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File: 66 KB, 841x769, thot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21950052 No.21950052 [Reply] [Original]

That thot can't resist thotting.
Why are crypto thots so pathetic? We all know the only purpose of her question was to post a picture of her miniskirt and fish for simp comments. Absolutely pathetic.


>> No.21950606


The thing that I never understood with these kinds of posts is why do you even care?? She’s an insignificant ant that will continue to be insignificant and should be insignificant to you. What she does won’t matter and shouldn’t matter to you. Yeah she’s a thot sure, but then why the fuck are you obsessed with her to the point that you shitpost on 4chan about it?

Fuck thots and better yourself anon, don’t concern yourself with such trivialities. Posts like these just make you seem jealous of the questionable attention she gets, or mad that girls don’t like you or notice you. Work on yourself and your own life. This is coming from a fellow anon who genuinely wants to see you achieve your potential.

>> No.21950675

Literal who

>> No.21950871

some things are a curiosity

>> No.21950901

Ebonics shitspeak isn't allowed here.

>> No.21950967

Thanks for everything, anon.

>> No.21950982

What are you going to do about it?

>> No.21951009

yes anon anytime
be the best you everyday, I am proud of you my fren

>> No.21951089

Because the young generation in itself is completely degenerate, the attention seekers are just as bad as the givers.

>> No.21951189

Sure, op is gay but I cant resist the innate urge to knock women down a peg, or a flight of stairs. Something about their special blend of hubris and incompetence boils my blood and watching female nature play out to the detriment of society is like watching some asshole with downs syndrome break all your legos while everyone around you cheers them on. Goddamnit, /biz/. I hate women so much. I just want to get drunk and beat them to a bloody pulp.

>> No.21951267

>OP is gay
>I want to beat women
You're the closet gay here. Accept your true nature and go to gloryhole instead.
I'm just helping her spread the picture and get the attention she wants. Don't forget to comment about the book you've read. An extra good boy point if you write she's pretty.

>> No.21951304

Im sorry you feel that way man but honestly, the hatred you feel is related to specific humans, possible a generation. Not an entire race of gender, making that statement only proves you're not that intelligent when it comes to social understanding.

Young men AND women is currently the reason for a complete downfall of a stable society that took decades to build. They are just puppets of a bigger picture and neccesary fools to do the bidding. Its all a psyop based on egotistical and self centered values while everything around them crumble to bits.

Unless we have a mass awakening by the younger generation we are completely fucked.

>> No.21951306
File: 98 KB, 500x552, 1534648288523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh. I'm sure you're one of those simps in the Polish shit threads. Why complain. You're more pathetic for allowing shit like that to exist. Back to e-simping, fag.

>> No.21951685
File: 37 KB, 628x579, ifonlyuknewhowbadthingsreallyare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking i simped in her threads
never once

>> No.21951760

>no u
Ok, phegget
Kek, as if boomers built a stable fuckimg society. Blaming society's problems on the youth is low effort and terribly untrue. Actually I need to stop addressing you because youre retarded. Bye, fag.

>> No.21951882

Stable conservative values was literally the building blocks that created modern luxury and stability, wasted on sperm stains like yourself.

You also speak like a autistic incel, not surprised since you glorified beating women in your earlier post. Hopefully you will end it within 1-3 years.

>> No.21951921

It's a pol subject

>> No.21952285

You have no right to complain then. Thots are superior compared to you, subhuman simp.

>> No.21952332

And I should give a shit about thots because ...? You paying attention to thots is just as wasteful as simps paying attention to thots

>> No.21952383

you sound like an incel

>> No.21952436

>Stable conservative values was literally the building blocks that created modern luxury and stability
Youre not saying anything substantial or specific enough to argue against. Kys boomer. You dont know shit.

>> No.21952453

Im attractive.

>> No.21952560

I made the thread because some of you simps liked her post and it polluted my feed and I'm fed up seeing my fed polluted by bs like that. So now I had to block her.

>> No.21952575

why are you wasting your time on twitter?

>> No.21953328

you small dick energy incels can't handle seeing a good looking woman

>> No.21953496

Rofl. You are pathetic. Literally typing paragraphs about how much you “hate” thots and yet here you are obsessing over a picture of a person reading a book on a race to the bottom social media website. You still cannot explain why you are so obsessed with thots, your pathetic attempt at virtue signaling (hur dur I want beat all women) notwithstanding.

You are part of the problem because you consume/care about that type of content, not that you will ever accept that you are ever wrong ever though incel.

>> No.21953516

The post is ancillary to the image, anon. Not the other way around. Shes dishonest.

>> No.21953549
File: 197 KB, 1593x1074, B45BE3D5-4F9D-4493-A462-2753E96594E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much more pathetic can some men get? Spam her with dick pics if you want attention. Also. Who actually reads a read like this?

>> No.21953555

I dont have a twitter. Im not op.

>> No.21953673

That was in reply to the incel tard in this post >>21951189

>> No.21953685
File: 59 KB, 640x480, 142505B7-53F8-4F11-AB15-01633FA145B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who has a fake Twitter? Post this one for her.

>> No.21953923

Oh. I hate women because they are privileged victims who have garnered unmerited power in society which is tearing at the fabric of western civilization. Liberalism is cancer and modern women are the progenitors of it. They are a misallocated resource, anon. Call me a fag or whatever idc. Their contemporary place in business and political life is an insult to us all.

>> No.21953979

>your tweets

Jesus why does this limp-dicked simp pussy-ass shit fill me with so much rage