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2199755 No.2199755 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't buy my mooncoin, goy?
It is the best investment since that last Pump'n'Dump.
>good developers
>3 years stable price
>/biz/ favorite
>will 10.000% return on investment in only 3 days
>buy it faggot
What's stopping you goy?
I have like 40BTC worth of mooncoin. Cheap price

>> No.2199799

Already did shekelstein, only a paltry .1 BTC back when it was 1 sat though

>> No.2199813

Everyone becomes a Jew when it is business world.

>> No.2199822

I'm throwing a small bit in solely because of the memes. lol at all the pnds going on now though

>> No.2199840

I feel a repeat of RDD, possibly even better. Bittrex likes the coin and said that all that's needed to get added is more interest. The dev is working on features.

>> No.2199849

Make sure to buy at 2 sats, my man. I have a jewish friend who sells some mooncoin. He needs a helping hand. His great-grandfather was a Holocaust victim. I guess you understand.

>> No.2199904

Yeah and there's a lot of push on twitter, get on twitter and retweet everything if you want to help get it on here

>> No.2199955

>3 years stable price
had me laughing

RDD actually had some larger organisation and use-case behind it. Mooncoin ist just a random fork which has a total development time of 6 fucking days.
Even /biz/ can't shill this shit.

>> No.2199968
File: 107 KB, 800x547, buy_mooncoin_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2200058
File: 59 KB, 500x415, HkQh6Ksl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up with all the anti semitism here? I see pic related all the time

>> No.2200073

negative 60 btc next week

>> No.2200199
File: 207 KB, 500x488, IMG_5105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's easy to drop in a few bucks but not be an idiot and drop everything cause everyone knows this will be minimum 10 sats in the next few weeks

>> No.2200214

you're on 4chan faggot

>> No.2200231

i was really excited for this the last few days, but in the last few hours the volume has halved. im considering selling now while i still can. i bought at 1 SAT so i'd still double my money, but im reluctant to sell in case it goes back up again

what should i do?

>> No.2200233

4chan is a shitty racist Cantonese cartoon image board.

>> No.2200235

RDD didn't have SHIT kek you're an idiot it's was a pump and dump revive a few weeks later pump again that left bagholders this shit is going to get revived

>> No.2200245
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>> No.2200262

live a little anon. toss a coin. heads you sell, tails you keep it. best of 1.
i have $1000 on it going above 7. all or bust.

>> No.2200764

This exactly cause all this shit is a gamble and most of these coins hold nothing special yet were all making a few bucks profit off of this shit

>> No.2200818
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>> No.2200866


I'll be holding

Im amazed how many people scream scam over coins that dont 10x in one day

>> No.2201505

Right kek it's only cause it's not on a popular exchange so we had one job to keep it the volume up so that exchanges can notice the amount of fees they could get off this since that's all they care about but people are stupod

>> No.2201527

It's a fucking scam, just because you got in early and made 2x on this ponzi shit doesn't mean it's not a scam.

>> No.2201559


>implying all coins aren't ponzi schemes
>implying selling at a higher price isn't a scam to the buyer

>implying you aren't slightly butthurt at the fact that once this shit gets on Bittrex your daughter will be rimming my ass

t. Butthurt nocoiner

>> No.2201663

The mooning will soon begin you rat

>> No.2201674

At least you admit it's a scam.

>> No.2201725
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It will never begin because it already ended. The coin is a quick P&D with no traction, and YES, I did explore the thread on Bitcointalk: the shills only talk about price and shit (already a red flag), and the dev actually has bucks put on his avatar which clearly indicates his primary intentions. This crap already reached its momentum and I feel sorry for any of you who bought it for more than 1 satoshi.

>> No.2201756


This has only been pumping for a few days


Fucking avocado toast is a scam

>> No.2202012