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21978513 No.21978513 [Reply] [Original]

Alright fags im going to give you a big tip before i pack up my computer and leave on a trip.

sushi, yam, pasta, ham, shrimp. all of these distributed AMMs have a similar model. the way to make it with these is to buy in in a large amount VERY EARLY. there may or may not be enough liquidity to facilitate a large buy. just get as much as you can without skyrocketing the price a few % points.

use the token you bought to yield farm on the native token + ETH pair (or whatever the pair is that has the native token + whatever. for YAM i think it was YAM-yCRV? for SUSHI it is currently SUSHI-ETH UNI-V2). the native pair is the most desireable for the network. gives the most rewards.

heres the caveat. look at the price of the asset. you have to make a risk management decision. "if i risk $X, how long will it take me to make 50% of my initial investment in yield farming?" and then ask "is that period of time realistic enough for the price of the native asset to drop 50%?" then look at the community. if huge players like Hayes and FTX are farming dozens of millions of $, chances are the asset ISNT going to lose half of its value in the next 24 hours. go for it.

the issue is, you can drop 10k in yield farming an asset or you can spend 10k in BUYING the asset and farming on its native pair for 10x-20x the hourly rewards. the risk is not much higher in this case, but the rewards are way higher. this is a smart, low-to-medium risk play.

for SUSHI it's juuuuust about to be over. you might be able to buy in now and farm a shit ton. but APR is down 25-40% across the board so you gotta move tonight.

also, general talk about AMMs and where they are going. SUSHI could potentially be the next YFI.

>> No.21978604

Nice thread. SUSHI could very well overthrow uniswap. The swap fee earnings make all the difference.

>> No.21978700

going to bump this thread a bit because i failed to use a good title to catch attention

>> No.21978730

also odd picture choice

>> No.21978759

i know nothing about yield farming, where do i go to figure out basics and how do i learn about new contracts

>> No.21978816

you should get into it anon, its the next big thing


read that, SUSHI did a good basic writeup on how it all works

>> No.21978817

AMMs = Auto Money Managers
and not
Auto Marker Makers

>> No.21979152

my ether address is stuck pending transactions, trying to start the sushi yield farm. Has been stuck for 2hours now.

>> No.21979383

Check how to unstick txs using a custom nonce (look it up)