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21965678 No.21965678 [Reply] [Original]

Legit deflationary defi token with a tiny mcap, balancer pool, and locked liquidity. Just launched on Uniswap with no presale.

Locked uniswap liquidity until December 2021. Verify here: https://etherscan.io/token/0xb469899812f74ee43bffe2d2022590111da86425#balances


Total circ supply stands at around 74m with over 4% burned already at time of post. Burn rate will only go up from here.

Balancer: A balancer pool has been initiated. It contains ETH/LINK/SNX/XMMx(XMM/ETH liquidity token) at a 25/25/25/25 split. Check it here:


The market cap is nothing with less than 300 holders. Price is around .005. Some have compared to STA which mooned to .40c. This is a tiny project w/ no marketing yet which can 100x at least from here. Coingecko and CMC listings coming also.

DYOR of course, main risk I see is lack of an audit but devs are being transparent and actively looking to get this done. Some more links below so you can check it out. Cheers!

Websites: xmmtoken.com xmm.finance

TG: @xmmtoken

Price charts: https://chartex.pro/?symbol=UNISWAP:XMM


Etherscan: https://etherscan.io/token/0x9a7a4c141a3bcce4a31e42c1192ac6add35069b4

>> No.21965725

Hmmmmmm... interesting.. i think this might btfo STA

>> No.21965759

Audit, CMC and Gecko listing soon. Market Cap below 300k. Only way from here is up, pack your bags and put on your moon suits boys

>> No.21965761

so OP, are you on the dev team? because this exact post is being crossposted to reddit and other crypto communities lol

>> No.21965799

probably not, it's just bizlets shilling because it's new, the dev himself didn't do such elaborate posts.

>> No.21965827

This actually seems legit, if a little risky.

>> No.21965870

Statera has a HUGE first mover advantage when it comes to Deflationary tokens inside a balance pool... Can someone explain to me exactly how Momentum can become a success, when a clearly better option is already out there and much further down the line.
Not FUDDING a project this early, by the way, just asking some legitimate questions.
I'm curious to know if XMM has 'what it takes' to become a success, or if its gonna be yet another token which is unheard of in a month.

>> No.21965908

STA has a bad reputation though. Google it and check the articles in the news section. Only stuff about the hack. I feel like an alternative might BTFO them nasty

>> No.21966290

XMM had an adaptive burn rate. Normally it's .75% but 4% when it's volatile. So swingies get fucked and help holders by burning more.

>> No.21966383

So, does this mean that the bigger the sell, the more the burn?
Or have I got that wrong

>> No.21966614

Momentum uses a more dynamic approach to calculating the transfer fee

Two important values are maintained in the token contract: the Short Momentum and the Long Momentum, and token transfers will have an impact on these values

Transfers that move the Short Momentum closer to the Long Momentum will have a transfer fee of 0.75%

Transfers that move the Short Momentum further away from the Long Momentum will be charged a destabilization fee in the range of 0.75% to ~4%

Both momentum values will update regularly on the home page and can also be queried from callable functions in the smart contract

>> No.21966760

Can you kindly explain what short momentum and long momentum actually mean?

>> No.21966783

This token is out of momentum and I advise anyone in profit to sell

>> No.21967116

Bought 200k, thanks

>> No.21967231

We already had stonks and it didnt end up good

>> No.21967949

Probably got stuck holding heavy bags like a retard and is trying to break even