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21947384 No.21947384 [Reply] [Original]

Refund is done.
Are you ready for the comfy run? $1 EOW

>> No.21947494

stagggots unite

>> No.21947523

i like statera but pretty much any half cautious trader won't touch it after the controversy. some coin is going to come along and do what it does much better and STA will be forgotten. screencap this

>> No.21947524

checking in

>> No.21947535

>i’m gay

we know

>> No.21947557

The controversy that ended up with millions of dollars being refunded?

>> No.21947573

Description of every single token out there. Thanks man.

>> No.21947601

The refund was done yesterday lmao

>> No.21947620


IT. DOESN'T. FUCKING. MATTER. Statera will forever be known as that insecure project that hackers btfo'd. Doesn't matter. It's the association. Normie traders will steer clear.

>> No.21947641

think everyone got over it lad..kek

>> No.21947666

Do yourself a favor. Pretend you're a normie. You hear about Statera and decide to google it.

Go ahead and google "Statera crypto" and click the news section and see what the headlines are saying

>> No.21947691
File: 139 KB, 958x761, STAgame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

15 weeks until $10

>> No.21947696

Statera was never hacked, it was the balancer exchange.
Cool fud though.

>> No.21947718

Ok bro im not doubting Statera or the details being that it wasn't that big of a deal

im just saying the bad press will make it forever a meme coin

that and it's pretty much impossible to fucking find lol half the time doesn't show up on uniswap

>> No.21947734

It was the balancer that was rekt not STA

>> No.21947737

Top 25 exchange listing coming up.

>> No.21947817

lads..these redditors were saying that it was too high at half a cent...they said be careful three months ago..at two cents..am i fucked for buying at 20 cents ? https://www.red.. it .com/r/CryptoMoonShots/comments/gqdym6/statera_sta_is_about_to_make_a_big_moveearly_coin/?utm_source=amp&utm_medium=&utm_content=comments_view_all

>> No.21947889

>am i fucked for buying at 20?
There'll be another thread in a few months. "just bought at a dollar, am I fucked?"

Then another one at 5... You get the idea.
Statera is just getting started and the upside is absolutely ENORMOUS

>> No.21947963

sure is reddit in here

>> No.21947983

>reddit comment downvoted
"It was balancers fault not theirs, and they refunded all of their tokens out of their own wallet. Great team actually"
fucking aids all of them

>> No.21948021

>be clown coin connoisseur
>scoot in from leddit
>writes long lines no one is going to read
>thinks he's "based

>> No.21948067

i dont like this comment because i missed out and want to hate on the project.
down dooted.

>> No.21948422

when is this comfy run starting? we've barely moved at all so far...

>> No.21948470

that was about 20x ago
I think we've moved past it

>> No.21948524

"This broke Uniswap, 1inch exchange and Balance. That's how you know you found a gem."

>> No.21948544

I think once it hits the top 25 exchange we'll takeoff for real

>> No.21948558

Just re-added my refunded coins to Balancer but liquidity hasn't seemed to have gone up much there. Why haven't many others re-added their funds to the pool? And where are the other pools besides the main one?

>> No.21948589

The controversy of being given $1.5 mill USD? Got anymore controversy like this?

>> No.21948605

Bal gets btfo and is still up for cb listing. STA and BAL refund millions of USD.

>> No.21948619

Its gone over 100k. I think it was lile 275k before the refund.

>> No.21948643
File: 1.89 MB, 1011x1459, boxofficegold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like statera but pretty much any half cautious trader won't touch it after the controversy. some coin is going to come along and do what it does much better and STA will be forgotten. screencap this

>> No.21948687


I love these poor pajeets trying to get 20 to 30 cent runs.