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File: 27 KB, 1280x1280, monero-symbol-on-white-1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21988363 No.21988363 [Reply] [Original]

The XMR daily general is for supporters of the cypherpunk ideology to hang out and help noobies learn about Monero, the most fungible cryptocurrency. A cypherpunk is any activist advocating widespread use of strong cryptography and privacy-enhancing technologies as a route to social and political change.

We believe that Monero is the logical continuation of Bitcoin because it offers superior privacy, leading the way to many potential use cases. Discussion points include rising Dark Net adoption, news articles about Monero, daily transaction totals, and new technology updates to the Monero project.

Moonboy posting is discouraged, however price speculation and TA is fine.

Overview: https://web.getmonero.org/get-started/what-is-monero/
Daily Transaction Totals: https://bitinfocharts.com/comparison/monero-transactions.html
Mining Introduction: https://web.getmonero.org/get-started/mining/
Merchants that accept Monero: https://web.getmonero.org/community/merchants/
Crypto ATMs: https://coinatmradar.com/bitcoin-atm-near-me/

>> No.21988434

TA is not fine
Anyway, DCAing is going well

>> No.21988494

x100 within the next 18 month

>> No.21988537

I recently recovered a monero wallet with 9.5 xmr in it.
The last transaction was about 1400 days ago when I was using the command prompt wallet.

What's going on with XMR these days?
Are you still battling the hidden ASICs?
Did fluffy develop layer 2?

>> No.21988700

Would normie boomers ever buy monero, or do we need to place our bets on zoomers? Millennials like myself are pretty cucked and would say monero is a threat to their socialist vision because millennials can’t handle life without big daddy uncle Sammy. Can’t tax easily with monero, thereby killing government revenues.

>> No.21988937

I think people are always forced to adapt to technology.
Socialist visions fade when they realize they cannot target math with psychological attacks.

People who don't understand the math will see one community producing competitively in a service economy, and the other having a hard time in an inefficient planned economy.

>> No.21989190

Everyone will.

Even the socialist don't want to pay taxes

>> No.21989198

I’m a former leftist, so I really hate leftists right now ngl. I hope monero wins in the end because at this point, I just want to be left alone. America has had red scares before, so we know how to deal with this shit.
My mom still doesn’t even know what bitcoin and told me it sounds like a scam lmao. My mom thinks of gold when thinking of inflation hedges.

>> No.21990025

>What's going on with XMR these days?
Drug markets are now (very recently) majority XMR and not BTC. Plus some updates making things better like usual. Things are going smooth basically.

>Are you still battling the hidden ASICs?
They have been defeated, maybe forever, by randomX.

>Did fluffy develop layer 2
Tari testnet launched a while ago. Not super hyped about it but we'll see.

>> No.21990227
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>> No.21990291
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Useless shitcoin.
Always was.
Always be.

>> No.21990496

You strongly overestimate the political convictions of millennials, and more importantly zoomers.
Shoo maxi

>> No.21990580
File: 602 KB, 1280x720, monero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monero - the only crypto I've actually used in the real world

>> No.21990678
File: 58 KB, 250x250, 0xbtc2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0xBitcon now has liquidity on Balancer!!! Also on Uniswap, Forkdelta, Mercatox, and more!!! We can exchange our mined token INSTANTLY for Ethereum or other tokens. We can transfer our coin CHEAPLY because we are a very cheap token to send. We are the best iteration of Bitcoin since Bitcoin and here is why.

We run whole exchanges on ETHEREUM and we run our TOKEN on ETHEREM, we get to transact on chain with Ethereum, LINK holders love it, we love it.

0xBitcoin, a cryptocurrency using Proof-of-Work to FAIRLY distribute erc20 tokens using Bitcoins mining model on and backed by the Ethereum blockchain.

With 0xBitcoin it is a still possible to mine 1 coin a day on a 1080 ti or better. costs 0 ETH to mine coins!

No premine or dev fee or unfair practice were given on launch. The code has not been hacked or upgraded since launch! We have cheapest erc20 transactions.

0xBitcoin miners solve a complicated hash from the Ethereum blockchain that gives them the reward of a block (currently 50 coins) and submit that proof to Ethereum blockchain (which gives a new challange hash for them to solve).

0xBitcoin is the first ERC20 Mineable Token. Running for over 2.5 years! First reward halfing in ~2.5 years. No hacks/scams/pre-mine/dev fee/ or cheat available, it was public the first day it was on the blockchain (Feb 2018) with a public miner.

It has a price of 0.11$ at the moment and only 21 million will exist

0xBTC mined @ 6.2 million (Circulating supply)
First halfing @ 10.5 million

Trade on Balancer(Bigger Pool) @


Trade on Uniswap @


Use 1inch.exchange to find best prices

Website: www.0xBitcoin.org

Etherscan: https://etherscan.io/token/0xb6ed7644c69416d67b522e20bc294a9a9b405b31

Mining pool: www.mike.rs or www.MVis.ca

I suggest Cosmic miner you can mine to your ledger or to your cold wallet easily. DYOR!

>> No.21990805

Pretty much. It’s the only crypto I could say for sure that’s actually being used as real currency and not just speculation.

>> No.21990830

What about other privacy coins like ZCash and MimbleWimble? AZTEC and similar projects for ERC-20?

>> No.21991224

Wrapped dogshit is what those are

>> No.21991370
File: 21 KB, 1280x426, IMG_20200422_073511_375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ethereum and privacy tokens on Ethereum are the future of privacy.

>> No.21991452

btc as storage monero for useing. all other coins are high risk experiments just to grow the amount of these two.

>> No.21991484

eth cant be privacy cause it has a legal foundation, if nsa want vitalik to reroll the chain he will do it.

>> No.21991485

Thank you for your well-informed argument, you have truly persuaded me.

>> No.21991590

The NSA would have to convince 51% of the miners.

>> No.21991603

zcash has good tech but slow defs and no network effekt. just no community. mimble wimble is inofficial on hold cause btc dont want to increase the risk of getting banned by goverment.

>> No.21991638
File: 8 KB, 228x221, juki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>btc as storage

>> No.21991644

nope vitalik has the master key of the genesis block they dont need 51% look what happend after dao hack in 2017 they just reoganized the chain.

>> No.21991667

Poor argument. Miners control block issuance, later stakers will control block issuance. There is no central authority to "roll back" anything.

>> No.21991726

Former leftist here too.
Fuck leftist forever.
Turn the west coast + Texas red plz.

>> No.21991741

google eth dao hack, they allready did it. thats why a part of the community split off and etc was created.

>> No.21991755

There is no master key that can roll back transactions.

>> No.21991773

Monero wins by default because it has a way larger community, dev team, and more adoption. It also has better privacy that is built in, and the largest anon set.
Zcash is optional privacy with hardly any adoption. It likely has a backdoor.
Mimblewimble scaling is cool and it is actually being used for Tari. As for a privacy crypto there are a few projects but these also aren’t really notable for various reasons and they have zero adoption.
The erc privacy options are stupid because ethereum has no privacy on the base layer. Plus zero adoption.

>> No.21991904

There are an estimated 240 monero devs, and that's being generous. There are 200000 Ethereum devs. There are likely more devs working on privacy on Ethereum now than total devs working on Monero.

>> No.21991935

even if so. vitalik would easy convince 51% of the miners if nsa would tell him do it or eth will get hunted in the west.
U cant be a tool for legal cooperations and terrorist+criminals money at the same time.

>> No.21992027

Monero has had more like 500 contributors, and anyways you have no way of proving that. It still wouldn't change the fact that Ethereum has no base layer privacy anyways. Your pajeet project probably has like 2 devs who exit scammed a few months ago lmao

>> No.21992032

Also the ethereum ecosystem is unironically 99% ico and defi scams. How about you show me a ethereum privacy coin with adoption. There aren’t any.

>> No.21992040

Governments, banks, and institutions are using Ethereum and they will use zk-SNARKs. They aren't really competing with monero, you will still be able to buy your kiddie porn with it so don't worry.

>> No.21992092

How much does the call center pay you to shill 0x?

>> No.21992099

All it takes is for one dex to run a zkrollup with zk-SNARKs and Ethereum would have more private transactions than any other chain.

>> No.21992225

zk rollups provide nothing in terms of privacy, they're pseudoanonymous like base layer transactions.

>> No.21992238

Weird how I’ve been hearing that would happen from eth fags for the past year and instead moneros adoption has exploded whereas ethereum continues to be entirely based on pyramid schemes.
And again, any move of eth to a privacy token would be observable from the transparent base layer, which leaves you susceptible to pretty basic attacks. A shielded zcash transaction was traced in a similar manner a few weeks ago by a random twitter user. The reason you don’t hear about these vulnerabilities more often is because nobody uses zcash or your erc token shitcoins.

>> No.21992352

>A shielded zcash transaction was traced in a similar manner a few weeks ago by a random twitter user.
Interesting, got a link? Was it just based on amounts and a low privacy pool?

>> No.21992433

Don't have a link myself but basically it was a low pool of anonymity sets. The guy just picked at random and was lucky enough to guess the correct one. It's not a flaw in Zcash's privacy, it's a flaw in the amount of people using it. Surprise surprise, if you have optional privacy nobody uses it. What a shocker.

>> No.21992552

puh well, thats good to hear. ty buddy

>> No.21992553

You can run zk-SNARKs on top of a zkrollup

>> No.21992598

Ethereum is not UTXO, that's not how it works.

>> No.21992691
File: 8 KB, 161x140, xmr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump, cant wait to be rich

>> No.21992895

Cool, that's what I expected. Guy probably could have flown under the radar just by splitting the amount + waiting longer. How much more expensive are shielded transaction?

>> No.21992985

Is work being done on this?

In the scheme as described by Vitalik, all transactions are visible and accounts are just plaintext numbers. I'm assuming you're talking about a different rollup scheme with privacy built in rather than adding privacy on top of Vitalik's rollups?