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21986791 No.21986791 [Reply] [Original]

I currently own about 30k STA, bought on June 1st. I'm all in for the small-scale diversification meme and seeing how QQQF is slowly gaining traction i was wondering if it would be a great idea to further strengthen projects like these who seem to be novel in crypto by having bags in both. I wanted to have your opinions on the matter, hence why I'm making this thread.

>inb4 pajeets trying to create a war between the two tokens
>inb4 retards calling both projects a scam
>inb4 implications

Please keep the TG tranny drama out of this thread

>> No.21986939

yes mlord

best regards,
a fellow diversified staggot

>> No.21986992
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Hey someone actually replied.

That's one point in favor of diversification, then. Still, don't you think it's a little risky to consider investing in QQQF seeing how it's still making babysteps in terms of progress?

>> No.21986997

STA team has shown they are legit by providing refund. QQQF still have no idea if they'd do same in that situation. You willing to gamble?

>> No.21987071

I wouldnt since its NOKE that "created" it. He is a scammer that copied the statera code and made STONKS and then failed a couple times and airdropped new tokens all the time since they wont stop failing. He cant code for shit and isnt bright at all. Just ctrl+v on erc20 codes and copie ideas to ride the hype. But i know you dont own statera at all and just try to shill.

>> No.21987098
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I’m balls deep in both STA & QQQF go for it if you find the idea interesting, the team is wholesome too

>> No.21987125
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Its the same person that created stonks that did this. When the statera team find a solution he made a new coin because he didnt understand how they could fix it. Im sure some anon have screens from how confused he was when the exploit happend to them.

>> No.21987193

Don't over think it. Just hold

>> No.21987218
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That's one of my fears, I admit
In their threads it seems apparent that the team has been straightforward willing to take steps in order to look legit, even going as far as locking parts of their wallets
But I don't know. It seems highly unlikely that they have the financial power to withstand a balancer hack if things went south. Even though I'm pretty sure they took the necessary measures against such an attack by picking the correct version of the STA token in their portfolio.
Well the community guy in the TG with the STONKS picture had made me doubtful but he doesn't share NOKE's typing style.
At any rate you're a fucking retard, look for my hamtaro gif in warosu and you'll see I was there in june. kys

>> No.21987528
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Why the fuck are you even considering QQQF?

>The people behind this project launched it with an initial investment of 1k USD for liquidity, expecting the ICO buyers to bear the brunt for them
>People willing for QQQF to become an index fund for cryptocurrency gathered the enormous amount of 1K USD, copypasted and used a free ETH contract creator to launch their project because it means that much to them and they're willing to have a lasting presence on the space
>The website, resourceful and providing fuckall information about the anonymous dev type, directly links you to the Uniswap trading pair

Please tell me how can anyone look at this and think long term. If there was something groundbreaking besides a paper worth idea based on the failed concept that was STA then perhaps I wouldn't have sold one week ago after a quick x2 of x3, just like anyone smart enough did. People who didn't actually COULDN'T take profits even if they wanted because there's no liquidity. And early buyers/whales must be greedy and smart not willing to do it, because they must have realized how QQQF was worthless vaporware with no future. It's not a community project. It's just people applying basic game theory and not willing to be fucked over for an idea that the devs deemed to be worth putting less than 50k USD in.

No matter how hard you cope you will never be able to refute that fact. THE CREATORS DON'T VALUE THIS PROJECT AND ARE EXPECTING BUYERS TO DO ALL THEIR WORK FOR THEM. SELL NOW

>> No.21987813
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>He thinks every project needs to be built from scratch
>He thinks everyone who starts a project is rich
>He thinks that the creators don’t value the project even though they redesigned the website, locked a fuckton of funds to reassure people that they are legit, spent a lot of time getting their whitepaper right and transferred personal funds from an off-ledger wallet to provide additional liquidity
You my friend will absolutely not make it.

>> No.21987850

STA? oh, you mean that coin with massive HACKER ATTACKS?

>> No.21987878

Sell for XMM and join us oldfags

>> No.21987884

That was a flaw in Balancer that got exploited, not in Statera

>> No.21987903

Oh please, the """""""devs""""""" spammed every single fucking thread on biz with retarded QQQF memes for 2 weeks straight. How can you even believe them?

>> No.21987927

doesn't really matter.
statera's now associated with wide scale hacking.

>> No.21987941

nice try, buying more

>> No.21988051

The fact that stonk is in it means its a noke copy attempt...also sta cannot be in a balancer will be hacked

You were warned

>> No.21988079

Pink id says your a salty faggot who missed sta

Cry more little bitch, cry more

>> No.21988095

They won't be able to refute this claim. QQQF is doomed to fail. Notice how the OP or other shills have stopped replying. They're BTFO

>> No.21988132

Fine. Keep chasing P&D rug pulls then just know that I tried to help you dumbasses and you yourselves chose to stay poor.

>> No.21988153

enjoy your sinking ship.

>> No.21988167
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this is the truth about QQQF shills don't want you to see

>> No.21988224

based valid fud poster

>> No.21988274

What you mean it doesn't matter.
Were you raised by monkeys? It changes the whole premise of your accusation retard.

>> No.21988305
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Listen here you retards and take this lesson to heart, so that you can invest in better and more rewarding projects in the future instead of gambling on shitcoins because it makes you an early investor. There's a difference between using investor funds to further push your project forward because you already have a solid base and expecting investors to bear the entire brunt of a project because the people behind this idea estimated it to be worth less than 5 ETH, actually according to another post it was even less than that. Do you even realize that it's NOTHING AT ALL? I unironically lose or make more than that when something I invested in dips or pumps 5%. Do you understand what I'm getting at here or not? People will never try to support something without solid fundations you fucking imbecile. Since this project doesn't have any groundbreaking tech (copypasted templates, free available code), ideas (there are already two other index funds) or big names supporting it (anonymous dev team we know nothing about), the last way to indicate that it was something actually serious to consider was large amounts of cash/backing. But you Queefs don't even have that. Is that clear? This is the most important part if you want people to support your crap. But no, you and all of the people who participated in the ICO hoping for this to become a big thing are probably third-worlders poorfags like you are, meaning this won't go anywhere. You need money to make money.

So now please do me a favor and sell before crying in 3 months when this keeps bleeding while you hopelessly wait for further announcements from the dev team who don't have any skills or money to deliver on this in the long term. Fuck you niggers, made a small profit on your asses so you can sell now. Enjoy losing money if you aren't. Cheers faggots

>> No.21988350

>FOMO’d in at 3 cents and got burned
>Starts pointing fingers at the project for not getting him rich quick

>> No.21988356

wasnt even a hack and it was an exploit. The person that created your token got exploited to but instead of finding a solution he created this shit copy instead.

>> No.21988525

I hope you’re investing in rope now because you’ll need it when you see the price EOY

>> No.21988552

The very fact that STA team and Balancer gave refunds proved its not just another rugpull PnD. The only retards ignoring this and fudding is trying to get in cheaper. Fuck off. Never selling

>> No.21988565

STA is a certified biz hold, this is chainlink at 50c. go ahead and sell for some shitcoin

>> No.21988579

Funniest part is that statera and balancer refunded and stonks didnt do shit and created this shit instead of refunding

>> No.21988628

It's alright, the ship is made of statera so it'll just float back up again

>> No.21988665
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>He unironically thinks noke is behind this project

>> No.21988676

Lmao, are you actually this retarded? This coin is riddled with red flags, picking anything else would be a smarter choice you absolute fag

>> No.21988765

Name some red flags then faggot? Cmon enlighten us

>> No.21988801

ngmi their both losers. you can have any combination you want, gonna all be worthless in a few months anyway

>> No.21988868
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>> No.21988933

found noke! no one wants your shitcoin

>> No.21989095

You’d be closer to hitting the mark by calling me Sergey than noke lmfao you’re way off

>> No.21989114

yeah I'm sure you would love to be compared to a rich successful guy rather than a broke failure.

>> No.21989138


its obviously a gamble, qqqf liquidity is pretty low aswell. selling half your stack sounds like too much imo

>> No.21989312

I was hinting more at the fat russian thing but ok

>> No.21990100

Just pool the STA and don't fuck with QQQF

>> No.21990772


I was in statera since v1 but not burn token.

QQQF would never be in a situation to offer a refund, because they do not have burn feature. so theyre code cannot be exploited by the gulp balancer exploit. it is a etf so it has no need for burn.

Many people think statera started off with high liquidity by devs. but if you know you know.

Statera was originally burn token, the burn token holders were swapped to statera v1. Then swapped to v2 then swapped v3. It took statera 4 tries to get it right. then even with audits they still got exploited on their 4 token. They are both good projects

I never invested in stonk because of the community and the dev was shady adn shitty.

pepole have been fudding qqqf since day one and now 2 weeks later zero proof has been provided with any connection to noke or swoose. those guys are all from the stonk community they are all full of shady people. Hence why noke told everyone he wouldnt launch stonk till after he finished his college exams?? wtf is that dev says wait i need ot finish my college??? very shady

you can look all of this up if you know you know. do research before anything

>> No.21991123

this. don't fall for the scam anon.

>> No.21991307


read this >>21990772

sta only refunded sta which they had tons of and got for free

they had 4 tokens airswapped and then there 4 token got audited and still exploited. Any project takes time and will experience bumps along the road.

>> No.21991950
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>> No.21992723

Half your stack is a little much don't you think?

>> No.21992843

Isn’t Statera code just bomb with decimals?

>> No.21992887

Bomb?? The deflation token. Idk Statera code has changed 4 times already from burn token to v1 v2 v3

>> No.21992999

Interesting, going to go look at their different versions.

>> No.21993297

If you really of an insight of what stratera actually is and the implications of it. It is big. You have to understand when you got something of value and hold it no matter what. Xdai was just the same. I knew just by the tech that is was something big and it gave me confidence to hold from one dollar to four and then all the way down to one again and further up. Now we are above 30 dollars.

Damn don't be so fucking weak ass loser

>> No.21993342

Yeah sta has come along way since burn token. I got in at v1

>> No.21993816

LMAO so their new fud is something that already happened and was sorted ages ago lmao, you lost already

>> No.21993870

I think both are decent projects

>> No.21994086

If I were you I'd sell all my STA, and use maybe 20% of those funds to buy QQQF. That is just me though. QQQF has a little sta in its pool as well lmao

>> No.21994487
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>should I sell half my STAck
No, you absolute retard, $10 EOY

>> No.21994991

QQQF contains STA, STA does not contain QQQF,


>> No.21995075

There standard pool has sta Delta and qqqf in the same pool so are they in eachother ecosystems intertwined???

>> No.21995543
