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2196225 No.2196225 [Reply] [Original]

I want to slap 30k across a bunch of cryptos, leave it for a year or two without checking, and come back richer.

atm I'm thinking
>20% BTC
>50% ETH
30% idk, maybe 15% XMR, 15% something else?

Cant figure out what the consensus is, since most of /biz/ seems to be focuses on daytrading rather than investments that span years.


>> No.2196243
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All in!

>> No.2196250


>> No.2196258

>ETH 40%
>BTC 30%
>XRP 20%
>LTC 10%

Don't bother with shitcoins or ICOs, because 99% is pure pump and dump. Those 4 currencies have either clear value propositions or good a business case.

>> No.2196268


>> No.2196275


Replace XRP with XEM and yeah I'm on board

>> No.2196276


>> No.2196281

XRP is way better though.

>> No.2196288

>XRP is way better though.


>> No.2196290

What exactly other than a bunch of buzzwords is XEMs value proposition?

>> No.2196293

50% BTC 50% ETH

>> No.2196298
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Ripple the company might be ok but the currency as it is, sucks.

>> No.2196301

The best technology :)

>> No.2196305

60% BTC
20% ZEC
20% ETC

is your safest bet

>> No.2196340
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Everything that Iconomi is operating on and backing up. Also put 1k in XRP until 2019 at least and $500 on dgb for a good gamble and a shot at 400% gains within 3 months

>> No.2196474

Here long term coin

>> No.2197063
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ok, grabbing
>a little XRP and DGB

all good?

>> No.2197087


literal shitcoins.

>> No.2197151

>20% btc
Safe bet

>50% ETH
Seems like a bit too much. Try putting 5% of that into Etc as well.

The remaining amount consider investing in siacoin, xrp, xmr, and probably in some new ico.

Remember, true profits come from volume held. You make more profit holding 100k ripple if it goes from 20 cents to 25 cents than you ever will holding 100 eth if it goes from $200 to $300.

>> No.2197157

1% each in REP/GNT/ANT. Just in case they are added to coinbase.

>> No.2197167

Etc is supposed to over take eth

>> No.2197172

you might wanna wait a week to buy BTC

>> No.2197176


>> No.2197184

explain this

>> No.2197193

Looks great

>> No.2197199

Think of Eth as stable and you can sleep 8hrs and no real wild swings but btc right now is the day trading coin and wild swinger stay in long for both and don't look at it in 10 years

>> No.2197210

Come on anon

>> No.2197221

30% ETH
30% BTC
5% LTC
10% ETC
10% GNT
5% XEM

>> No.2197260
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>> No.2197284

>Remember, true profits come from volume held

But you also lose a massive amount of money if it goes from 25 cents to 20 cents.

Only invest what you're prepared to lose anyway. From the moment you convert fiat to crypto, you should consider your money lost. It's a much better mindset, than riding the hype-wave and putting in too much.

>> No.2197303

I'm looking into buying smaller alt-coins and putting them in cold storage. Already have some DGB.

What do you think of the following coins?


I want to slap a $100 on each of them, to begin with.

>> No.2197321

>>Remember, true profits come from volume held

>But you also lose a massive amount of money if it goes from 25 cents to 20 cents.

True. That is the risk you should be willing to take.

>Only invest what you're prepared to lose anyway. From the moment you convert fiat to crypto, you should consider your money lost. It's a much better mindset, than riding the hype-wave and putting in too much.

I would like a mod to take this statement, sticky it on the main page, and make every /biz/ user to swear this as an oath before letting them post anything.

>> No.2197323

only xrp, other's are literal scam.

your welcome.

>> No.2197334

>other's are literal scam.
What makes you think so?

>> No.2197335
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>smaller alt-coin

>> No.2197344

Lol faggot

>> No.2197349

trust me, i'm a whale, i know.

>> No.2197359

> You make more profit holding 100k ripple if it goes from 20 cents to 25 cents than you ever will holding 100 eth if it goes from $200 to $300.

Why is that? 20c->25c is a 125% increase; $200->$300 is a 150% increase. If you put $100 in each - ETH would pay out more.

Reason #183748234827354 why you should never take advice from 4chan.

>> No.2197366
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>I want to slap 30k across a bunch of cryptos, leave it for a year or two without checking, and come back richer.

>> No.2197378

>+20% with 100k invested

>+20% with 1k invested

I think that's what op was trying to say.

>> No.2197382

Sounds fishy

>> No.2197392

Why? I want to believe this

>> No.2197414

speculation, but you should definitely use it as a hedge because of the coming diff bomb and muh ice age of ethereum

>> No.2197427

if you think proper crypto currencies like BTC, ETH or LTC offer no value, you're deluded.

$80B market cap is nothing compared to other markets. There will be a correction, once we're past the hype wave. We're not going to get 1000x RoI, but as soon as crypto currencies become more liquid, we'll see volatility go down as well, which in turn will make crypto much more interesting for traditional investment companies.

>> No.2197437

do you know the history of those two coins? i suspect not, otherwise you wouldn't speculate that

>> No.2197439

>if you think proper crypto currencies like BTC, ETH or LTC offer no value, you're deluded.
I never said that you silly fuck, that doesn't change the fact that the value for the actual coin for some of the major cryptos has no fundamental ties or relationship to the underlying tech or value proposition

Whose ass did you even pull that line out of?
You're just spamming your boilerplate shill script, aren't you?

>> No.2197445
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>muh dao reversion
>muh ice age
>d-do you know the history???

>> No.2197464

look how ignorant and upset you are

etc will never eclipse eth, it's just not going to happen. etc is a literal b8 coin

>> No.2197476
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I would personally do between 40-60% in BitBean. but what do I know, I'm just a Russian developer that happened to work with Sasha on Waves.

>> No.2197477
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>> No.2197493

>I never said that you silly fuck, that doesn't change the fact that the value for the actual coin for some of the major cryptos has no fundamental ties or relationship to the underlying tech or value proposition
Which I never claimed.

>You're just spamming your boilerplate shill script, aren't you?
Sure, or I've actually put in some time and researched BTC, ETH, LTC and a bunch of alt/shit-coins.

ETH has a tremendous business case. If it succeeds, it means that services like AWS can be crowd-sourced without any business overhead. Look at the AWS market and you'll get the ballpark.

Now go fuck yourself, I'm not going to waste my time with a retarded mouth-breather who can't figure out stuff like this by himself.

>> No.2197518

>Which I never claimed.
I never claimed you claimed it, do you know how conversations work? The fuck? You're just carrying on, basically talking to yourself at this point

just going to stop replying to you mentally ill fucks

>> No.2197541
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>all those arguments you're making

>> No.2197549
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we have reached parity, my friend

>> No.2197557

lmao point and laugh ant this pathetic coping nocoiner

>> No.2197558


You're fucking retarded.

Go 100% into BitBean. Get those credit cards MAXXXXXED. It can only go up, amirite?

>> No.2197573

joke's on you faggot i have $100,000 in bitbeans

>> No.2197578

ok then, I'm sorry, you're legit.

>> No.2197790

Get in SIA its really really cheap

>> No.2199034
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Am entering the market based on the memecoins posted ITT. Thanks for the recs, see you in a few months :^)

>> No.2199125

70% ETH
20% BTC (or less)
0-5% XRP
0-5% LTC
20% your choice of alts but I recommend some MNE which has an extremely low supply (which means it could have a stable price in the $20-80 range and is currently $2-3). I'm currently sitting on 1725 of these but will probably increase to 2k during weekend dips. projecting 100k profits at least if it gets added to bittrex/polo.

>> No.2199164

you should be extremely cautious with BTC until they solve the scaling debate.

ETH has been stable and organic and stands to gain all the people fleeing BTC due to the network scaling issues.

it currently takes hours at a minimum to transfer btc and $5-15 fees are becoming the norm if you want to prioritize them. always use ETH or LTC to transfer between exchanges if you want it to happen quickly.

>> No.2199218

10%* from 20% for the alts (including XRP and LTC) to equal 100, i originally had ETH at 60%

for the record OP I have 15k invested currently hovering around 55-60k because I focused on ETH.

>> No.2199248

Don't buy XMR, they fucked their community and Zcash is starting to take over
Don't buy XRP, it's a scam
Proof: https://steemit.com/ripple/@olyup/fck-you-money-the-rise-and-fall-of-xrp
ZEC is killing XMR but the "privacy coin" space is really volatile, would recommend avoiding
GNT is vaporware, can't predict ANT, REP is nice
Post proofs

My recommendation
25% BTC
20% ETH
15% REP
15% MYST
15% SIA or SJCX (whichever you like better or split)

That's BTC and ETH as foundation, WAVES as value buy, and then the 3 most promising blockchain tech areas IMHO: decentralized storage, decentralized VPN, and prediction market

Or you could just buy BitBean :^)

>> No.2199475

pls explain pls anon ;_;

>> No.2199594

wtf is myst?

and why is GNT vapor wave?