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21990964 No.21990964 [Reply] [Original]

>hold chainlink
>wear the mask
>say black lives matter

>> No.21991739

everyone in turning on Blm read the fudging news. They might cost dems the Potus seat.

>> No.21991811
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masks don't work
niggers don't matter

>> No.21991857

blm is the dumbest fucking shit

>lets burn the white people neighbourhood
>all white people are evil
>why don't white people like us?

>> No.21991875

This gay thread just caused a dump, take back that nigger lives matter

>> No.21991924

tfw oracles will show us ultimate truth that black lives dont even matter for black "People" because of temper proof statistics and record keeping of CHAINLINK ticker: LINK tokens 81k IS FUD

>> No.21991980

BLM is a joke movement.

>> No.21992009

The absolute state of stinkers. LINK holders are libtards, what's new.

>> No.21992288

They already did.
Several times over.

>> No.21992321


>> No.21992323

It literally made everyone I knew in socal(90% blue leaning sheep) become overtly racist and talk about moving away forever. It's crazy.

>> No.21992409

>Enslave black people for 4 hundred years of rape tourture and murder
>Subjugate black people for 150 more years of lynching, Jim crow, segregation and red lining
>Routinely murder them with impunity

>> No.21992641

Here's you mistake. Niggers aren't people. They are apes. They are genetically closer to Homo Habilis, than to a human.

>> No.21992703

If you treated dogs the way this country treats black people you would be arrested and be sent to jail for animal abuse.

>> No.21992766
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blm has a higher approval rating then trump.

>> No.21992803

I suppose we should just go on letting niggers burn down our civilisation forever then.
Tell me this herschel, how come niggers never burn down mosques?

>> No.21992850

If you treated black people the way the chinese treat dogs there wouldn't be anymore black people

>> No.21992885

Literally just stop killing black people and being racist

>> No.21992891

I don't remember dogs ever raping and pillaging. Niggers did their whole history as species. That's the reason.

>> No.21992918

And Hillary has a 98% chance of winning

>> No.21992978

>Enslave black people for 4 hundred years
You're aware they were sold by other blacks, right? You're also aware literally every civilization have been enslaved (like whites enslaved by muslims), but don't keep crying about it, right?

>Routinely murder them with impunity
Should take a close look at crime stats, there are more blacks killing whites than the opposite, also the biggest murderers of blacks... are blacks themselves.
You're a cuck.

>> No.21993010

seems pretty easy. even saw a guy wearing a BLM mask once

>> No.21993017

I don't want Californians in my state.

>> No.21993080

Blacks kill more whites than vice versa. Blacks are the only ones committing savage killings almost daily.

>> No.21993330

Are you surprised that a demographic that has been historically oppressed and deprived of opportunity tend to commit more crime or are you literally retarded?

>> No.21993430

I'm not surprised that a demographic that commits more crime has been historically oppressed.

>> No.21993464
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>massive amounts of rape and murder are justified because someone called me a nigger on the internet and my great great great great grandpa was forced to pick cotton for free

>> No.21993538

The white cries out as he strikes you

>> No.21993636

Whites are the only people dumb enough to treat blacks like humans.

>> No.21993701

Answer the question nigger. Why aren’t you burning down mosques?

The muslims inslaved black people on a much larger and more violent scale then white people ever did. And they still are in some parts today.

You have been exposed nigger. You’re just a leech that wants a reason to chimp out becuase you feel useless (becuase you are).

This is not even the typical /pol/ post about genetics, forget genetics. this is about you being a nigger.


>> No.21994054

>all white people are evil

Is there a rational reason to have N posting threads beyond making black anons think this? No one here is burning down neighborhoods. Making black geeks dislike white people enough to move elsewhere would be a rational reason for that beyond petty sadism.

And then some anons post gore and glorify murder.

>> No.21994276

Niggers don't have answers they have excuses

>> No.21994312
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>my grandpa had to use a separate water fountain so therefore it's okay for me to go around raping women

>> No.21994398

> Yes, whites are evil, BLM BLM BLM
> Don't mind us Chinese , we're your friends, we know the struggle

Niggers are in for a really rude awakening in the next few decades.