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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21954069 No.21954069 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.21954104

Because it was a smartcon and if you didn't get out when it hit 20, you invested in a dumbcoin.

>> No.21954145

rlc is bullshit. you should be investing in a shitcoin that has a market cap of around a million not this shite. you'll spend months and months hoping this coin somehow becomes chainlink tier which is dumb. it's playing the averages, there are plenty of coins with <100mil market cap, so you should be chasing 5x and 10x there. spend some time routing around on coingecko and stop buying shit just because of co ordinated pump and dumps from discord trannies on /biz/

>> No.21954282

Sell the rumor sell the nothingburger

>> No.21954582
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> "nice fud kek"
> "fake"

But in all honesty, it's dipping to attract new investors..........probably. To sell here would be suicidal, strong support at 1.20.

T. Non bag holder looking to buy in once i see some sidewayz

>> No.21954635

This thing is going to shove a green dildo so far up the markets ass that they will be nearly comatose and still dribbling dumbass fud from the corner of their mouth

>> No.21954698

cool i'm going to 10x my money when rlc is $12 a coin and it has a billion dollar market cap.. fuck off. i can make more from the 100s of shitcoins that aren't worth hardly anything even after they 10x

>> No.21954701

>if you didn't get out when it hit 20

Seething nolinker can't even tell what coin is in OP's pic lmaoooo

>> No.21954739

he's seething so hard he's gone blind with rage.

>> No.21954771

I hope so, I'm all in
I just don't have high hopes right now.
2$ would make me very happy

>> No.21954801

NDAs will be disclosed soon

>> No.21954810

$5 by the end of the year. Calling it.

>> No.21954856

ya I meant for eom
high hopes for eoy

>> No.21954886

$12 a coin at 1 bil mc is a fucking pittance. This pos will be well over $5b and $50 a coin before anyone blinks an eye.

>> No.21954932

only 10/11 coins have more than a bil market cap. get real dude

>> No.21954945

I can blink very fast

>> No.21954972

good thing this will be a top 5 coin

>> No.21954989

This weak ass fud leaks out every time it reaches a low, if you look back in the archives 2 weeks ago I bet you will find some sandy ass faggot complaining that he lost a few dollars.
I’ve swing my stuck up by 1/3 the last few weeks and we are going way way higher.

>> No.21955033

Look at the market, this is integrated with every important point of contact, this isn’t about decentralised computing, it’s about secure data on the blockchain and the technology is mathematically superior and I’m yet to see proof of any other scam coin that can disprove my thesis.

>> No.21955053

like I said, I meant eom / the conference

>> No.21955085

lol.. if you didn't buy this when it was pennies who cares

oh yes i'm sure it sounds very nice but you've missed the boat already if you didn't buy this when it was worth a few mil. that's what i'm trying to say

>> No.21955087

I wouldn't go all in but I'm not risking not being in this project. It has the potential to be HUGE
It will probably go nowhere but I'm not taking those odds

>> No.21955143

> the technology is mathematically superior
t. someone who has no clue and just bought in because of muh digital oil

>> No.21955173

>lol.. if you didn't buy this when it was pennies who cares
since the total crypto market cap will explode, I care.

>> No.21955231

>you've missed the boat
pathetic, if ndas get disclosed this month you wont see this under $10 ever again
dur dur dur neck urself faggot

>> No.21955246

Also, I'd rather have a sure 100x than a risky 1000x

This will more than 1000x though

>> No.21955346

I dropped this crumb 3 years ago. I will tell you newfag again.
Research rentcpu.com.
This is just a chinese scam.

>> No.21955354

i'm not talking about uniswap scams. if you bought this at pennies then all the more power to you. equally if you really like the project then fair enough. but if you're expecting money you should look elsewhere and avoid uniswap garbage at all costs. i'm not saying rlc is shit all i'm saying is is that it's entering dumb money phase

>> No.21955746

and what I'm saying is
iExec has the best technology and is still under the radar. It's a sure bet while having a good moon potential. Excellent risk/reward ratio.
Once adoption hits, market cap will be a meme anyway

>> No.21955823

>is still under the radar
it's not though. 100 mil market cap is not a laughing matter. for it to get a 10x would make it 1bil market cap, which is seldom seen in crypto. you've already missed the boat, it's all over biz which is usually a good sign lol

>> No.21956054

>100 mil market cap is not a laughing matter.
It will be with adoption

>10x would make it 1bil market cap, which is seldom seen in crypto
The top20 is a bad joke, full of scams. It also will 100x based on speculation alone

>you've already missed the boat
also depends on how much you have. If you only need a 10-100x, I see no problem buying medium to high cryptos

It won't go much lower. You can stop fudding now.

>> No.21956091

i'm not fudding, i'm just saying if you're looking for a good project you can get in far earlier. for me rlc is a surface level project

>> No.21956117 [DELETED] 

>100 mil market cap is too high
the absolute state of rlc fud

>> No.21956149

still early though
adoption hasn't even started but will soon

>> No.21956483
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>> No.21956825
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Dont trust these niggas

>> No.21956985
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cern-startsup ahead of upgrade - I just wonder.....

>> No.21957029

Of course it will, it'll increase the value of aggregate transactions, as the money supply is fixed, the price will soar.

>> No.21957681

what? iExec can't even handle Hello World dApps right now and you're implying that they'd use it to power CERN?

>> No.21957868
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>> No.21957994

lol fuck off you dickhead

>> No.21958081

> group of french trashmen and sewage cleaners decide to make a token
> when asked about its purpose, they come up with "something something digital oil"
> biz immediately buys into the tokens and shills it for three years straight
> founder Gilles develops hardcore tranny addiction, also can't stop dumping the token as he was used to dumping the trash
> biz cucks hold for the rest of their lives, hoping on every orchestrated PnD that "this time is different" only to have their hopes destroyed again while Gilles and his crew have dump parties in their trashmen overalls fucking imported indonesian trannies


>> No.21958151

This is a false equivalence. Internet providers can increase bandwidth by upgrading the infrastructure and thus increasing the amount of "internet" provided. Whereas the total supply of a token is fixed and the more they're used the more people will be buying them, thus increasing the price.

I know absolutely nothing about this specific token though, I was just passing by and felt like correcting your incorrect opinion. Goodbye.

>> No.21958177

anyone salty they didnt hold LINK just know you had to endure threads EXACTLY like this for 3 years

>> No.21958456

pure cope, this motherfucker is goin to $5b before your shitty uniswap scam can process its clogged shithole.

>> No.21958536

Sounds great. The tears of the fudders will make me stronger. I am seeing RLC as a long term source to suck up gains from SWAP and shitcoins and whatever else.

>> No.21958538

>surface level
you literally cant see it, dot, graph integration, secure data transfer on the blockchain done properly

>> No.21958582

every agent needs to provide stake to secure their activity via the mathematically proven poco protocol

>> No.21958665

SmartCon is currently showing RLC during the Celsius presentation. Bullish.

>> No.21959613


>> No.21960436


>> No.21960556


>> No.21960597

Suck a fuck benchod

>> No.21960722


cope keke

copee replies form dead bag holders lol

go home rajeet you need to milk cows and feed village

yeah just talked to comcast they said everyone in the world is using the internet, so now i will have to pay 1 million dollars lol keke

what happens when this gets higher in price, yeah people are just gona pay google or amazon $20 for storage instead fo pajeets shilling this pump and dump lol

>> No.21960725


Cope, seethe, yikes, cringe, have sex, dilate

>> No.21960762

it was already $2 not long ago

>> No.21960788


>> No.21960863

>reddit spacing
what are you even trying to achieve?
you're not convincing anyone to not buy RLC with this
you don't even know how to fud. is there something, ANYTHING you're at least somewhat good at?
Do that

>> No.21960874
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>> No.21960883

The absolute state of RLC fudders

>> No.21960900


>> No.21960901


This post made me sold everything, it's going to 0

it's over bros

>> No.21960961
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>> No.21960967


cope replies lol ^^^ cope lol

your welcome bro >>21960901

everyone got mad when i posted this wonder why??/ devs no degrees tranny cfo

>> No.21961043

I sincerely hope you guys eventually make it. You take beating after beating with this coin yet you still hold on. That type of careless disregard for your own financial well-being will either result in you becoming flat broke or absurdly wealthy. I hope it’s the latter for you.

>> No.21961073


>> No.21961084

I bought at $1 so I'm not too bothered. It is pretty annoying seeing how much I could have made swinging though, but that's a dangerous game.

>> No.21961087
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>> No.21961140

We are all cucks and love getting financially dominated by Gilles dumping his mighty stack on us