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21987240 No.21987240 [Reply] [Original]

What is the use case for statera?

>> No.21987302

Literally none but the anonymous team that made it and shills it on 4chan daily will try to convince you otherwise

>> No.21987401

Because of the burn the price is forced up, so when balanced with other coins it softens some of the usual volatility of the crypto market. The use case is actually much greater than most think

>> No.21987443

Constant upwards price pressure due to market fluctuations

>> No.21987481

Generating bagholders

>> No.21987742

getting hacked

>> No.21988000

Tracks a specified basket of underlying investments and in this case:

BTC, ETH, LINK all balanced with STA.
The rules are that these coins are set in the fund at a specified percent so as one goes up or down the others are automatically bought or sold to balance risk and maximize profit. HOWEVER, the key is that STA is deflationary (whenever an STA transaction happens for buying/selling/pooling, 1% of the transaction of
STA is burned). This token burn + tokens being locked in pooling pressures prices up to again make sure the other coins will be balanced. You also are given a % of all the fees paid in STA transactions up to 36% APY and during a run up to 40,000% APY.
The power of STA is that the ripple effect of: (1) compounded fees, (2) token burn, (3) price pulled up by ETH, BTC, and LINK leads to an exponential effect and positive feedback loop on price.

Can the team dump? No, this is the most decentralized token as the project much like BTC is out of

Satoshi's hands, STA is out of the hands of the devs who only own <4%.

In short, Statera:
Increases positive price pressure and decreases volatility - caused by the deflation
Gives one token access to the ecosystem, price action of assets its pegged to, and benefits of arbitrage
Deflation can be put into any index fund (Balancer pool) or other financial instrument
Deflation rewards loyalty, if you get in early when supply is high, as supply goes down assets get more valuable
Diversification - You can hold many assets in the ecosystem
Passive income- make money while you hold your crypto (over 30% APY)

In simple terms the Burn function of STA is designed to create volume. In a way Statera discovered "Volume Farming".

>> No.21988564

Shouldn't Statera release some sort of one-click Make Your Own Pool As Long As It Includes 5% Or More Statera solution so that people can make their own pools?

>> No.21988610

Alot of different things. The effects in pool is one thing.
Let’s assume that for one day every cryptocurrency stays flat except ETH. What would happen?

1. The value of Delta will go up and the 50:50 ratio would be out of sync, ETH would need to be sold and STA bought to keep the locked in split. This causes STA to burn

2.The Phoenix fund is 30% ETH and 40% Delta. It would then need to sell both assets and buy wBTC, Link and SNX to keep the predetermined asset weights. So now both Delta and Phoenix are back in balance, but it doesn’t stop here

3.As Phoenix sold Delta there is a negative impact on the price, but the actual quantity of ETH and STA inside of it didn’t change after point 1. As a result, it would be beneficial to unmint Delta to realise the full value of the underlying assets. This unminting process causes STA to burn. Something like this is generally done by arb bots.

4.But now as some STA has been burnt there is upward price pressure and the inverse of point 1 happens. STA is now sold to buy ETH, causing STA to burn. Initially this may not be significant but as supply decreases the impacts of this will get bigger.

5.Point number 4 means that the value of Delta has changed, which means Phoenix needs to sell Delta and so the cycle goes back to point 2
Please note, that the impacts of point 4 and 5 are probably too small to see this early in the project but it doesn’t mean it’s not happening.

Now remember there is zero chance that ETH is the only asset to move in price for the day. THEY WILL ALL MOVE.

Now think how many indices Statera will be putting out on platforms like balancer (yes balancer will not be the only one).

Multiple index funds on multiple platforms with different pools using the Delta coin.

STA will be the most used coin in Defi soon.



In simple terms the Burn function of STA is designed to create volume. In a way Statera discovered "Volume farming"

>> No.21988643
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>doesnt know what a hack is
>doesnt know that balancer got exploited by a flashloan for ignoring a exploit
why do you think balancer paid back over 1 mill?

>> No.21988691


As a STA holder, why would I put my shit into a pool instead of just holding it? If I put 30k STA in a pool, I will want 30k STA back out of it, but I'm likely to get less.

>> No.21988900

If you actually have patience over months you'll see the results of big, steady returns. It's called passive income, retard. But what should i expect from you dumbfags.

>> No.21989222

I'm legitimately asking because I'm a retard that wants to be less retard.

I pool, part of the STA gets burnt. Where do the benefits come in for me, random guy on /biz/ that put money in the pool.

>> No.21990263

to go up and up and up and up and up into infinity
dont question it goy

>> No.21990303

>If I put 30k STA in a pool, I will want 30k STA back out of it, but I'm likely to get less.
Completly depends on how the assets performs. If the assets in the pool outperforms Statera then you will earn more than holding STA. If Sta outperforms all the assets then its better holding STA

>> No.21990821

>he doesnt understand the importance of a completly decentralized defi product with deflation and high apy based on math and not a company logo in this high inflation state we are currently going towards.

>> No.21991281

Look at what happened yesterday with the whale dump, the balancer bought the H out of statera and brought the price back within minuets.
Now imagine that with every other coin, and huge balancer pools.
It will stabilize the entire market!

>> No.21991548

>yield rugpulls shilled all day
>waifu token gets ignored after $11.5k nft auction succeeds

>> No.21991682
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>21987240 (OP)
The answer's the same as the hundred other times you baked this bread.

>> No.21991880

cry more. your dumbass coin got hacked. that's all STA will be known for, getting hacked.

>> No.21992021
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Man who cares about use case ITS STATERA BABBBYY

>> No.21992023
File: 24 KB, 485x433, soup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dont know the difference between a hack and a exploit
>dont know the exploit was on balancer

>> No.21992091

It's a Nigerian scam for transferring wealth from you to somebody else.

>> No.21992186

feel nigerish rich like jay z holding fat bags of statera cry lil faggot

>> No.21992278

STA maintains a Balancer portfolio that holds BTC, ETH, LINK, SYN, and, of course, STA. The value of your STA goes up 1) as the value of the portfolio goes up; and 2) as 1% of STA gets burned in every transaction

>> No.21992393


any potential investors will look them up and see

"STA" next to "HACKED"

and that's all that really matters. the technicalities don't.