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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.08 MB, 1536x903, milocoin7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2200084 No.2200084 [Reply] [Original]

Last Stand Edition

Okay guys, I've been mulling this over and I've decided to stick with the coin long-term. I think this is about as low as it can go and even biggest MILO whales have less than a couple hundred USD in the coin at this point. SO what's there to lose? Nothing.

There's a whole lot to gain, though. Just by keeping these threads alive we can prove that the coin is not a P&D and is in fact a long term pump a la DogeCoin. We all know the potential if we do this. We all know how provocative our coins subject is, and how pretty our coins aesthetic is. If you're holding or have held MILO at some point you probably figured all these things would have made the coin a success.

So what went wrong? It's easy to blame the fudders. It's easy to blame the mods. It's easy to blame the devs. The reality is: WE NEED TO GET ON OUR HANDS AND KNEES AND PUMP THIS MOTHERFUCKER LIKE A 12-INCH NIGGER DICK. We need to hold ourselves accountable for bumping the threads. You want to make money? Good. WORK FOR IT. We need to hold our coins with iron fists, expose fudders, fight for our right to hold down a thread, and work together as one MASSIVE WHITE UNIT.

That's why I set us up a discord. PLEASE JOIN if you want this coin to succeed. We will coordinate ourselves from there. Only if we work together can we make the magic happen.

DISCORD: https://discord.gg/2DASvCZ


>Community Discord (PLEASE JOIN)

>Official MiloCoin website

>MiloCoin Bitcointalk Announcement Thread:


>Buy Milocoin (95% OFF! - Limited time only!)

>MiloCoin Blockchain

>Coin Marketcap

>Official MiloCoin SubReddit, because there is one for some reason

>> No.2200095

no thanks

>> No.2200161


>> No.2200316

Bagholder reporting for duty.
It's not a question if MILO will moon, but when.
And I got a feeling It's going to be sooner rather than later.

>> No.2200434

i have several of the top wallets because i believe that this has huge potential to get wide traction with people based on the Milo brand and the free speech angle.

i don't really care that it is so low just now. people who have sold will buy back in once the price starts rising again and they see that they have fucked up. all weak hands get drawn back in by the FOMO on something they believed in. weak hands now equals more volume later.

july 4th to the september Berkeley event is a key time for getting the public interested. i'm going to spend several thousand dollars promoting this in various ways because if it hits 50 cents i will be very rich and even if it hits 10 cents it will be a lambo day.

i do affiliate marketing for a job so i know how to get people to see and read what i put out.

shit will be cash.

>> No.2200474

Too late. Sold everything and made my money back from mooncoin of all coins. You fucks made me miss all the altcoin pumps over the last month and I still have the same amount of usd since march. Kill yourselves.

>> No.2200823

Keep fighting the good fight, lads. I sold off during the dump but Im considering buying back in big.

>> No.2200890

I agree with you. I also agree with others who say coins attached to a name are shit. BUT, there are 2 things keeping me here.

1. If Milo himself ever endorses this coin, that pretty much guarantees this coin will reach a nice price and have a big audience.

2. The twitter protocol (and various other social media), if they ever get this to work the way they envision, you could see a couple other controversial people get in on this.

>> No.2201104

Thanks for creating a new general. While I agree that MILO has potential, it dumped too far. I sold most of mine and put it all into ReddCoin, which has made me a nice profit.

If Milo himself has anything on the horizon or if I notice a pump, I'll buy back in. Otherwise, I'm essentially out for good.

Milocoin was my first serious investment since Dogecoin in 2014. It's been great to be a part of the MiloCoin community and these generals here on /biz/. I will continue to post and contribute knowledge and meme magic here in the hopes that it will bounce back.

>> No.2201166

Nice to see you all here. 150k HODLer here, didn't sell any in recent times and not too worried about the low price - though it is a little sad. Anyway I'm in it for the long term, hopefully we can gain more traction.

>> No.2201275

Actually, it IS a question of when. And the answer is never. Keep deluding yourself.

>> No.2201317

While Milo himself is a cool guy, I'm skeptical at the idea of personality coins. They have never taken off by far. TrumpCoin, LePen coin - where are they now?

>> No.2201337
File: 186 KB, 618x600, milo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2201924

Any good place on the internet for finding all the memes? Besides the reddit of course

>> No.2202307

I wish there was a reverse ETF for this PedoCoin

>> No.2202316

what is the dad feeling in the last frame? he has tears but a smile, are they tears of joy?

>> No.2202329

That's actually a decent idea for a coin

>> No.2202353

Still holding and staking, I believe that the devs will deliver in due time.

>> No.2202360

>as low as it can go
Is milo at 1 sat? You guys might be able to get it pumped like the other shitcoins on here

>> No.2202685

Okay I will come to this threads one last time.

Bringing You the facts, because Your message in the post and the feeling that I got from all these threads while I was holding Milo in my wallet made me realize You just got scammed, and I was just one step ahead of You guys.

1. I am the one that dumped ~37000 Milo starting from 575SAT down to 300SAT(last 4K).
This caused drop of the price which this coin never recovered from. Why ? Because devs+some group (scammers) when they saw me selling big amounts, they did this aswell.
Devs/group was riding waves of this coin buying big at 200-300SAT then selling at 500. They were doing this for months.
They were updating every thread with shilling, Milo will this,Milo will that, this will happen.
Quite frankly - NOTHING happened since I bought in March.
In my opinion devs/group earned 100 000$ from this in March-May.

2.Milo will never ever endorse this coin. This is just a fact that I realized. This was the reason that I got out. Twitter protocol roadmap without Milo himself is just a fkin delusional vision of some indian pajeet coder. Twitter will sue this and block it in 1-2 days of it happening. Don't You think billion dollar company don't have something to block that kind of input/spam ?

3.From the start trumpman(shill) + chicken65(shill+scammer) were very close to this coin. Maybe they were riding those waves ? As soon as XBY came out, Trumpman went FULL ON SHILL on 4chan+ANN XBY thread. Same behaviour like in Milo threads. That kind of "backup" from known shillers and scammers are red flags aswell.

4. Meme contest + Bounty contest. There was one guy making memes for the contest. Where were all other people ? Looking from all other generals, there were around ~50 people in those generals. That was a red flag. Multiple accounts shilling just to fkin ride the waves and trade Milo.

Cherline is SILENT. Devs are silent, zero announcments, response to critism,price dropping to absolute lows, anything.


>> No.2202733


Only thing they had in response to all of what, like a week ago - "we are in talks, milo celebrity, talks are long".

Nothing will fkin happen. They were just empting their bags.

I guess trumpman and chicken magically came back again, when price dropped to 100SAT because they bought in again, and XBY dropped.

They will shill this coin again, price will go up and reverse the process of dumping.

I don't trust no-one from these threads, except OP which is creating thread, after thread.

I know it hurts to hold useless shit, but my move would be sell everything and forget about it.

For whoever holding this coin, and except Milo to magically come out and endorse it - Don't lie to yourself.

I wish You guys all the luck from the bottom of my heart.

That was a great ride and introduction to crypto game, and 4chan /biz/ nature.

This board is filled with piece of shits. I learned how to spot them.

This would be a great project, but devs are 99% scammers.

Hard truth.

>> No.2202768

I agree, there's no point for me in selling now though, to who even?
I'm just holding in case there's ever a pump like there was with Trump.
I'm not even expecting like huge gains, sell walls are so thin even 10BTC would pump this significantly.

>> No.2202905

>Bringing You the facts
funny way to spell CONJECTURE, mate.

>trumpman has various coins, so do I, so do many people.
>no one listens to chicken
>i'm too busy to make memes, good on the guy who did
>nobody has seen the protocol testing, maybe it will work, maybe it won't. nobody knows yet. i don't think this important.
>i'm not bothered the devs don't post all the time, everyone has other shit to do. shit always takes longer.

people who have sold, have sold. people who haven't, haven't.
i don't see what you are trying to gain from posting your gospel here. seems like you might be trying to convince yourself.

>Devs/group was riding waves of this coin buying big at 200-300SAT then selling at 500. They were doing this for months.
i was doing this too. plenty of people were doing this. this is perfectly normal behaviour for all the coins. it is how people make money from these coins.

>I don't trust no-one from these threads, except OP which is creating thread, after thread.
always the same anonymous anon is it?

>> No.2202971

>1. I am the one that dumped ~37000 Milo starting from 575SAT down to 300SAT(last 4K).
Okay dude, we get it, you're a special snowflake and everyone should acknowledge you. Why do you feel the need to mention this every thread? If it wasn't you it would have been someone else. You must be extremely new to think your tiny bag actually tanked an entire coin.

>That was a great ride and introduction to crypto game, and 4chan /biz/ nature.
Oh, well that explains it. Welcome to biz, newfriend.

>> No.2202994

>SO what's there to lose?

Every cent you invest, plus the respect of anyone who finds out you like Milo

>> No.2203014

If that's not Your only money in crypto, just hold it I think.

Nigga I came here, because I see this dying threads on /biz/ for last couple of days and I just felt obligated to speak the truth.
I was huge,active part of this community for weeks. Posting daily, checking for info daily. I guess people are left alone right now, maybe new to crypto like I was. I am a human after all and Milo was my first investment.

I think OP is the same for at least last threads, I saw "post-mortem" "where are the devs" and this one. Feel bad for him talking to himself and people who still believe that this is LEGIT project.

There's no reasonable explanation to defend or stay on the devs side. They did nothing to comfort people that are still here nor to prevent this crash. Fuck them.

>> No.2203052

By the time I was putting orders of my "tiny bag" some other guy (setting orders actively) was dumping around 100K. Time of my orders that I posted here couple of times confirm that I single handledly STARTED this crash, and put the price to 300SAT with a help of other dumpers. There's no argument to that really.

Newfriend that's actually being honest, and people were calling me FUDer and all other bullshit for weeks.

I thought we supposed to be a team, when we were in these threads together. Guess not.
Afterall devs fucked everybody over and now You will turn into shills of Your own despair.

>> No.2203098

>I think OP is the same for at least last threads, I saw "post-mortem" "where are the devs" and this one. Feel bad for him talking to himself and people who still believe that this is LEGIT project.
Not even close. I've only made one other thread before, over a month ago.

>By the time I was putting orders of my "tiny bag" some other guy (setting orders actively) was dumping around 100K.
Sounds an awful lot like the other guy started the crash.

>capitalizing the Y in you.
Oh how desperately you want to fit in.

>> No.2203161

Yup You totally won it, with
>greentexting and quoting shit
>acting like a complete moron
>I always capitalize You, because I'm slick like that

Fuder out.
Now talk to Yourself, trumpman and chicken from 9 different accounts.

Adios amigo

>> No.2203240

Ok, devs are working on the update as we speak. Should come out soon so let's calm down and hear on what they have to say.

>> No.2203249

Just eat the loss you idiot, do some research before putting your money on something stupid next time.

>> No.2203577

Well the twitter idea is really neat and doesn't require milo himself.

>> No.2203616

>Devs/group was riding waves of this coin buying big at 200-300SAT then selling at 500. They were doing this for months.
>In my opinion devs/group earned 100 000$ from this in March-May.

Pfffffttttt......no. Seriously, the volume on this coin was pitiful. They ain't making dick riding waves of 0.5 BTC total volume every 24 hours.

If their plan was to "ride waves" to make BTC, what's the point of creating a new coin? They can ride the waves on a thousand other coins.

>> No.2203653

He's new. He's admitted he's new. He has just about zero credibility and has been talking out of his ass for the past month or so. Just let him go.

>> No.2203671


>> No.2203687

Do you have any evidence of devs dumping, because I have not seen much movement in the rich list.

>> No.2204313

Anyone got dank milocoin memes?

>> No.2204410

>i don't see what you are trying to gain from posting your gospel here. seems like you might be trying to convince yourself.

Isn't it obvious? He is just trying to make weak hands sell their coins so he can accumulate more during this dip.

No one posts stuff like that with the intention of helping, everyone is out for themselves here.

When you see a coin get posted about on here, it isn't to help anyone out. Its to get more people to buy it so they get richer as they got in first THEN made their threads.

That's all anyone here is doing...

>> No.2204783

True. Which is why, now that the price is rising again, the Fudders will turn to hypers. This dip is really the last chance to get in, and who knows how long it will last.

>> No.2204795

you forgot child molester
or was it molested child? either way

>> No.2205042

>notice milocoin on an exchange
>huh, why would they name their coin that? people are going to think it's associated with that retarded faggot


>> No.2205155

>molested children are as evil as child molesters
Good to see we're up against an army of braindead retards.

>> No.2205712

>If their plan was to "ride waves" to make BTC, what's the point of creating a new coin? They can ride the waves on a thousand other coins.
quite, i'm making about .25 btc a day with a bot that rides btc waves.
i bought/sold milo to get more milo.

>I have not seen much movement in the rich list.
this. i check the rich list and it doesn't look that different from a month ago. top 5 wallets are the same.

>the Fudders will turn to hypers
good point. fudders aren't liked on /biz/ and people not already in a coin will read unsourced negativity as biased and think that they are trying to manipulate the coin, thus creating the impression that the coin is going to rise.

>> No.2206483


>> No.2206684

It's funny. Everyone always making fun of us that got us some MILO, but in Blockfolio its the only one to go up today while all the other cryptos have went down.

>> No.2206733

Post Milo addresses and I'll send 100 coins to all who have replied in the next few hours.

>> No.2206791

No one wants free Milos?

>> No.2206825
File: 309 KB, 1022x671, 1492606746637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are going to be an their knees sucking your cock for the same 100 you're offering now in the future. MQS8jbsLDAvSrnHhyJg42G87jMAbWpLrDo

>> No.2206879

Also summoning the anon with the pasta of all the social media links to Milocoin.

>> No.2206909
File: 2.72 MB, 240x234, tyrone ma man laughing his dick off.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this meme scamcoin still exists

>> No.2206910

Sent you 200 :^)

>> No.2206926



Thank you anon!

>> No.2206950

God bless you OP. You are the man.


>> No.2206956


Thanks. :-)

>> No.2207033

Whoever is still with this trash, legit probably has a mental disorder or developed a type psychosis in denying they're not retard bag holders.

>> No.2207138

That address isn't valid apparently, if you post a different one I'll send there.

>> No.2207141

They're the people that bought trumpcoin at ATH :^)

>> No.2207758

i'm always in the threads, but i have enough to not ask for giveaways.
will always bump though.

>> No.2208081

Oh it's the same idiot who called me a scammer. You fucking dumbass check the previous general because I am too bored to post the same proof. And by the way half's of my posts on the milocoin Ann are mine. I was keeping the thread (and still do) bumped. I created a sub on Reddit and posted all the memes. I kept asking people to upvote shit on Reddit. I had my signature (and still do) point to milocoin. And I am a scammer because I sold my xby when it mooned. On the other hand you say that you crushed Milo price by selling your coins. So I am the scammer? Sounds right...

>> No.2208244
File: 16 KB, 600x600, 1458781704437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2208348

Who called you a scammer? Anyway, thanks for all the work you've done anon. Do you have that pasta that tells people how to help out milocoin?

>> No.2208440

Some dumbass above who keeps shitposting about me.

>> No.2208456

Still holding 50k, though it took a phenomenal amount of patience and restraint.

>> No.2208515

credit for sticking with this, but i sold mine the other night. i was here on day 1 and it never really went above where i bought it.

>> No.2208589


>> No.2209147
File: 465 KB, 640x480, milo not gay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2209610

Bumpity bump

>> No.2209739


>> No.2209789
File: 5 KB, 394x217, paperthinwalls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm here to laugh at you and retardation. You are going to want to kill yourself when you see how high MILO ends up going.

>> No.2209881

Will Berkeley accept milos for tuition payment?

>> No.2209892

What would be a exchange rate with LoliCoin?

>> No.2209923

Yes give us the links

>> No.2210304

here is the links post:

Guys, please do your part & support Milocoin, it takes just a few minutes to do the following:

- https://www.reddit.com/r/MilocoinCentre/ Write, link something positive about milocoin or milo. Don't forget to upvote stuff
- Share the milocoin website or Ann to cryptorelated subs e.g. https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/altcoin/
- Voat is a similar website. Try posting about milocoin there too if you like

- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5WTKDkoG7WIDvnLewk26bg Subsribe to the official channel and like/comment/share videos
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvdObV1wvGJHR4uXwLP483w Same here
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg5DSm7aQ5M-ZR3-51c23yA Same here

- https://twitter.com/getmilocoin Retweet & Follow the official account
- Tweet about milocoin!
- Start tweeting and insta'ing Milo about milocoin and the milocoin privilege fund!

support@coinexchange.io <- email them demanding MiloCoin get listed
https://poloniex.com/coinRequest <- Use this online form to get Milocoin listed on poloniex
https://bittrex.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new <- Send em an email to get Milocoin listed on bittrex

Privilege Donation
Tweet, reddit, spam any other way you can this page: http://milocoin.info/privilege-donation.html

- Use your signature space on any forums you are using and leave a link to ann and/or the official website
- Talk about milocoins in other cryptorelated forums you are visiting
- Got a blog? Blog about milocoin. In return you will get some nice links & traffic :) (e.g I will link you from reddit and here in the ann if you tell me)
- - Spread the word with any other means you can think of

Useful Resources
- Milocoin Memes: http://milocoin.info/graphics.html


I love fag-donations: MBTuCZ5ZGoJhyiG237mNue8E8LWw8pVpYG

>> No.2210324

I will be giving 10 milocoins for each promilocoin post you make (with screen cap for proof) on any of the following subs:
- https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/
- any other crypto-or-milo-or altright related sub

Sorry I am not giving anymore coins. I guess I am a scammer as that asshole "who crashed the price in purpose" before said

>> No.2210491

Anyone paying milo for memes? I could make a few

>> No.2210536

post a meme with adress. If it's good I will send some

>> No.2211454
File: 41 KB, 1224x918, milomemealphaV0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotta go to work but an idea for a meme just popped in my head, made this shitty rough draft in 5 minutes. You get the idea. We think Milo is speaking to his highly melanated lover about his cock, until it is revealed he is actually talking about Milocoin and the Milocoin chart and how much Milocoin marketcap has grown.

Clean up and rewrite Milo's double-entendre lines so they sound good. Make something that looks good, not MS paint shit.

Will send 5000 MILO to whoever delivers.

>> No.2211539

I'll take this on, if only to give it away in another contest :)

>> No.2211748

Wtf? Wasnt price just 300?

>> No.2211853

Giving out 69 per fresh meme.

>> No.2212003

So, to all you shillers and pumpers. Whats the price youre shooting for this time on MILO? Last time you all got it up to 1 cent before it went down. Whats the goal here, 5 cents?

>> No.2212178
File: 52 KB, 941x413, holyshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


123K being dropped at 100SAT.
>no evidence
>buy our bags please
>devs gone running,silent for 2 weeks already
>5 people talking to each other in this threads from different IP's
>Trumpman 3 different ID's in 40 mins


>> No.2212475

123k? So only a little over 1% of the total current supply. And it was dumped over the course of 4 days. While BTC was working it's way towards approaching 3000$ and FOMO was at critical mass. And every thread on /biz/ and the BCT thread was being bombarded with FUD.

Is this baby's first coin? What exactly is unusual here? Do you think scamcoin devs would put in all this time and effort just to con people out of tiny fractions of a BTC every couple days?

You are a fucking mental defective.

>> No.2212760

a bot that rides waves, want to share that source code?

>> No.2212969


Who even started this garbage? For what purpose?

>> No.2213677

bumping before I go to bed, I hope to see this thread still alive when I wake up

>> No.2213784
File: 613 KB, 743x853, milo cutie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2214706


>> No.2214756
File: 62 KB, 1182x256, 1495503968545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the price was 300 a couple weeks ago when I laid out why everyone should sell and that this project was a dead end

congrats to those who listened

>> No.2214761

Love the FUD. All you fudders and if you look the price is going right back to where it used to be.

>> No.2214938

the sage of /biz/ returns. you'll have to have a fight with the other anon who thinks he caused "the crash" about who is most knowledgeable in crypto. he is taking your credit for saving people from armageddon.

>> No.2215182

i bought it, so it isn't mine to share. sorry.

>> No.2215874


>> No.2215998


>> No.2216696
File: 238 KB, 800x1200, 1492539118941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Price recovering

>> No.2216712

i guess the idiot who "crushed the price" by selling his coins failed miserably?

Prediction: In 2-3 days max he will be so sorry for selling his coins

>> No.2217272
File: 2 KB, 197x41, Milo May 28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats on being wrong?

>> No.2217416
File: 110 KB, 900x1200, 1487944653113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

307 sats is $0.0067 or 0.67cents, higher than the price for the first month.
the guy said it was his first coin, so he probably didn't know that things go up and down, down and up and that it was always going to get back on track.

the pic is for string hands only, weak hands don't look.

>> No.2217442

> work for it

You're no better than a wagecuck

>> No.2217452

That's also due to Bitcoin doubling in price, so the "actual" price would still be 0.30ish cents.
Having no buy support is sad. If just one of the holders dumps, the price halves every time.

It's also retarded to call this "recovery" when someone just needs to spend 0.2 BTC to get back to about the half of the old price of 600sats.
If I were to dump mine right now, it would go back to 100 sats.
That's why this whole thing is fucking sad, nobody knows about the coin outside this damn thread.

This wouldn't be so bad if I didn't buy 0.4 BTC worth of MILO, but get this, I sold portion of my other coin to buy MILO but that coin did 5x while I was bagholding this in -50% red.
Basically I could've had 2 BTC right now doing nothing, but I have 0.2 BTC. Even if this thing magically gets PnD'd and I manage to get some "profits", I will barely break even.

>> No.2218223

Better than nothing...

>> No.2218394

This crypto is literally the biggest piece of shit I've ever seen.

>> No.2218423

>if I could see the future and know what to buy I'd be rich

>> No.2218462

This is probably the most pathetic thing happening on /biz/ at this time.

>> No.2218544

Do you even pretend to be separate people?

>> No.2218568

cunt fist

>> No.2219055

something something about the timeline we are living in

>> No.2220051
File: 615 KB, 636x561, 1492611341690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2220107

To be fair, at least he bothered to get a different ID.

>> No.2220164

So what, you got like at least 100k coins right.

When Milo himself endorses this coin, it will easily hit 50cents, if not a whole dollar, if not for the tech but just for the memes of it.

>> No.2220889
File: 207 KB, 616x480, milo you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2221331
File: 608 KB, 641x657, milo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure this could be turned into a meme somehow

>> No.2221691

>That's also due to Bitcoin doubling in price, so the "actual" price would still be 0.30ish cents.
only if you are stupid and you don't work in $ when dealing with bitcoin.
you should know how many sats you are trading with and know what that is in $, otherwise you are being a fuckwit and will end up losing money. so the actual price is 0.6 because it is worth 0.6.

>If I were to dump mine right now, it would go back to 100 sats.
i could dump it to 0 sats or i could pump it to 8800 but that is as irrelevant as what you said.

volume will come, you should stop being a little prissy fuck.

>> No.2221723

Thinking about moving some out of btc for the crash. Is Milo a memecoin or for real?

>> No.2221762

That's what I did. Small meme coins never seem to correct to crashes, so its usually on discount.

Anyway I think it has a real good chance at success. 4Chan is usually the breeding grounds for memes which very much outgrow the website by themselves.

>> No.2222452
File: 31 KB, 1846x308, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update out

>> No.2223026

How is that even an argument, people are holding altcoins to gain value in satoshis, not dollars.
Because then you might as well just hold Bitcoin.

I'm sorry but that's what the previous couple of updates looked like.
>we are working with milo
>milo needs time
>new features without mentioning even the slightest details what those features might be

>> No.2223796
File: 1.21 MB, 3264x2448, 1492544838762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2224710
File: 217 KB, 612x308, 1492551732572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2224769

>How is that even an argument, people are holding altcoins to gain value in satoshis, not dollars.
>HURR DURR Making money isn't good enough for me, I need to beat out the best performing asset in the world!

>> No.2224791

holy shit thats so sad

>> No.2224797

Nice argument you fucking retard.
You know damn well 90% of the holders are in the red with this coin.
Only ones in the green are those who bought the 100 sat dump but they still have no one to sell it to so it doesn't even matter.

>> No.2224934

So, you goys learned your lesson about bagholding shitcoins yet?

>> No.2226025


>> No.2226527
File: 974 KB, 1200x854, 1488159571451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


is this another one of his scams?


>> No.2226969

Not even remotely true vs USD. Do you not realize how much bitcoin has pumped since this coin's inception? Might be a different ID cause Im phoneposting