001997
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sounds like you're good

>> No.22002058

wow thank you man

>> No.22002226

It will gradually be confiscated and sold to pay for the loan with a 10% premium to compensate liquidation arbitrage (anyone can do it).
Chainlink oracles are the safeguard against that. They have proven to be foolproof both in prolonged crashes (March) and flash crashes (we just had that one big btc drop a few weeks back)

>> No.22002257

>this entire thread doesn't know about flash loans and arbitrage

>> No.22002296
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>> No.22002868

Just watch smart con it was absolutely fucking based

>> No.22002900

How much collateral? And what’re you doing w the $

>> No.22003063

can someone explain to me, a brainlet, why you would need to get a loan for an amount of money if a requirement to getting that loan was that you needed am even larger amount of money that needs to be locked up?
Why wouldn't you just use that initial, larger, unlocked amount of money instead?

>> No.22003093

I am holding link. I don’t want to sell link but I want to use that money to buy a shitcoin. I use link as a collateral for a loan so I can buy the shitcoin without selling link

>> No.22003161

That's extremely degenerate but at least makes some sense

>> No.22003233

Shitcoin was just an example for simplicity’s sake. Anyone who isn’t retarded is putting it into a low risk investment. Example: borrow a stablecoin that has a 1% interest rate, then swap it to another stablecoin that has a higher yield to lend out