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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21977098 No.21977098 [Reply] [Original]

10x+ within 1 week. screencap this

>> No.21977173

I hope so. Otherwise I picked the wrong YF clone to finally yolo into

>> No.21978139

shill me this coin

>> No.21978196

Why? Millions are added to supply every day

>> No.21978518

this. yfv is unable to pump by design

>> No.21978521


>> No.21978735

nah ppl will fomo into the new yfv staking pool, they are retarded

>> No.21978906

They are voting on supply measures, burning, reducing sell pressure, things like that. Team seems to be aware of the issue. Obviously everything to increase value passes with an overwhelming majority.

>> No.21978950

They just burnt 8 mill

>> No.21979040

yfi only has 30k coins in existence

>> No.21979391

hmmmmmm convince me

>> No.21979502

buy YFI instead of this shit
> only 30k in existence, ever
> has actual utility, used for voting on yearn governance
> arguably most popular defi project and growing

there's a few YFI ripoffs now (yfii, yfv)... why get the literal copycat

>> No.21979706

their telegram channel janitor banned me for saying something about sushiswap.
what a retard little bitch loll

>> No.21980043

you will all fomo on this

>> No.21980421

YFV is the next big one, once the pool is released tomorrow, more YFVs are burned, and emission rate is significantly reduced, we'll be mooning straight to $150+

>> No.21981065

biz will completely miss out on this run, like always. See you at $150+ bud

>> No.21981209


are the definitely reducing the emission? I like this project but it seems like the inflation is holding it down

>> No.21981762 [DELETED] 

I got a 1k stack of this moon juice.. comfy af maybe

>> No.21981810

My bags are packed and sitting comfy af. Staking tomorrow will bring back to moon bois and this shit gonna pamp hard af. Get in biz tards let's fucking go!

>> No.21981991

But YFI has already done a 30x and i don't want to buy the top. Do you think it can do another 20/30x from here? It seems more likely that YFV will reach $200 before YFI gets to $300,000. I'm new to crypto so if my reasoning is wrong please tell me why

>> No.21982312

Same bro

>> No.21982350

yeah, they're burning a ton of the supply and more will get burnt soon. They'll be a governance vote again to reduce emission rates and burn more YFV tokens, which ofc will be approved since holders of YFV want the value of it to go up. Easiest 100x of my life

>> No.21982357

oh I should also mention the vaults they're working on, should be released soon. Should drastically skyrocket the value of YFV. This is literally the floor, so many gains to be made

>> No.21982601

how many you've stacked?

>> No.21983069


sounds good bro..I got in at $10 so not too stressed about short term movement. This should easily get back to its old $40 high

>> No.21983325

same here, I think $40 should be extremely easy to break, should happen within a day or two

>> No.21983368

Votes on coin burn after the audit and vault launch. I think $100 possible in a couple of weeks

>> No.21983416

When does the staking pool open?

>> No.21983433


>> No.21983488

I know tomorrow but what time?

>> No.21983566

The YFV Staking Pool v2 will be opened on Sunday, August 30, 2020 2:00:00 PM (GMT+0)

>> No.21983581

you and me both, brother

>> No.21984451

Strong support at €11, not going to get much cheaper entry than now

>> No.21984535


If they burn another large % then this will fly..it seems to be the only legit concern with this, the circulating vs total supply

>> No.21984561

>Circulating: 1,111,368.28 YFV
>Total Supply: 2,440,621.74 YFV
it's not even that much. The coingecko max supply is incorrect btw, if that's what you're referring to

>> No.21984671

max supply will be something like 12-13m within the next 14 days right?

so next 14 days, 10m+ YFV are going to get farmed???

>> No.21984678


how much will the total be after the burn? so many different numbers flying around

>> No.21984817

lol where are you getting this info from? coingecko is wrong, the total supply is only 2.4mil. Check the YFV website, they burned a ton, and will continue burning more. So the total supply will actually reduce
the total supply right now is 2.4mil after the majority of the supply has been burnt. There will be a lot more burns coming though, so the total supply will actually reduce

>> No.21984932

i heard from someone on telegram, but they may have been wrong

they we're saying that over the next 14 days that the total supply would increase to over 10m

do you know how many total YFV will be farmed and for how long? (once the new pool opens tomorrow? )

>> No.21984991

scam dont buy

>> No.21985233

Uhhhh nice i guess

>> No.21985251

again, total supply cannot increase, only decrease. More than 8mil YFV has already been burnt. The YFV pool that releases tomorrow will not pay out in YFV. It's going to pay out in ETH and USD

>> No.21985436


How much is the APY for the YFV pool? Was thinking of just flipping this quickly when I bought it but now I'm thinking this could be a really good hold

>> No.21985476

I'm not really sure, should be announced tomorrow. Should be similar to the other pools, as well as increasing when the vaults are released in September. Personally I'm holding for a few months at least, gonna be staking my YFV as it continues to grow in value

>> No.21985568

And so it begins

>> No.21985575

ah ok i see.

so there won't be any new YFV tokens minted unless there is a vote/agreement from gov?

and the tokens farmed from the new pool tomorrow will be the ecosystem tokens (vETH and vUSD)?

>> No.21985816
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no YFV tokens can be minted ever. The end goal is that once the rest of the pools run out of payout in YFV due to reaching the total supply, we'll be relying on the YFV tokenomics to pool and the vaults for yields. Very similiar to YFI once that reach its total supply

>> No.21985835

what about all those YFV finance POOL tokens?

Where are all those YFV going?

Those will be added to total supply no?

Can someone please confirm


>> No.21985845

ah so there is still 13m more YFV tokens that will be payed out in rewards?

>> No.21985876

sorry i mean

there are roughly 1m+ YFV to be rewarded?

so a total supply of 2.5m YFV?

>> No.21985897

wtf are you saying? check the total supply on that etherscan you just sent me, only 2.4 mil total supply, the rest got burnt. The top addresses only contain around a mil tokens or less that will continue to be paid out. But this can be reduced via voting

>> No.21985922

ah I spoke too soon, yes exactly. Just check the website if you want to confirm

>> No.21985958

Hope so
>t. fomoed @36 retard.

>> No.21985983

how do u even buy this shit on balancer lmao

>> No.21986034

aha i realized how retarded i was so i tried to reply asap

thanks bro

>> No.21986294

it's okay anon, you're welcome. Looks like it's gearing for a rally like YFI. They all seem to follow each other, hope you've found a good entry

>> No.21986476
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how to buy sirs, i need to do the needfull

>> No.21986507

my yfv is stuck in stake pool but still comfy

>> No.21986602


>> No.21987251

We're about to launch bois

>> No.21987304

been waiting 15 minutes for my swap

>> No.21987345
File: 215 KB, 1200x893, EgGikmOX0AASD_Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Farming over $1k of this per day. I'm so comfy bros.

>> No.21987378

have some collateral on aave, noticed you can borrow yfi. worth it to loan out a small bit and stake/ pay it off as it accrues?

>> No.21987446

how are you farming so much? Did you really put in 100k of capital into an unaudited contract? Which pool? LINK?

>> No.21987499

My first uniswap buy. Had to spend half an hour trying to see how to add this fucking thing to metamask.

But I bought at 11 and I feel comfy as fuck now.

>> No.21987657

>Did you really put in 100k of capital into an unaudited contract?
Yes. BTC pool.

>> No.21987840

Oh shit it's peeyumping... Staking on Sunday. Get your butts ready!

>> No.21987898

>staking tomorrow
>audit next week
>insurance fund coming
>vaults early september
>more burning
>pool rescue
this is genuinely gonna be the next yield farming project that moons like YFI and YFII

>> No.21987937

Well done, my entry was around 14,5$, I bought just before the dip sadly. But now the dip is over and onward we go, gz to the people who bought.

>> No.21987990

madlad. good luck.

>> No.21988121

Shilled it a couple of times yesterday, bought the dip at around 10.30$ ish, good move. Feel like it's going to pump even further. I'm sooo tempted of throwing more in the pools to increase my yield

>> No.21988177

I'm looking at 40-50$ short term, but even selling at that price might be a stupid move.

>> No.21988268

>$50 end of weekend
>$150 mid next week

>> No.21988280
File: 35 KB, 538x807, soon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see that happen, and I fucking wish too. But it seems doable, there's a lot of hype behind these YFI clones and this one seems quite legit. Also discussed it these last days with a blessed whale friend of mine, and he and his buddies are pretty positive on that too.

>> No.21988282


Yeah same bro, was telling anyone who'd listen to buy around 10/11. Made a nice move today I think this is just the start

>> No.21988455

One think I wonder though is how much the % is going to be for the YFV pool tomorrow. Feel like everyone gonna rush in it

>> No.21989152


>> No.21989320

Is this the next YFI?

>> No.21989370

even better, cap this

>> No.21989377

unironically, yes

>> No.21989437

Should I dump my ARPA for this?

>> No.21989439

get in boys

>> No.21989450

I hope so. My dick is ready. Thank god I bought when it dipped below $11.

>> No.21989475

That would validate my risky nature, doubt it’d be this easy.

>> No.21989506

Every last one

>> No.21989509

Why is not on DeFi pulse?

>> No.21989542

soon my friend

>> No.21989549

It’s a scam

>> No.21989582

Everything is a scam until you FOMO

>> No.21989636

I'm getting mad fomo please tell me if it's legit

>> No.21989710


>> No.21989772

legit one of the top defi projects, google it

>> No.21989835

it's getting added there soon, the TVL is growing insanely fast. The pool tomorrow should spike it by $10mil+ too

it's legit. No premine, they're getting audited, they're building an insurance fund, they're making vaults similar to YFI early September. This should grow as much as YFI and YFII aslong as it can provide high value and yields

1.1 mil YFV

>> No.21989892

why is the team anonymous?

>> No.21990017

Source on the audit being today?

>> No.21990052

audit is next anytime, on or before the 31st

>> No.21990056

So that they don't get fucking executed by the Chinese government.

>> No.21990073

Fomo is making me sick

>> No.21990090

*next week anytime, on or before the 31st

>> No.21990104

Got source on that?

>> No.21990110

$20 resistance just smashed!!!!!!!!! Parabolic run incoming.

>> No.21990182

I just went all in guys you better be right

>> No.21990194

If you’re hesitant, yield farm it.

>> No.21990232
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Fuck. The two threads that are currently up about YFV give the impression that they've been filled with telegram retards or pajeets simulating a discussion, but I've been looking at the charts this whole time and it basically pulled a x2 from $10 to where it's at now. I fucked up several of my trades this week and ended up from having 3500 USD down to 150. Will this one pump or not? Is it legit? I'm fucking tired of losing money. I want an actual person to reply to me, not some telegram moonboy faggot or ranjesh. I'm on the brink of despairing, I want to get a quick x2 at the very least to get back on track

>> No.21990247

Read this. Everything is just shill.

This Explains WHY YFV will hit $100-$200 soon. All numbers people:

Total max supply 25mill, currently there is $8.343 mill burned and once everyone gets the refunds from YFV pool, than 3mill more will be burned monday or tuesday of next week.

So we are going to be in 13 mill max range


>> No.21990308
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It’s still risky.

>> No.21990399

bro don't do it it's so risky ... i mean you already lost thousands of dollars don't risk the last $100 ;)

>> No.21990724


Ffs man. Do you see what YFI is doing???? This is literally YFI 2.0

This is not just some uniswap pnd shill. This shit is going to mars. Stop overthinking and just put 5 to 10 ether in if you want to make it.

>> No.21990880

Pump then dump, pump then dump. Keep telling yourself this time will be different tho!

>> No.21991107

What the fuck

>> No.21991490


>> No.21991565


>> No.21991664

that's it?!?! you're telling me my measly 150 yfv is enough?

>> No.21991684

Yes, YFV v2 pool, tmrrw, 96.4 minimum stake, cap this.

>> No.21991707

50 suicide stack

100 stake makeit stack

>> No.21992007
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Can someone explain to me how to do Yield Farming with YFV to earn more tokens?

>> No.21992054


>> No.21992248

Could this reach $500 by EOY?

>> No.21992289

If YFI really takes off, Yes. Being a clone is paying off.

>> No.21992347

do you think that’s a make it stack? I just put in 6 ETH. Is it stupid to buy the YFV token and stake it? Should I only be adding liquidity with other tokens? I’m a noob at this

>> No.21992406

You can stake tomorrow at the YFV pool when it opens, It'll have high APY most likely

>> No.21992530

when do we get our locked tokens back? i was in the pool with the exploit. filled out the form

>> No.21992669


>> No.21992725

It's called gambling

>> No.21993011

yfv looks like more options for pools

>> No.21993019


>> No.21993117

litteraly tried buying at 14 dollars earlier today, came back to see the transaction didnt go through and it mooned to 20. Anyone know why it wont go through on balancer? just takes forever to confirm and then nothing happens

>> No.21993219


In the tutorial they say to deposit either USDT, USDC, TUSD or DAI. But i can put YFV in the pool?

>> No.21993232


This is more of a slower and safer bet I think..Its not gonna 5x over night but if you have patience you'll do well. What the fuck did you buy to lose all that money man?

>> No.21993248

Not enough fees probably ? Or price was moving a lot and you got fucked

>> No.21993299

fuuuck probably something like that, litteraly lost out on like 3 eth beacuse of this shit

>> No.21993310

the YFV pool starts tomorrow

>> No.21993340

always use highest gas fee available + increase slippage to 1%-3%

>> No.21993395

I feel you, missed some opportunities too because of these damn fees. And already spent around 3 eth in fees only, it's quite fucking annoying

Just farm some YFV through BAL or WETH (or others, just that I like these) pools, it's quite profitable.

>> No.21993463

Fug I only have 50

>> No.21993545

yeah i guess, kinda new to defi since i went to prison for a little while and couldnt pay attention to crypto. just deposit some WETH and i can pull out YFV? Atleast thats how i seem to understand it

>> No.21993611

I'm fucking retarded I bought in at 18 and didn't increase my stacks when it dropped to 11.

>> No.21993687

Im going for yfii, yfv has way too much supply to reach any significant amount.
yfi has around 30.000, yfii 38.000 and yfv has 1 million with a max supply of 15 millions.
if you want something cheaper with more perspective than yfv go for yflink

>> No.21993707


So, basically ; https://pools.balancer.exchange/#/pool/0x10DD17eCfc86101Eab956E0A443cab3e9C62d9b4/

Double check the URL above, I could send you a shit pool, but you can get it from the YFV website, it's the WETH/YFV pool.

Idea is that you have some WETH and you have some YFV, and you add liquidity to the pool with these. In return, Balancer will give you a token named BPT that you can put on YFV to farm some. If you want to get your WETH/YFV back, you just have to withdraw from YFV and remove your liquidity from the Balancer pool.

Good luck anon.

>> No.21993713

Anyone have this staked in any of the pools on Balancer? Do I need to swap ETH for BAL tokens in order to participate?

>> No.21993770

Fuck you /biz/. You fomoed me.
Let us all fall or triumph together.

>> No.21993772

Read above, same shit for Balancer, just a different pool

>> No.21993813

yeah i was actually looking at this one, just unsure of the specifics

thank you anon

>> No.21993829

yfii already mooned

>> No.21993924

Thanks anon. I was typing just as you replied. I'll try my luck with WETH/YFV pool on the YFV website.

>> No.21993983

What did you go to prison fer?

>> No.21994003

its literally a chinese clon of yfi, yfi grew more than 77000% since its launch, they are almost the same meanwhile yfii has only grown 3000%, its has a lot of room however i don't think it will reach yfi levels

>> No.21994056

was selling drugs to pay the rent and use some of the profits to buy btc, got busted and a few months in the can. on an ankle monitor now and getting back into crypto ahain

>> No.21994067

Yw anons, hope this one will be profitable, treated me well so far but tomorrow will be a big day

>> No.21994155

Then why does coingecko no show that

>> No.21994206

Well CG needs to fix that now

>> No.21994348

Same link bro’s for lyfe

>> No.21994366

how does this coin get value? isn't this shit just like bitconnect?

>deposit your money in our token and we invest the money and give you high returns

>> No.21994402

Yea I through $900 at it, at $20. Am I full retard? Should I have watched and hoped it will fall back to $15 later today?

>> No.21994418

except it actually works and is verifiable on chain

>> No.21994437

you did good boyo, next week you'll be rich. Cap this.

>> No.21994452

Obviously telegram is for pajeets, native English speakers use discord

>> No.21994454

Faggot does understand defi, governances, vaults and insurance

>> No.21994478
File: 122 KB, 500x327, Vanguard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats you just described ETFs.

>> No.21994484


>> No.21994558

i dont think it's gonna go back $15, steak soon. I'm poorfag so about to throw the same amount

>> No.21994620


Nah dont think so..This bounced from 12 - 18 quite a few times, I think this was its last dip. People will prob put their profits from YFI, YFII, and YLINK into this as its the only one that hasnt really ran yet

>> No.21994695

yfv twitter account is following Binance twitter, does it mean they're working on it?

>> No.21994732

Just joined the WETH/YFV pool. The fees are ridiculous. $28 to setup a proxy, $1 each to unlock my WETH/YFV, another $10 to add liquidity and exchange for BPT, and finally another $10 to farm YFV on the website.

>> No.21994737

Also following Trump, does that mean the orange Cheeto is all in YFV?


>> No.21994763

Oh, and I forgot about the fee to actually wrap my ETH.

>> No.21994772
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Should I sell my ARPA for this?!?!

>> No.21994785

I think you already know the answer pajeet

>> No.21994834


>> No.21994908
File: 80 KB, 241x298, wack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah desu the fees are fucked, it's not something you should even try to do with 100$. Even with a couple thousands it's still annoying

>> No.21994915

is it too late? its at ath now

>> No.21994933

Yes or no?

>> No.21994990

yes, thank me later

>> No.21995051

How many fees is it to start farming? Is it worth if I have 100 yfv?

>> No.21995061

ATH was at 40$

>> No.21995077

>This will go $50 min by Monday

>> No.21995100

No clues about YFV farming cause the pool will only start tomorrow, and the minimum to farm will be 100 YFV +-.

But for WETH/WBTC/... Farming, yeah it's interesting if you have a couple thousands to throw in, 1.7-2.2% daily

>> No.21995104

im getting fomo i need to make a wise move guaranteed to succeed i only have a month left

>> No.21995130

Was the vote already taken on minimum amount to farm YFV? I thought there was a choice between 50-75-100.

>> No.21995142

My guts say it's not too late, but just use an 8 ball to take the decision for you.

>> No.21995186

Good question desu, I don't know much more, thought it was already settled for something around 96 YFV but I could be wrong

>> No.21995198

Correct, 96.4 is the minimum amount of YFV required to stake in the news YFV v2 pool tomorrow.

>> No.21995257

96 for what

>> No.21995264

why not TELLOR

>> No.21995265

read up on the older comments, it's late but not too late. this may be the final dip

>> No.21995280

hope the hesitant anons bought, this pump is so sweet. Pretty confident we'll break ATH by tonight/early tomorrow. Looking forward to price discovery mode

>> No.21995335

what happens if i buy $1000 worth of YFV

>> No.21995338

It said 96.4 somewhere but I'm having trouble finding where it said that

>> No.21995343

I just started farming. Fees are pretty high. See >>21994732
It was probably dumb for me to do since I only went in with 1.5 WETH. But estimated 24hr rewards are 0.3 YFV. I guess I'll find out.

>> No.21995349


>> No.21995353


>> No.21995357

man RIP those retards who sold for $8 yesterday kek

>> No.21995381



>> No.21995386

I have 70 already, I was just wondering if I could stake.

>> No.21995439

u need 30+ more to be safe

>> No.21995447

That's what CoinGecko is reporting at least, haven't seen it myself but https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/yfvalue

>> No.21995457

old comments. 100 is the make it bag because stage is 96.xx

>> No.21995694


Just look at the replies, that guy and his group aren't yet in, if they jump in YFV that will bring a lot of pajeets. Go do your deed anons.

>> No.21995730

cant se my funds in the balancer pool after i set my bpt to farm on the yfv site, it will come back after i unfarm right? prob a stupid question but thought it was wierd mang

>> No.21995752


>> No.21995807

Not stupid, it's shit UI imo, but yeah it's just because your BPT is on YFV and not on Balancer, once it's back on Balancer you'll see the right numbers.

>> No.21995818

haha bro i know its stupid as fuck, but ive been out of the game a long time and all this defi shit is new to me

>> No.21995840

thanks man, was stressin a lil bit there

>> No.21995885


True true, these satsgang faggots always pump shit

>> No.21996156

100 YFV to make it.

>> No.21996213

this scam is pmponenig polo me coto

>> No.21996251

make what yu ass huler it is going to broke your poor americano fuckenyou

>> No.21996282
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>> No.21996296

AHAHAHAHA you idioto ahahaha fuck you american shit scam you fol

>> No.21996372

NO arap is lechit coin this scame is only so biz retadrs can pout money in adn los it has no velue hahaha yf scames fuck off

>> No.21996422

>only pretending to be retarded

>> No.21996425

thi s shit doent evenn have coin logo on usiwap ahaha fuck youf

>> No.21996490


Fuck off retard, trying so hard to be a retard makes you an even bigger one.

>> No.21996572
File: 202 KB, 789x535, rugedyvf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahahah rugged yuo fuckers gotn fucked haha

>> No.21996601

nooooooooooooooooooooo fuck where did all my money go

>> No.21996614

that's a scam link or fake pic

>> No.21996725

Aaaaaaaaaaaaa I'm financially ruined fhujjjjjjjjcckkkk

>> No.21996729

10x is FUD

>> No.21996854

too late to buy or should i wait for dip?

>> No.21996869

going to $500 atleast lol.

>> No.21996940

how is that even possible

>> No.21996945

no itwill not is a cheep clone of a clone of shit ahahah get rekt fuokcers

>> No.21996987


If I'd knew were you lived I would murder you in your sleep

>> No.21996988


take your meds

>> No.21997003
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This will be worth 100k in a month :)

>> No.21997137

this is going straight to 500 when the wheels start turning

>> No.21997174

it si alreedy less value than 2when you bought it ahaha your shitcoon is dumping

>> No.21997191


imagine being this bad at investing

>> No.21997193

120% lmfao

>> No.21997366


>> No.21997762

it is scame

>> No.21997994

yflink is going to explode once the linkswap pool is launched

>> No.21998011

why did my Uniswap swap fail?

i have enough ETH in my metamask to pay for transaction fee. help anon

>> No.21998083


price probably moved too much..increase your slippage, 3-5% should be fine if you're willing to pay a bit more

>> No.21998088

youu got fuckefd by slippache aahhaha dont buy this shitcoon ples dont buy it

>> No.21998121

i'm trying to sell it retard
made a quick 2x selling initial and riding this scam to wherever it goes

>> No.21998149

dood you nvested 20k do ou really want to lose 20k$ ??

>> No.21998189

ahh ok why notn take profit you will lose what oyu let in for ride you know that?

>> No.21998250

i think yfi is worth taking some risk on

ps; FUCK Uniswap

i tried looking for YFV on balancer but couldn't find it? anyone been able to buy/sell it on there?

>> No.21998310

You’ll lose all your sheckels, goyim don’t do it.

>> No.21998318
File: 17 KB, 252x219, 1465229540604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21998642

This confuses me, i tried looking for it also but it’s not there and it’s most likely not available. So that leads me to question how do we as liquidity providers receive fees from swaps?