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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21983128 No.21983128 [Reply] [Original]

115 ETH per LinkPool now...and if you wanted to buy a full one outright, the order is set at 150ETH...

Jonny has 3 talks today:

Keynote address 8:25-840 EDT
Chainlink Infrastructure Panel 9:10-9:40 EDT
Technical Deep Dive: Ongoing Development 10:00-10:30 EDT

>> No.21983173

What happened to the Equine Round Stable discussion?

>> No.21983249
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>> No.21983251


That's scheduled for 42:42

>> No.21983316

Why the hodge isnt speaking? Its because of the man tities he has? Ffs sergey pump his chest

>> No.21983383


The Hodge and Ellis don't want the spotlight.

>> No.21983412

Never selling.

>> No.21983429

>3 talks
Jonny ain't horsin around.

>> No.21983465


>> No.21983470

Can't dodge the Hodge
Based silent and rich L33T Haxxors

>> No.21983494


>> No.21983499

3 weeks ago I wanted to buy LP, but didn't want to sell LINK, so I put some of my LINK on Aave as collateral, borrowed USDC, bought ETH on Uniswap with it and then bought LP at the "high price" of 70 ETH. Then ETH went to $400 and LP has gone to 110 ETH kek.

>> No.21983701

When is staking available on Linkpool?

>> No.21983718
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As soon as it's available on the Chainlink network...or very shortly after anyway

>> No.21983791

Sucks to be a poorfag and have 0,04

>> No.21983806

0.24 LP whale here

>> No.21983839

LP Keynote now!

>> No.21983858

0.16 dolphin here

>> No.21983997

what is a 0,12?
A barracuda?

>> No.21984080
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Does anyone have the charts that show the holder rankings?

>> No.21984097

I guess

>> No.21984182

Yeah its crazy how both those things appreciated so fast, bought like 8k worth of shares and now its worth like 70k

>> No.21984186

Help a poor nulinker out OP: Where do you buy LinkPool / track its marketcap? I can't find it on cmc or gecko

>> No.21984216


>> No.21984225

on linkpools site theres a dex.


it shows buy orders and sell orders

>> No.21984236


>> No.21984243
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No worries fren.

You can track the price and buy LP here, it's a dex and you can connect with MetaMask:


If you want to actually buy a sell order, or sell into a buy order, just click the checkmark beside the posted order.

>> No.21984274

thanks frens!

>> No.21984290

Suck my fat cock you little nustinki

>> No.21984310

I only put 1k into it and regret to having had money at that time to buy more.
But now it's worth 180k.
I should have bought a lot more...
It feels bad that I had to take loans at that time to get my Link stack after getting destroyed by the previous BTC market crash, and didn't have enough money to put into LP.

>> No.21984325


Thoughts on LinkPool Eric saying "we don't have an ETA on Link staking release"???

If they are announcing staking today, Sergey has kept it VERY tight lipped or staking is coming some other time before EOY.

>> No.21984409
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Rest easy oldfag, looks like Jonny and Mat don't support or condone my ownership

>> No.21984436

that pop up is only an illusion anon

>> No.21984459

Thanks. But what's the point, desu?

>> No.21984519


To suggest they did something to stop you from buying

>> No.21984661

Got it, thanks again senpai

>> No.21984821


No worries fren

>> No.21984908


>> No.21984968

I'm a poorfag and have 0.38 LP
it's so strange, I still think of my ~15k LINK stack as poorfag but it's actually a massive amount of money to have invested in a meme coin.
i still feel like less than 0.5 LP is fucking nothing because it cost me less than a thousand dollars to buy.

Seems like there is no consensus about what the "make it" stack for LP is? Suicide stack?

>> No.21985018

>Seems like there is no consensus about what the "make it" stack for LP is? Suicide stack?
1 LP per 10k Link tokens.
Which I exactly meet (I am a student poorfag)

>> No.21985045

Can I tell you a secret bro?

>> No.21985101

you are gay?

>> No.21985364
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I guess it depends on the size of your stack

>> No.21985777

Was neglecting this tab, just refreshed. Whisper it in my ear anon

>> No.21986050

why use Linkpool when yield farming gives far better percentages?

>> No.21986167

Why would i use some jewish linkpoopoo and pay for fucking shares if i can wait for the market to create better pooling services

>> No.21986335

6.64 whale here, suck my dick

>> No.21986358

Nice ID

>> No.21986565

it'll be interesting to see what happens with the liquidity pools when staking starts.
definitely seeing a scenario where linkpool taps yfi vaults and maybe even aave for collateral to use in their nodes...
holy shit
I'm gonna get paid by linkpool, aave and yfi in one gigantic circle jerk of defi wizardry... i ... i have a money printer.

>> No.21986704

Johnny was not the best speaker desu. Hope he's just too autistic to speak well.

>> No.21986749
