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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21971786 No.21971786 [Reply] [Original]

but in survival mode.

- no price predictions
- name a proper usecase
- why is it better than X

>> No.21971884

Savings account
It has literally everyone who knows their shit onboard as a stakeholder. Some guy found an exploit early that could have drained all funds. You know what he did? He reported it and got it fixed, and he's probably swimming in his YFI token riches now.
Nothing can ever compete, because it has network effects/liquidity economies of scale and any attempts at overcoming that with liquidity mining incentives will result in YFI's cannons being pointed at you and rewards being funneled back into the OG's vaults.

>> No.21971941 [DELETED] 
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Unironically, the best thing you can buy right now is CVP.

Concentrated Voting Power
> Just released
> Completely new concept, automating governance process for Defi protocols. Light years ahead of any competitor in the space
>Volume is going up like crazy
> Amazing liquidity



>> No.21972157
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XRP + FLARE = unbeatable defi

>> No.21972196

here's your defi. cope shitcoiner