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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 390 KB, 678x904, stakeshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21993377 No.21993377 [Reply] [Original]

XSN discord shits orchestrated one of the largest shill campaigns in recent memory on biz, and now they're bleeding to zero. Laugh at them.

>> No.21993417
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>> No.21993451

Feel sorry for people who fall for shit like this. The master node passive income meme died years ago

>> No.21993514

the shilling was out of this world in July. They had a dozen threads up 24/7.

>> No.21993863

Told the fags here, XSN is the new AMB. They didn't listen. Where's Mr Bearwolf when you needed him.

>> No.21994016

I lost my XSN when cryptopedia was hacked. Made me quit crypto for a year, then I went into NKN and LINK, and trippled with LINK. I'm just asking myself what will come now... no idea on how to proceed really...

>> No.21994109
File: 230 KB, 1059x595, 1594786148628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where are the XSN shills now? I know you read this Punjabi

>> No.21994157

Those are men

>> No.21994162

Lol I bought at 0.06$, this is just a correction shaking out all the weak hands who bought at the top.

Moon Bois getting wrecked.

I'm confident it will be at at least a dollar by EOY.

>> No.21994340

Also when they add more trading pairs and this gains adoption, things will be on the up again.

You weak fucks getting your panties in a wad over a dump? Lmao did you just start trading crypto this past month?

>> No.21994504

>dev fucked a cat
>they're pretending Vitalik joined their discord

>> No.21994692

>tfw financially dexcentruinedlized

>> No.21994759

I'm going to screencap all of this, weak hands gonna rope in a few months.

>> No.21994879
File: 118 KB, 1420x544, xsn (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked. We told you to buy at 600 sat. Fudders instead decided to seethe violently everyday (and counting) since June. It broke 4k, still above 2k sat, with potential to break 5k.

>> No.21995389
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yeah drowned out other legit coins like LIT

>> No.21995568

XSN isn't a get rich quick schemes like the rest of your "defi" pnd projects.

XSN is true defi. It's the only project with an actual working product allowing feeless and instant decentralized trading.

I tried uniswap and it's a fucking brutal interim dex. It's slow af with insane slippage, and fucking $10usd for 3 failed trades.

I'm comfy af with my 9 masternodes knowing this uniswap trend will certainly die and crypto will get it's senses back.

>> No.21995647
File: 91 KB, 600x700, holydex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not selling. Planning to pump this up in a couple days actually.

>> No.21995681
File: 7 KB, 320x224, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old biz sees what Binance and others are doing and taking note.
>hyping ICOs that haven't built anything
>snubbing XSN
I honestly believe they will have their last hurrah over the next few weeks.
ERC pairs will make this too big and too foolish to ignore.

>> No.21995682


>> No.21995777
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>> No.21995826

tried to warn people
same faggots behind XBY and some other scams
look up YankeeRuinX, total faggot scamlord

>> No.21995880

lol you think Draper knows how 4chan works lmfao stay salty blockek

>> No.21995971
File: 2.38 MB, 4448x5904, cancer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nostalgic fud
For old times sake lol

>> No.21996235
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>> No.21996319

Nice to see the dev is based and intelligent.

>> No.21996604

Hey retard yankee isn’t a dev. He’s a bluepilled shitter that joined the project back in the slack days because one of the members payed him to help

>> No.21996676

So your fud is baseless and we still have a based, inteligent lad invested. Neat.

>> No.21996766

What fud dumbass.... you’re the one fudding and I’m correcting your mistakes. People don’t know nothin these days. We truly are at the end of times.

>> No.21996834

Oh I get it the truth is fud because you don’t agree with it. Trying to warp perception eh? You’re gonna have to try harder, yet, in the end it doesn’t matter because the only ones that come in to these threads are shills.

>> No.21996860

Do you even read comment chains before you reply to them? Must be pretty hard to see how low iq you are when you constantly project it on to other people.

>> No.21996914

Words can't express how much joy seeing shit like this bleed out brings me

>> No.21996939


>> No.21996990

When basic rationality and intelligence is shilling you should know its time to buy.

>> No.21997034

>I’m smart look at me I know what I’m talking about hehe


>> No.21997104

Once a shill always a shill kike always talking about buying your beloved coin. Well guess what. I got more than you do ha ha take that lolol I win

>> No.21997212

> shills indirectly
The true Jewish way.

>> No.21997292

I’m play 9d chess here it’s called shitpost cause I’m bored and fuck with people because they’re actually vested in this

>> No.21997346


>> No.21997400

Sorry bud you’re just caught up in it all and I’ve derailed the thread

>> No.21997441

Ever seen bobobo bo bo bobobo?

>> No.21997476
File: 220 KB, 500x373, d7b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you got me

>> No.21997509
File: 51 KB, 301x301, jd-pp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the money jerks!

>> No.21997510

You derailed the fud thread? Maybe you should stick to lower dimensional chess.

>> No.21997538
File: 206 KB, 900x873, 1555219211148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure whats wrong with me, all those butts look good

>> No.21997562
File: 329 KB, 1200x900, BCFB67AA-ABBC-46D0-9D0E-76D47F5A6BD8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh nothing personnel

>> No.21997595

You know those are girls r-right?

>> No.21997739
File: 1.11 MB, 1430x1070, vul32lc9sv031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is peak chad

>> No.21997859
File: 215 KB, 220x112, tenor (3).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not selling. Planning to pump this up in a couple days actually.

>> No.21997893

Now apply that incredulity to the fudders with more at stake than holders.

>> No.21997902

Shits fucking hilarious man I wish there were more quality shit like this

>> No.21998146


>> No.21998853

Wow imagine seething so hard and desperate to try and fud and the best you can do is find a post from way back in 2017 that has sound advice. I do the same, find shit coins and get in on them before they pop and do a x100. Raiblocks was an absolute shit coin to everyone before it went ballistic and turned into Nano. The desperation of this guy is hilarious how much time of your life do you spend seething over XSN digging through absolutely everything and this is the best shit you can come up with to me that’s bullish as fuck if thats it, think I’ll buy another 100k

>> No.21998925

Wow imagine trying to defend a ugly white euro poor

>> No.21999257

Wow imagine being toxic on 4chan you neckbeard your mother probably never loved you

>> No.21999298
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>> No.21999301

There is nothing to defend as there is nothing wrong as it’s good info. Welcome to trading, buy low, sell high, things go up, things go down. What do you expect? You absolutely have to be a salty fucker who bought the top and sold the bottom like a retard and you are desperate to blame someone else because you can’t face the truth that your own stupidity lost your money it’s hilarious to watch you seeth so bad

>> No.21999382

tl;dr wah wah wah bitch I’m a baby

>> No.21999399


Forget to change your IP faggot, playing both sides are we kek

>> No.21999525


>> No.21999559
File: 182 KB, 2436x1125, 8D09F2F8-74FA-40C4-B2A0-1B1C2C6E1504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please explain to me wtf is happening on this chart?

>> No.21999601

Bitch I already exposed myself Idgaf I am chaotic neutral

>> No.21999636
File: 158 KB, 220x164, 9931E1B9-F9A4-40B2-814A-A8B76D6AEA71.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Price go up
Price go down

>> No.21999883

>chaotic neutral
That's a weird way of spelling Jewish.

>> No.21999939

absolutely bullish :D
XSN $100 2021

>> No.21999987

more like: attention whore

>> No.22000038
File: 188 KB, 775x1024, F4D3C581-D2F9-4979-91AD-17791C5B4E9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oy vey shut it down goy!

>> No.22000091

A wise philosopher ((me)) once said I yam what I yam

>> No.22000163

are you shoah'ing me or am i free to shut it down?

>> No.22000190

It is Your Choice

>> No.22000319

MCDEX was shit, it has legit fud and was shilled here, now it's forgotten, zero threads about it... As are lots of forgotten shitcoins that dumped.
No one makes threads to fud an already dumping project, anons prefer to spend their time cooming or playing vidya.
If you ask a fudder to give a legit fud and they can't, then the project is a good buy, especially at these prices.
Lightning came as promised, raiden is being tested in linux, HW tpos as well, so they'll come eventually, then ask yourself if you'd spend 5$ in eth fees on uniswap for every single thread or would use an alternative.

>> No.22000346

Thanks just bought 100k

>> No.22000379

oy vey

>> No.22000666

Based spooner. Its hard to convince outsiders when you are already in something you believe sometimes - it just seems obvious.

>> No.22001260

>dedicated FUD threads 24/7

Biz needs flags.