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21973640 No.21973640 [Reply] [Original]

Where the fuck do I go to adopt a pet? I’m looking into adopting a bird but I don’t trust Craigslist tier local ads sites like Birdsnow

>> No.21973666

If you're an ausfag lots of nurseries sell birds

>> No.21973669

What kind of bird i have a green cheek conure

>> No.21973680

based and godspeed birbanon

>> No.21973750
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I’m a burger
Congo African grey. I was considering a sun conure at first though
Thank you fren

>> No.21973785

birds are meant to fly dumbass not live in a house. dont enslave a bird

>> No.21973789

that's weird. i was thinking about a couple cockatoos i used to take care of.
a morrocan cock, and a white cock.
they were nice birds, i havent seen them in 20+ years. and yesterday i thought of them..
i thought maybe 1 of them died, and that's why i was thinking of them.

my dog died, and i been thinking about getting a dog and a parrot. like a cockatoo..

with birds...
you can't just pick one up..
you got to get to know their personality and see if they are affectionate with you or hate you.

if you find a bird that likes you, they'll be your baby for life. but they're high maintenance.

maintaining relationships with birds/dogs is still easier than finding a girlfriend.

>> No.21974097

>I don’t trust Craigslist tier local ads sites like Birdsnow

What exactly is the difficulty in adopting a bird?

>> No.21974119

they're complex animals, and some of them are not dumb.

>> No.21974171

When you see a cat on the street pick it up and take it home.
You now have adopted a furry friend

>> No.21974203

Yea if u get a bird ur a fuckin sadist. You have drained an animal of all life so u can look at it in a cage. All bird owners should be hung

>> No.21974211

Get a male cat dude. They're super chill bro tier and need absolutely fuck all from you.

>> No.21974237

Had a beat boxing parakeet that talked to shoes, do recommend

>> No.21974240

Pet Smart if there's one in your area bub, they have a good selection of birds and fish.

>> No.21974258


>> No.21974267

African greys are awesome great choice man

>> No.21974283
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Yep I had a Moluccan cockatoo for many years but he passed in 2017. Probably the sweetest bird I’ve ever had and I miss him dearly :(
It’s more of a task to hunt down and pick out a healthy bird than it is to adopt a cat or dog in my opinion. Especially considering that I’ve never adopted an African grey before