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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21961418 No.21961418 [Reply] [Original]

Feel like I'm going to explode.. Maybe I shouldn't have had that 4th hotdog with chili..

>> No.21961445
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>> No.21962257

>eating toxic shit like chilli or garlic that only brown people historically used to prevent food from rotting

>> No.21962291

Wtf? Where’s garlicanon when you need him

>> No.21962304

flush twice

>> No.21962495
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Hope your business takes off anon.
And by business I mean I hope your explode the shit of a century from your bumhole. Enjoy the cleansing.

>> No.21962552


>> No.21962574

>toxic shit like chilli or garlic
but garlic is really good for you

>> No.21963140

nice business opportunity anon thank you

>> No.21963171

off topic /biz/ is best /biz/

>> No.21963173

how can I profit from the smoking ruins that used to be your toilet

>> No.21963187

Made me kek

>> No.21963235

You do know that anons that make these type of posts are mostly bored millionaires

>> No.21963263

THIS. jannies please take note

>> No.21963277



>> No.21963299
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>> No.21963332

Have a 5th, it will balance the others out

>> No.21963380

t. subhuman wh*toid with toxoplasmosis

>> No.21963395


>> No.21963486

Welllll thats what they tell you btu i dont believe it a second. In german cuisine it was never
used until the 70s or so exactly for that reason.
Hes a bit crazy but hes right on some things

>> No.21963551


Imagine living next to France and near Italy and being so incompetent.

>> No.21963571

Id rather have once in life a symptomfree disease then eat literal shit all day like you

>> No.21963673
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You have no, no and no idea, german cuisine is easy number 1, but besides some meme dishes (sausage dishes used for small meals) no foreigner have any idea what german cuisine is
pic related is a example, only czech and poles will know