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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 116 KB, 1916x734, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21988060 No.21988060 [Reply] [Original]

The maxis have lost the war on transaction fees.

What's the next statistic to fall in the flippening?

>> No.21988171

LTC outside the top 20.

>> No.21988241

eth gas fees should be considered here too

>> No.21988858

This. LTC is simply a redundancy at this point. I suspect other forks to drop out as well. I mean i guess BCH still has a slim chance after the new fork but it's just shitshow after shitshow with that coin.

>> No.21989024

This and xrp out of the top ten.

>> No.21989060

eth, like bitcoin, cannot scale and will suffer the same fate. all of these communist ideas will fail, as always.

>> No.21989101
File: 370 KB, 600x296, nodes-kicked-out-eth2-testnet-block-finalization-aug-2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this post as a troll, but you guys actually think it's a good thing.

>> No.21989268

BCH, LTC, BSV and XRP are all destined to drop out at some point in the near future. They’re redundant and eventually people are going to be so disillusioned with XRP they’ll abandon it.

>> No.21989425

Eth already flipped BTC. Few people know this but the supply of Eth is much higher.

>> No.21989468
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>> No.21989531

Cope more OP

>> No.21989738


>> No.21989824

What else would you call the average transaction fee you turnip

>> No.21989826

Let me run an ethereum node and check for myself.

Oh wait, I can't.
They changed the name of full nodes to "archival nodes"

There's probably less than 10 fully validating ethereum nodes because they're so spaghetti and expensive to operate.

>> No.21989869

I'll build defi on bitcoin

Oh wait thats impossible.

>> No.21989934

Why would anyone build something like that on a limited throughput network?
Create a fee market to execute time sensitive trades lol

>> No.21989976

No one would, because bitcoin is vastly inferior and if it didn't catch the meme waves and have its main utility turned into a 'store of value' it'd be dead today.

>> No.21990152

You missed what I said.

Building it on bitcoin would fail immediately because they don't want that shit.
Building it on ETH we're seeing why bitcoin didn't want it.

They blew their load for a quick payday (just like ICO, cryptokitties, now defi).
Now the chain is clogged and regular users are unable to validate it.

Why would you open a defi position if closing it requires space on the blockchain?
This flat out doesn't scale and puts people in positions they didn't intend to be put in like being priced out of changing positions or paying an exorbitant fee.

>> No.21990195
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Bitcoin maxis are just embarrassing at this point.

>> No.21990274

Yeah building it on bitcoin would fail as the blockchain is vastly inferior.

>> No.21990323

You missed the point again fucking idiot.

>> No.21990353

Tell me anon, how does Bitcoin determine definitive truth?

>> No.21990412

You fucking dumb fags are so pathetic. You weren't early enough to make mkney off ETH. Sorry. Should've been faster but instead you were twiddling your fucking thumbs on reddit like the dumb faggot retard that you are. Doesn't mean you have to spread FUD to cope with the fact that you're a dumb fucking retard. Even now instead of looking for new projects to invest in you spread your time doing and producing nothing to improve your current position. It reeks of desperation and you should kill yourself if you get the opportunity.
T. 1286 ETH at $10.63 in January 2017. Stay poor loser

>> No.21990418

I know you want to try and get around how limiting and useless bitcoin is by going "WELL WE DIDN'T EVEN WANT DEFI IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!" but it just comes across as pathetic and as though you're in unrequited love with a product.

>> No.21990423

Because nodes in the network communicate with each other following a hardened rule set.

Validating the bitcoin network will always be available to the common man.

>> No.21990456
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Seems pretty limited to me. Not bad but not 1 quadrillion worth, you know?

>> No.21990489

Just as Mellon foretold. $2K eoy. Christ is king.

>> No.21990517

I use LTC to transfer funds between cold storage and exchanges. With 2.5 min blocktimes and extremely small fees it works well for this.
If i tried the same thing with ETH or BTC I would get raped in fees.
Also withdrawal fees for LTC on exchanges are usually very low. BTC is usually much higher.

>> No.21990525

You missed the technical argument of it doesn't scale so it's retarded.
Ethereum is going towards full blown centralization as you idiots cheer about making a buck.
I'm a millionaire from bitcoin, and I look at the ethics involved.

>> No.21990653

Everyone is a millionaire on this board that brag wont help you.

You arguing on behalf of bitcoin by saying etherum cant scale, this wouldnt be completely retarded if there was only one competitor to bitcoin but there are not. If Sharding on ETH2.0 cant get the job done then pokadot will or cosmos will or wanchain will or antchain will etc.

There are loads of bitcoinc ompetitors, all vastly superior in fundamentals from scalability to utility to even being a store of value.

There is no reason to be bullish on bitcoin above and beyond 'its a meme that everyone has heard so they are more trusting of it than the rest of the cryptocurrencies"

>> No.21990655
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>only a millionaire
Also ETH is less centralized than BTC.

>> No.21990682
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>> No.21990729

Ah I thought you were bragging about 1k eth it was the same color id

>if Sharding on ETH2.0 cant get the job done then pokadot will or cosmos will or wanchain will or antchain will etc.
What are the implications of these ideas on the game theory and consensus inside the network.
ETH has terrible governance polices like iceage for christ sake.

There is no bitcoin competitor that can maintain its level of decentralization and balance of governance.

>> No.21990771

Its about maintaining the free market.
Overtime unethical markets don't get as much prosperity.

>> No.21990837


"Your chain is too centralised, unlike mine that is so unusable its fully decentralised"

"But the real value from blockchains comes from the protocols we can build on top of them that allow decentralised trustless exchanges"

Bitcoin offers nothing to people other than a store of value and an onramp for normies into crypto. It has no utility, it has no fundamental value.

>> No.21990895

>It has no utility, it has no fundamental value.
What's the utility of an unsustainable system?
Is there utility in a ponzi scheme?

>> No.21990966

Bitcoin is unsustainable.

>> No.21990975
File: 61 KB, 592x664, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also ETH is less centralized than BTC.

>> No.21990997
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Lol, I wonder what bullshit is going to creep into iceage forks in the future.

>> No.21991000
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>> No.21991049
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>> No.21991088

If you're asking what the utility of the Etherum, Polkadot, Cosmos, Wan, Ant etc, is then I would have to move to calling you mindless.

You believe there to be no value in undercollateralised loans? How about a direct market place where fungible tokens can be exchanged ? What about the many privacy coins that are popping up allowing people to hide the value of their wealth extremely effectively ?

What about the value of anonymous betting on literally any topic? What about the value in holding a governance token of a coin that buys high yield indexes with its transaction fees?

How about being able to store thousands in non-fiat then earn interest rates more than 10x higher than any traditional financial institution would let you?

How about getting paid in a stable coin accepted by your country then sending remittance to your family in a stable coin their country accepts? ( Already happening in the East)

How about the decentralised casions popping up ?

How about the speculation markets ?

Cloud computing networks, Supply chain companies, fiat onramps in chat apps

The fundamental value of non-bitcoin blockchains is exponential. The fundamental value of bitcoin is nonexistant.

>> No.21991125

Is this all going to be on ETH?
If so, then it's all a fucking waste of time.
Reference their centralization and governance.

>> No.21991147
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>checks their centralization and governance
>turns out it's fine

>> No.21991201

Going to be ? All has been for months.

Its also all going to work on Polkadot and Cosmos because of interoprability protocols like darwinia.

There is no reason to support bitcoin for its fundamentals and you embarras yourself by defending bitcoin by attacking less than 10% of its competitors.

>> No.21991323

Nobody has time to keep up with premined centralized shit.
I don't want to use 100 different tokens like giftcard points.

>> No.21991408

You're just describing the materal that builds up your normie bubble, once you come out of said bubble you can engage in actual crypto like everyone else has been doing for 3+ years rather than crying about bitcoin because you're too lazy to understand what does and what doesn't have fundamental value and what form that value takes.

>> No.21991505

There are just no principals in these projects.
ninja re approvals, iceage, the DAO fork, and them bending the knee to miners in throughput debate

>> No.21991546

If anything I'd say you're the normie.

>> No.21991595

Hahahahahahahahahahaha ok

Enjoy all your bitcoin projects! I am sure bitcoin wont go to 0 over the next 10 years!

>> No.21991627
File: 74 KB, 594x824, Untitled1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll see
Remember the ethics and principals I mentioned when it doesn't go your way.

>> No.21991926

Have fun with the upcoming inflation debate on BTC which will lead to the inevitable rug pull of the base chain.

>> No.21992144

We will all have fun examining the inflation argument.
There just isn't enough data/economy right now on the network to determine if inflation is even necessary.

Today we have a decentralized consensus network testing Austrian economics in the digital world during the NSA era.

Sure bitcoin could have sold out in 2017 to the corporations and miners, but they didn't.
So now we get to see the most exciting economic experiment ever play out in the next 10 years and place bets on it.

>> No.21992223
File: 23 KB, 460x460, BitCoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of you remember how cheap sending tx was, and still it is.

>> No.21992743
File: 39 KB, 450x373, 1d51019226e95239a55893bb2c892e78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sure bitcoin could have sold out in 2017 to the corporations and miners, but they didn't.
Roodypoo just went full retard

>> No.21993047

ITT salty OP retard maxi missed huge gains