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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 25 KB, 629x348, coinbase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2195505 No.2195505 [Reply] [Original]

Why is nobody talking about this? Don't you faggots read the news?

Coinbase is the Google of cryptocurrency, normies love it.
Whatever coin they add, it will fucking moon

"We're not trying to be the fastest and the cheapest, we're trying to be the most trusted and easiest to use. I would love to have a dozen digital currencies listed by the end of the year, that's the right long-term strategy, but it's about making sure we do that safely and deliberately," he said.


>> No.2195517

Coinbase lost tons of credibility in the past months.

Nocoiners better avoid.

>> No.2195523


>> No.2195530

Is ltc gonna explode now? Should I buy?

>> No.2195537

Definitely xrp and probably the other top 10 including dgb

>> No.2195547

It says that he'd "love" to add a dozen currencies, not that they actually will.

>> No.2195555

what happened

>> No.2195563
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rumor has it they're gonna change their name to beanbase

>> No.2195564

Try to think like a normie

He logs into Coinbase and sees Bitcoin at 2500€, Ethereum at 200€, Litcoin at 30€ and XRP or Golem at 0,30€

He'll buy a shitload of XRP and Golem thinking "hey, these could be the new Bitcoins and make me a millionaire"

>> No.2195571

Be sure they are working on it

>> No.2195604



if you don't own atleast 10,000 GNT you are doing it wrong.

>> No.2195608

GNT, REP and ANT are pretty much guaranteed at this point. I assume they'll add a few other Ethereum Assets too such as Gnosis and Iconomi.

So I'm calling it now, the 12 new currencies will be: Golem, Augur, Aragon, Gnosis, Iconomi, Ripple, Dash, Monero, Stellar Lumens, Stratis, Sia and Steem.

Screenshot this.

>> No.2195618
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>> No.2195657
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>mfw how rich I'll be when normies pump GNT

>> No.2195672

I want to buy Ripple but no wallet for it.

>> No.2195673

Waves is a good bet too

>> No.2195691
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>> No.2195850

>I want to buy Ripple

>> No.2195873

>only have 5k


>> No.2196040
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>> No.2196079
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>mfw holding 400

>> No.2196095

random outages and very delayed transaction processing is what i've heard (not using cuckbase myself)

>> No.2196122

Tired to cash out yesterday
I live in Britain
Turns out I cant cash out
Have to go through a lengthy process of bank transfers and confirmations

PSA if your British, Dont use Coinbase

>> No.2196142

No one cares because Coinbase is shit, with fees out the ass and their trading platform is literally "here's a spot price with a +/- a few percent, no limit orders". It's babies first crypto exchange and more currencies just means more attempts to Jew noobies.

>> No.2196143
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Tfw this will kill all btc gains. Best sell before lads

>> No.2196261

Does anyone else think this is maybe a bad idea? Their whole "Google of crypto" thing is helped by them only offering "blue-chip" top 3 cryptos. Now they're gonna sell a bunch of alts? With REP and GNT the projects may never result in anything impressive.

They should offer XRP and not these. Certainly not anything past the top 10 coins.

>> No.2196294

DASH, Zcash, Monero, Etherium Classic and Ripple seem likely I expect.

Maybe DASH or Moreno to get the first spot.

>> No.2196352

You're being an emotional faggot about this

Coinbase is the entry door to btc/altcoins for hundreds of people, possibly millions in the near future. Just take a look at /biz/ recently : dozens of noob threads like "i just bought my first ETH on Coinbase, what do I do now?"

I don't give a shit about their fees or ethics or whatever, I care about $$$
You want to make big money? Stock whatever token Coinbase is most likely to add, and sell at the right time

>> No.2196378

This meme that GNT will go on coinbase needs to die

>> No.2196401

So much this. There's a fucking plague of financial whiteknights on this board that seem to hate making money. Makes me fucking sick.

>> No.2196423

>top 10 including dgb
You wish.
Name one good thing DGB has going for it without referencing a twitter post.

>> No.2196498

I'm glad Coinbase exists, we need more normie money to flow into this market.

They still need to work on their servers but they got it right : digital currency for the average Joe (no candle charts only experts can read, no shitcoins that will scam you, etc).

>> No.2196564

after that fluff bs I doubt it.

>> No.2196681

>tfw 3000 is all you van afford
All i wanted to do was save for basic attention token

>> No.2196770


lol, u rly think you can get your measly 3k in the bat ico?

>> No.2196793

Why not I have no idea how this works

>> No.2196801

I hope they add Bitcoin

>> No.2196832

You're deluding yourself if you think Coinbase is going to add $random_shit_coin to their platform.

Currencies that will be added in the next year:

>> No.2196839


>> No.2196887

Stop with this mooncuck shit

>> No.2196896
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>> No.2196954

supposedly they're adding Augur too. worth going in you think?