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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 52 KB, 636x515, ramp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21954437 No.21954437 [Reply] [Original]

So you are telling me that these guys will create a way to actually use the capital people have locked in staking? And no one is talking about it?
They are having a public sale very soon, there is a huge demand but I will try to get in, and you should too.

>> No.21954736

Looks good to me, and the team is not from some indian shithole for once, it actually looks serious. I just need to get in the sale.

>> No.21955025

They already started announcing some big partnerships, and we are still in presale, once the product is out we are mooning.

>> No.21955333
File: 59 KB, 640x571, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's exactly why I think they will succeed, there are too many big names involved in this project for it to fail.

>> No.21955816

How is that different than what FTM is offering?

>> No.21955844

I am really excited for all the different products they are going to release, especially the staking collateral, might finally start yield farming once it's out.

>> No.21956292

It's not really the same, FTM is pretty much all over the place right now while ramp is focusing on finance, that's a big plus to me.

>> No.21956676

FintruX aswell look into it

>> No.21956836

When sale? I would like to grab a bag

>> No.21957084
File: 39 KB, 726x625, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should get more information soon, keep an eye on their media

>> No.21957432

Cool, you can buy but then you can't sell. Nice tokenomics indeed

>> No.21957840

Did you even bother reading about it or are you just some pajeet fudding?

>> No.21958190

Don't bother with them, project is just starting and already has baseless fud, that's a good sign

>> No.21958809

From what I read about the project I can tell that this product can really revolutionize defi, it looks like it has obvious moon potential

>> No.21959366

They have plenty of work to do, for now I would focus on the sale and see what happens then

>> No.21959923

Stop shilling that scam shitcoin, ramp is years ahed of those pajeets

>> No.21960447

Stay poor, we are going to the moon and you are gonna be left behind

>> No.21960866

What are the chances I can get in the sale? It seems like the supply is limited

>> No.21961241

Might as well try, even then there will be chances to buy after the sale when it starts getting listed, but getting in the sale should be easy money

>> No.21961622

They just announced a partnership with moonstake, they have more than 350 millions in their staking pool, I have a feeling that this is only the first of many big things

>> No.21961794

Fuck you and your scam token which you can't even sell lmao

>> No.21962250

Here's a pajeet already priced out even before the sale, don't worry you will be able to get it on uniswap one day

>> No.21962705

I am extremely bullish about this, they have announced a lot of new stuff in the last few days and already have some good partnerships, once it launches I am all in

>> No.21962745
File: 10 KB, 227x222, ppgl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop shilling that here OP. Places for presale will be limited

>> No.21963193

how do I get in this sale you are talking about?

>> No.21963497

When are they having the sale?

>> No.21963542

Close to impossible to get in, it's been shilled all over crypto twitter and various telegrams.

>> No.21963713

That doesn't mean it's impossibile, you just need a little luck

>> No.21964181

I don't really follow twitter or telegram that much, apparently biz just found out about this.

>> No.21964251

Public sale fund is $80k, that's a joke. No way you can get this.

>> No.21964526

Why not try tho? If I can't get in the sale I will just buy later anyway

>> No.21965002

I can't wait to grab a bag, I might not get in the sale but once this goes on any exchange I am getting some and holding it long term

>> No.21965652

It's doable, just get in early and you will have a spot