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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21982714 No.21982714 [Reply] [Original]

It's over.

>> No.21982732

>It's over.
That's correct

>> No.21982835

Can you post M2 velocity * M2 quantity?
I'm phoneposting, or I'd do it myself.

>> No.21982860

explain this to a brainlet

>> No.21982891

money isnt circulating as much anymore

>> No.21982903

mother of christ is there a way to recover from this at all?

>> No.21982916

without hyperinflation anyway?

>> No.21982935


>> No.21982937
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>he doesnt know

>> No.21982951

raising the minimum wage I guess, though if the velocity of money is slowing we will almost be at stagflation or deflation

>> No.21982954

An increase in resources.

>> No.21982956

You mean trickle down economics doesn't work!!!?? SHOCK

>> No.21982972
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Don't tell him.

>> No.21982991

you mean when the entire economy is locked down and half the people are out of work money doesn’t flow much? shocking.

>> No.21982996
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>> No.21983007

People are desperately trying to pay down debts and save dollars while the FED/Treasury is creating a huge amount of new dollars

>> No.21983008

Yeah, shutting down the entire economy is classic Reaganomics.

>> No.21983011

kek, looks like printing money for the false economy doesnt do anything

>> No.21983019

I suppose we could go for hyperstagflation

>> No.21983026

Everything is fine right now.
SHTF when economy opens up fully again and velocity bounces back up.

>> No.21983044
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Everything is fine goyim, nothing to see here

>> No.21983046

Poor Americlaps... you better embrace your ANTIFA overlords soon. Communism is the only solution

>> No.21983058

does this make sense?

>I think it's more a reflection of quantitative easing turning t-bills held by banks into cash, IIRC. Huge increase to the money supply that basically just sits at the banks (as the fed pays interest on excess reserves), so M goes up due to quantitative easing, but V on those incremental dollars is effectively 0, so average V falls.

>> No.21983067

On the plus side, if inflation goes the way of 1920s Germany then at least I'll be able to pay off my mortgage for the price of a loaf of bread... before WW3 kicks off

>> No.21983078
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>starts an economic war with China and all the large money interest who were profitting off of it
>gets fucked in the ass by a virus originating from China (totally by accident lol)

Yes, goy, the conspiracy is the virus is outright FAKE. There is no way a heavily overpopulated communist country facing political tension all around its border would actually create and purposely release a REAL virus, right?

>> No.21983091

So were getting deflation?

>> No.21983107


>> No.21983119

Not really. Deflation is something that happens more under a hard currency. Although there are different types of deflation I think.

>> No.21983140

this looks bullish!

>> No.21983142

Right now velocity of money is down, which is creating deflation
When velocity picks back up a tidal wave of inflation

>> No.21983201

Explain to me like Im a mouth breathing retard
But will we see it pick up? It seems to me that the average American is either crippled by debt or throwing their new cash into an overvalued market. Same for most small/medium business as they seem to be overleveraged.

>> No.21983258

When there is a hard money system like gold and silver, governments can't print money and debts can't get repayed as people start hoarding money and stopped borrowing and spending. But as things are currently, the government just creates money and hands it out to people so that they can pay their debts and whatnot.

>> No.21983308

Oh ok, I get it. But what about the whole eurodollar situation? Wouldnt that make all of the printing necessary as their is lack of paper money to back the amount of dollars in circulation?

>> No.21983309

> A liquidity trap is a situation, described in Keynesian economics, in which, "after the rate of interest has fallen to a certain level, liquidity preference may become virtually absolute in the sense that almost everyone prefers holding cash rather than holding a debt which yields so low a rate of interest." A liquidity trap is caused when people hoard cash because they expect an adverse event such as deflation, insufficient aggregate demand, or war.

>> No.21983393

Well, I think most of the currency is already digital. The digital currency gives them even more control in specifically targeting different sectors to inflate.

>> No.21983423


>> No.21983459

I kind of forget that most people havent left their houses in 6 months. I literally haven't changed my life at all, and have still been going to work everyday as normal. Never wear a mask, rarely wash my hands, etc.

>> No.21983515

Funny how liquidity trap is also mitigated with higher inflation like Powell mentioned.

>> No.21983530

Makes sense that velocity would drop as the currency supply explodes higher, at least initially.
If velocity goes back up you're looking at some serious inflation...

>> No.21983789

Christ I’m jealous. Systematically executing everyone over the age of 70 would have been better than this.

>> No.21983915


>> No.21985062
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bumping the only actual good thread

>> No.21985094


inflation / deflation is not the same thing as money supply. You can get deflation even with money supply going up if technological improvements increase production of goods, or usually temporary periods of deflation when credit contracts.

Inflation / deflation is also subjective. If a phone for example, goes up 10% in price in one year, but has 10% higher GHz, (regardless of CPU architecture or actual computational power), the government would consider there to be no inflation. But I think most people would consider that 10% inflation.

So while CPI and other government metrics could register <2% inflation or even deflation, the "real" inflation could very well be in the double digits. And it certainly is for housing, healthcare, and education. While energy prices drop and food prices remains stable (even the quality of the food drops, and the supply becomes less reliable, the government only looks like price of certain items per $).

>> No.21985132

If Biden wins, will he implement UBI and Universal Healthcare? That would be a fatal blow to american economy.

>> No.21985178

Ya it's been pretty great. I still technically qualified for cerb benefits as well since my work was essential and I had my hours "reduced". Little do they know I was just a lazy employee before, doing a skilled job that my bosses don't actually know how to do or how long it should take (and doing it with almost no direct supervision, as long as it gets done and they don't have problems after, no one gives a fuck what I do or when I clock out). Once I saw that you could qualify with 10 less hours worked a week "due to covid-19", I just started working 25% faster and finishing my required work in 6 hours per day instead of making everything take 8. So I've also been getting $1k every 2 weeks on-top of 30 hours a week @$30/hr

>> No.21985407
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>>21982996 doesn't into custom series
Here's Quant * Velocity on Log scale

>> No.21985556


Once the Economy opens and inflation is obvious they will panic and institute UBI. Can’t wait for hyperinflation

>> No.21985953

Nothing ever happens. We’ll be fine. God is protecting our country.

>> No.21986027

Correct me if I'm wrong but when that money eventually starts moving we end up with runaway inflation?

>> No.21986232

Nothing to correct, that's exactly right.

>> No.21986409

Finally a thread with actual content. Looks like our economy is basically given to the treasury. Up to them how we proceed from here. Strange to see when December 2019 onwards they were doing the repo operations and printing billions.

>> No.21986477

Ending income tax

>> No.21986528

First Sergey betray, now Jerome follows suit?

>> No.21986547

Bullish for btc n metals

>> No.21986599

Gov will probably end income tax to try to get that velocity to pick up and it will work along with their other policies.
Leaving people with more of their cash is inflationary not deflationary.
Hopefully the no-tax policy will stay post-crash so we can actually build a better/stronger/faster economy this time around.

>> No.21986637

Redditor detected...

>> No.21986663

>raising the minimum wage
lol, and say hello to even higher unemployment
epic xD

>> No.21986685

it's fucking over holy shit

>> No.21986692

subhuman gook

>> No.21986707

Bros im scared...
Is this really a big deal or are people doomposting?
Is my money going to become worthless?

>> No.21986739

What in the world? How will raising the min wage lower inflation?
and more unemployed = more full time joggers

>> No.21986748

>Don't give the cattle funds goy
>Keep them without option goy
>Have them spend it fasssssssst
back to the >>>/o/ven

>> No.21986752

this is why Jerome looked so nervous he knew this was going to come out

>> No.21986788

You read the words but you didn't comprehend it
Removing income tax should happen but its not going to prevent hyperinflation, it will make it worse

>> No.21986795
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what does this mean for my stocks? do they keep mooning but it doesnt matter because if I sell them i get toilet paper dollars?

>> No.21986808

>going to

>> No.21986818

it means you will be green every day but the actual value of your portfolio will be decreasing

>> No.21986883


>> No.21986915

Monetarist theory doesn't explain inflation. Get over it.

>> No.21986926

And making the jewish voodoo economics collapse is a bad thing? We have different views on what should happen with current institutional arrangement I guess, stupid libtard.

>> No.21986955

So should I be holding cash then? I’m so confused

>> No.21986979

WTF are you on about? The expands the money supply by buying back bonds at inflated prices.

>> No.21986995

the FED* expands

>> No.21987018


Cost of goods and services will rise faster than sales / revenue. Many businesses will become non-viable and go out of business (stock goes to zero). Many will issue more shares to raise cash to stay afloat. So the marketcap of the company will rise but the share price won't necessarily rise due to dilution.

>> No.21987055

No you've failed to understand again. No value judgements were in what I wrote.
> more inflation makes hyperinflation worse
The system should and will collapse and people shouldn't pay income tax. You've spent too much time immediately jumping on people on /pol/ and/or reddit, you don't bother to try to read and understand first

>> No.21987114

FED prints shitloads of money -> gives it to big business directly or in the form of less tax etc

big business keeps the money in reserve/not to spend despite the printing

even though amount of dollars goes up inflation stays flat as value is all locked

as soon as its favourable to unlock value and all the money from the sidelines comes into play on the main stage the entire economy collapses due to record bills being printed entering the market all at once, driving down the price of each individual bill as it should have done when it was printed but didn't cause velocity is low.

>> No.21987135

isnt this what elon already doing?

>> No.21987221

>immediately jumping on ideological enemies
correct, the time for taking any centrist or (((sane))) arguer serious is gone since 5 years, and it will deteriorate faster and faster, and those who refuse to give a rational arguer any time is exponentially growing. Welcome to Winter, you better keep your mouth shut if you want to survive and are not ready to become a martyr for your (((sane))) views

>> No.21987222

So, the commies where right?
> they will sell us the we will use to hang them

>> No.21987248

That didn't work neither africa ir Venezuela, why would you do that?

>> No.21987268

You need to try to do the same thing you should always try to do, which is to buy and hold productive assets. They are just harder to find now.

>> No.21987305

Or even better, kill al the commies and start from zero and banning leftist as they did with confederate and nazi flags.
It World for Chile and Uruguay and now they are steady economies.

>> No.21987322

* buy, hold, or build

>> No.21987329


Yes, right now there is a panic to get into stocks, especially with foreign investors. The US economy is the tallest midget in this regard. The least worst place to store value. So stocks are going up even though profit margins are dropping and dividends are being cut, businesses are going bankrupt. Eventually this bubble will pop, inflation or not. For the past ten years money has flowed from stocks to stock holders through buy backs, dividends, etc. All of that is stopping, and instead money is being funneled into companies to keep them solvent. This is a big shift that will lead to long term declines over the next decade, even if there is a massive bull run panic bubble in the short term.

This is why its much safer to buy PMs or crypto right now. Ride the same bubble wave, but with assets that are actually scarce. Stocks will be printing by companies to fund themselves just like the government prints money.

>> No.21987334

how do i profit from this

>> No.21987417

No, actually will help, there's a reason why US is the only 'develop" country with free health care.

>> No.21987440

>buy crypto right now
Opinion disregarded. Go post on the 100 other shitcoin threads that shit up this board and stay out of this one.

>> No.21987464

Why don't you post something of value to counter his opinion?
It sounded accurate to me.

>> No.21987572

is it time to stop posting in /smg/ and start lurking /pmg/

>> No.21987692


This isn't /smg/..