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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21993410 No.21993410 [Reply] [Original]

Have we been lied to?

>> No.21993512

What else should they be looking at? Your personality? big LOL

>> No.21993552

I have all those things but I'm also an autistic shut-in who prefers staying home and shitposting on a chinese cartoon forum than going out and interacting with people. So personality/disposition does matter to an extent.

>> No.21993580

What sort of status do you have if you’re a shut in?

>> No.21993591

Is this news to anyone?

>> No.21993594

This, you can be a billionaire neet who shitposts all day and you won’t get any women without paying. Even the act of paying requires effort on your part.

>> No.21993596

business and FINANCE


>> No.21993602

Why would a girl give her limited womb space to some weak retard incel? Lmao It’s basic economics.

>> No.21993605

The guy on the left was on roids apparently. He has massive health problems now and can’t get it up.

NEVER take roids for quick gains and sexual power. It disappears rapidly

>> No.21993608
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>i have all those things

>> No.21993625

Status beats all

>> No.21993630

Not going to be specific, but I have a doctorate, respectable profession, etc.

>> No.21993660

Sure you have neckbeard

>> No.21993692


>> No.21993726

You don't need LMS when you have the best memes

>> No.21993760

You are retarded.

At the end of the day time= money

Status and looks need money And time to maintain and increase.

when you are wagecucking you are wasting your time for a limited amount of money.

Best strategy is to get out of the rat race (by making it) so you have all the time and money to increase looks and status.

Don't even try to argue. Take my advice and be thankful for it.

>> No.21993898

>revolving your life around unevolved holes
not gonna make it, senpai

>> No.21993903

doesn't really matter if you don't believe me. The point is that you can be physically the ideal man but if you never bother going out and looking for women, then they won't magically fall out of the sky into your lap. Ergo, your personality does matter to an extent.

>> No.21993904

Im not saying for the long run or economically, i mean in terms of getting women.

>> No.21993987

Looks > Money or Status.
I barely have $450 to my name atm, but still get pussy from 9s and 10s WITHOUT PAYING.

>> No.21994057

i have neither looks money or status or personality but i still get laid

>> No.21994141

The funny thing is, money matters more to an old used up girl. Think about it. A 16 year old girl is fine with a guy who doesn’t even have his own car, an 18 year old girl probably is too, a 22 year old girl would think it’s weird, a 26 year old girl would wonder what’s wrong with you and a 30 year old wall-hitter wouldn’t even consider you

>> No.21994175

So you have “status” but you stay inside watching cartoons? Hmm.

>> No.21994196

if you wanna be some degenerate with all these girls going after your superficial gains sure go ahead.

>> No.21994198

The implication you're making is circular logic.

>> No.21994219

i dont have a car or even a bicycle i dont even have a tv and i get laid

>> No.21994356


>> No.21994378
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yes its true

this is my experience as a europoor
when I first installed tinder I rarely got a match
a year later, after I became a cop, I installed it again and put in one single pic of me in uniform

result = 30 matches in a week
(keep in mind that Im not the best looking guy)

I guess becoming a cop gave me a higher status

>> No.21994409
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>> No.21994436

Pursuing any of these idols is pointless without God. Virtue is what you seek.

>> No.21994553
File: 130 KB, 500x500, 1597090208467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, men and females are not that different. males largerly select mates by their looks, and typically education level in marriages is similar too

>> No.21994783

It's definitely true with higher quality women. Women aged 18-27 are the most valuable commodity in the world. They can literally get a giga chad if they are a 7/10 or better in looks.
The good news is that, being a male, we can fuck hot girls even in our 40s as long as we have money and status. It's what I am going to do.

>> No.21994942

And looks and money are proxies for status
Jesus the fact this is not common sense just says a lot about how broken our society is

>> No.21995022

This. I don’t like interacting with people. I intentionally avoid high status because of it even though I’m extremely handsome and ((successful)). I don’t engage socially with normies

>> No.21995043

>/biz/ - Business & Finance

fuck off pussy eater

>> No.21995058
File: 13 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Asian 5'3 manlet fucks more girls than all of the biz ever will. Its all about having a fuck you money and having supreme confidence and command over hoes.


>> No.21995213

___ _____ ___ ______.

>> No.21995312

No. Only autists think that way.

>> No.21995321

lol no. I had a roommate that was a bodybuilder, also looked like an A&F model, and women would approach him everywhere. Didn't even need to date them, they'd just go round for a shag.

>> No.21995332

Didnt he do 40 day fasting?
Is it because of that?

>> No.21995418

Things work out best for me when I am unapologetically douchey. But I do not like being a douche, it makes me feel bad.

>> No.21995526

this but im in america and would not be allowed to post myself in uniform without some roastie screen shooting me and making a meme out of me.

>> No.21995570

Why the fuck do all these newfags the past two months treat the board like a dating /r9k/ board? What drives them to make it here and not on the actual boards?

>> No.21995878

If you are a poor ugly loser, you should be dating poor ugly loser girls, and there are plenty of those who are willing to settle for your incel ass. No shit a poor ugly loser won’t be dating a dimepiece. Understand your league. Just one of the three is enough for dimes, but if you have none, sorry Buckley. Have sex.

>> No.21995952

Fucking euro faggot, it's different in the United states, unfortunately.

>> No.21995990
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Because they are a bunch of s.o y faggots, they see chainlink grugs making bank and wish to be us.

>> No.21996385

Status is being the ceo of a company, being a professional athlete, actor, famous somehow. Maybe if you're the medical director of a prominent hospital, that might count, but at a lower level.

>> No.21996800

basically this. When you're not in the rat race, you have so much opportunity to actualize your potential. If you want to look great, you can hire a professional nutritionist and trainer to get you to that. You also can hire Hollywood grade dermatologists/plastic surgeons to like a chad. That and you can travel the world, throw parties every night, acquire Dan B-esque groupies. I think most have never known any rich people, but this type of shit is really common among them.

If you're a gigachad, then sure. Congrats on winning the genetic lottery, assuming not a larp.

to girls without looks, otherwise they wouldn't settle for less than chad

this. Dudes like >>21994057 think it's an achievement to get laid without any of the 3, but in reality there's girls who have neither of the 3 who have to settle as well.
If you're a 5/10 you will date 5s (if average social skills), 4s (if poor social skills), or 6s (if good social skills). You won't go higher unless you're lying to yourself about the girl's attractiveness, or have money/ status.

>> No.21996887

Looks 98%
Money 1%
Status 1%
Also only the top 5% of men are attractive to women, the rest of the pairings are just for resources or maintaining their(the womens) social position/fitting in

>> No.21997115

All of this for .. fucking slut ?
kek. you can have the girls then