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21959823 No.21959823 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, I am going to be honest with you. I am starting to have doubts if this thing can really go to $2000.

Please tell me it will and that I have just been brainwashed by some FUD. 90% of my portfolio is XRP, the rest is XLM. I have been HODLing my bags for almost 3 years now, living paycheck to paycheck refusing to sell my bags at a 90% loss. I could have swapped by XRP for Link but I didnt, instead I continued to believe and hodl.

please tell me I will make it I am getting desperate.

>> No.21959872

If I swapped my XRP for Link when it was at $0.2 I would have had millions by now. Instead I have $100 left for the month after paying for my rent and bills.

>> No.21959899

Dont go full anything mate
Just having a few hundred dollars in xrp (if it goes to 2k) you make you a milionaire.
Also, it is not smart to, because the price can go down 90% and you could buy it 90% more.

>> No.21959973
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$2K eoy, the La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo already signaled it in July.

>> No.21960112

This guy is right. Diversify your portfolio.

>> No.21960679

XRP token value is a function of the total real time transaction volume across its ledger and XRP held locked in various wallets etc.

Retail "investment" or trading has VERY little influence on XRP price. That's not what it was built for.

You're asking if XRP price can reach $2000? Mechanically, yes, of course it can. It could even be priced higher. 5k, 7k, 10k, 20k... Mechanically, yes, that's all possible.

I don't believe in all this Mellon fantasy stuff but if you step back and look at the pieces, Ripple is in a very unique position in terms of regulatory compliance, banking and government partnerships.

I know there is a lot of vitriol here on /biz over XRP because it runs somewhat contrary to what a lot of us had envisioned for the future of crypto (personal sovereignty, be your own bank, privacy etc) but if you look at the project objectively and have a longer term investing mindset then XRP is an obvious choice.

That being said, you may want to diversify some. 90% in one coin is not the best way to maximize your overall gains and minimize risk.

I hope you make it bro. Remember, we are in the valley between speculation and adoption right now. Don't be afraid to hold XRP even if its not going to make you rich tomorrow. For every one person you hear about making bank on uniswap there are thousands who lost.

>> No.21960932
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> there is a lot of vitriol here on /biz over XRP because it runs somewhat contrary to what a lot of us had envisioned for the future of crypto (personal sovereignty, be your own bank, privacy etc) but if you look at the project objectively and have a longer term investing mindset then XRP is an obvious choice

An infrastructure inversion is coming.
(easy 2x speed watch)

Old financial systems are on the way out. The question is, what replaces them?
XRP looking like a solid answer.

>> No.21961081

Is this XRP shit just one big LARP? Or ar people actually still buying this shit? Its already #3 with no room left to move up. If you honestly think it will ever flip ETH or BRC you're kidding yourself. AT BEST it performs as well as BTC, but probably ends up slipping down the charts in the next bull run.

Find a better investment with more room for growth or play it safe with BTC. This coin has no investment value anymore.

>> No.21961158

The price of XRP is being extremely manipulated. One day that will stop and then the fun begins. Just don't puss out until then.

>> No.21961164

You're confusing investment with speculative gambling.

>> No.21961629

This, do they keep the price low mechanically or by dumping their own supply of xrp?

>> No.21961735

if you have xrp you are a retard and will stay poor. the token is a joke and is not used by ripple except to sell to raise cash. wake up idiots, you're missing out on so many opportunities with this scam. won't be replying to xrp tards this time so you're shit out of luck if you dont believe me

>> No.21961774

Why would we care if you respond? You're wrong, and that means your "reasoning" is shit. Go circlejerk about how BTC will never go below $11k again or some shit.

>> No.21961787

Ripple owns most of the supply, they've caused so much inflation by dumping their own supply it's at a larger market cap than when it was $3 and yet its 10x lower in price due to token inflation.


Not sure why anyone is still investing in this garbage but to anyone that hasn't please don't. If this was a guaranteed 2k moon there would be obvious accumulation by people in the know and it would be reflected in the price but it's doing nothing but dumping and crabbing at its same price points for the last 3 years. The return of this coin for 3 years has been lower than a fiat savings account that's how bad it is.

>> No.21962167

From September 11th to November 11th. 66 Days of Darkness. We will go from Darkness to Light.

>> No.21962267

Are you retarted anon ? Xrp needs to hit 589$ before hitting 2000$. Cope harder

>> No.21962382

So is the price going up in September or not?

>> No.21962502

The price will move in September but its not going to be what you think.

>> No.21962548


XRP will may go to a dollar some time next year but the opportunity cost will make it not worth the trouble

>> No.21962591

why would it?

>> No.21962602

>Just dropped $3k on XRP for an 11k stack
Just fuck my shit up.

>> No.21962842

Are you expecting a big dip? Would be nice to be able to scoop up some more at a discount from the weak hands. I know the hnwi said to expect shake outs.

>> No.21962938

Shakeouts are bound to happen in September. I am expecting a major stock market crash.
I have my shorts in place ready to go. The final push will be a crash of fiat currency.
Fed has announced that banks can go beyond the 2% limits. Its only a matter of time now.

>> No.21962975

$2-3 is the shakeout

>> No.21962986

Awesome. Ive got some set aside ready to buy up as well. Somone mentioned it going all the way to 0.01 but that seems unlikely. Id be thrilled if I can get some more in the .10 - .15 cent range.

>> No.21963022

Interesting, so you think most will sell off at that point and then they'll flip the switch? Maybe I should just get more now while its around .25

>> No.21963036

I'm expecting the shake out to happen somewhere around the $1-5 range. September will kick things off. October will solidify. November we will prosper.

>> No.21963416

It's stupidly obvious that you're a linky trying to bait people.
>Hur I'm holding 90% down and poor
>Hur if I had bought link I'd be so much rich
>Hur my mother's cow kicked me the other day when I was street shitting

>> No.21963485
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, xrpmoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have faith anon. just swallow your losses and accumulate more instead of selling. load your fucking bags. we're going on a moon mission and will melt the faces of unbelievers when we blast off

>> No.21963525

>”l am starting to have doubts if this thing can really go to $2000.”

Top kek

>> No.21963651

I highly doubt the shakedown would be lower than we’re at considering it was significantly lower only a few months ago. Also, IIRC, Mellon said the shakeout will be 2-3 range as people would finally be able to dump their 2017/18 bags.

4K stack here, about to rank up to Staff Sergrant by trading some of my other coins for XRP. Currently I’m at 46.19% XRP in my portfolio. Praying for all of us. Christ is King.

>> No.21963717

Based. God wins in the end. We're all gonna make it brothers.

>> No.21963809

I'm 62% physical silver and 19% XRP. One is God's money, the other is God's crypto. WGMI

>> No.21964356

We're going to make it bros
"Ripple Says It's Throttling Growth of Global XRP Remittance Platform – Here's Why | The Daily Hodl" https://dailyhodl.com/2020/08/28/ripple-says-its-throttling-growth-of-global-xrp-remittance-platform-heres-why/amp/

>> No.21964416

Lets make a crypto token to help the legacy banking sector limp along while they try to migrate to ethereum, and then we'll use money from selling our tokens to continuously pay for partnerships, and convince all those idiots it's going to $2k. genius.

>> No.21964499

After the $2-3 shake out it could go down to 0.10-0.01 but the jump would come quickly soon after.

>> No.21964860
File: 208 KB, 768x1024, d8494tf-61472498-8436-4bdc-8d19-5755082a432e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tell you guys something that I'm really afraid of.

Imagine that you're dumb enough to sell your XRP one day, and the next day you wake up you'll see that it has mooned to the fucking heavens and you can't even buy back in. Meanwhile you see everybody living their life and buying their lambos and whatnot, and you're just sitting in your room depressed.

>> No.21964888

Checked. Ive already got a nice stack built up, will put some aside just in case it dips down that low again. Might be able to double my bags kek

>> No.21964896
File: 248 KB, 1080x1253, 1597363095644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XRP is pretty risk free, can't go wrong on this one

>> No.21964918

So don’t sell. And if you absolutely need to sell for whatever reason, at least keep a “make it” stack.

>> No.21964927

>XRP is pretty risk free, can't go wrong on this one
how does five united states of america cents sound anon?

>> No.21965096
File: 325 KB, 1000x1033, 1598060237718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XRP cucks face when RSR goes to $.3

>> No.21965113

Hope you have enough nickels to afford a rope when the switch is flipped

>> No.21965166

yeah xrp is trash...... but you can bet yo ass the moment you sell it for something else that it will skyrocket lol thats just how it goes :D

>> No.21965525

It can't reach 2k maybe 10$.
Anyway the """insiders""" said something was going to happen today i was stupid to believe some schizo

>> No.21965641

Why would they dump it? So people can buy it put again? I doubt we will see a single pump

>> No.21965868

To shake out weak hands

>> No.21966094

That shitcoin is never reaching $.3, not even in your wettest dreams.

>> No.21966106
File: 74 KB, 572x622, 1595989358019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never sell, this is my long term hodl asset i don't care, if i need cash and its high i'll get a collateralized loan against it if need be

>> No.21966164


>> No.21966252

MGS pilled, Kudos anon.