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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21947275 No.21947275 [Reply] [Original]

Just found this out the Reichsbank existed. WTF Nazis on /biz/, have you been LARPing this whole time? Do none of the /pol/ degenerates even know what a central bank even is?

>> No.21947335

Unironically funded by the Rothschilds and scapegoated the death of millions of whites for the exchange of a couple hundred thousand bottom feeder jews.
>leftist socialist occultist

>> No.21947337
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Say it with me: FUCK JEWS. That is all

>> No.21947379

Yes, but it was under direct control of Adolf Hitler.
>A 1937 law re-established the Reich Government's control of the Reichsbank, and in 1939, the Reichsbank was renamed the Deutsche Reichsbank (“Bank of the German Reich”, lit.: “Bank of the German Realm”) and placed under the direct control of Adolf Hitler,

For example, the current President of the United States has absolutely no power or conrol whatsoever over the Federal Reserve.

>> No.21947413

in all honesty, they had a central bank it just wasn't controlled by jews or for a profit motive. they ended usury and flat rates were done for loans. they drove an emphasis that the people should be the purpose of the economy not that the peoples purpose was the economy. so yes they had a central bank, it was just ran different then jewish ran central banks. the money printed was printed based off work produced, not debt loaned to the government.

literal retard shit. literally, this is what being a retard and skimming dumb internet conspiracy theories does; it creates dumb shit like this.

>> No.21947444


Not him, but you should look into the early funding of the Nazi Party. Not saying it was some grand Jewish conspiracy, but where the money came from initially is a bit shady and makes you doubt the motives of some people in the early stages of Nazi Germany.

>> No.21947526

There were some industrialists and Jews that thought they could buy off Hitler. At the beginning of his revolution he for better choice of words "optics cucked" a bit and hung around intellectual/financial circles he met through Dietrich. He spoke honestly about issues, but he was nuanced and didn't agree with a lot of the radicals who wanted a full blown National Socialist revolution. Hitler was his own man, no one controlled him.

>> No.21947533

they never planned to pay the money back, which is part of the reason that war was inevitable.

>> No.21947564

He basically took big industrialist money and possibly some Jews and just out-Jewed them. He basically "Alright, you can keep ownership of your factory, but you're going to pay your workers a wage the labor council agrees on and you're going to improve this factory. OR ELSE" and most of them went a long with it.

>> No.21947579

The redditization of this board has begun.

>> No.21947655


Not disagreeing with you, it is just the older I've get and reading what Himmler was doing and various other influental people I've come to realize the 'occult side' of Nazi Germany too.

"God re-animation
All-Father nation...
Reich for Wotan
Priesthood of hate,
pagan black order
The sangreal quest:
Dreams of royal blood...
In the heretics trail
to the lost Catharian sacrament

Secret chiefs in wait
for eugenic slaughter...
Ancient prophecy fulfilled
by scapegoat extermination."


>> No.21947675

Adolf Shekelgruber the honorary Aryan ran it so it was gentile kosher.

>> No.21947683

/pol/tards don't know anything about econom they just react to what they feel like is Jewy

I saw some utter brainlets on /pol/ and on twitter the other day saying that the Jews are planning on going back to the gold standard, and that is a bad thing for the white man
As if a fiat funnimunni currency controlled by a central bank run mostly by Jews (until
based Uncle Powell) is the unjewed position

>> No.21947700

No, absolutely no control, he just picks who the chairman is. Just that.

>> No.21947714

6 million

>> No.21947792

Himmler was definitely tapping into and doing some dark shit, he did find things during his program to find ancient German/nordic history. What exactly we probably won't ever really know. Too many conspiracy theorist and purposeful disinfo agents muddying the water. But yeah there were a lot of theosophists within the National Socialist party and a lot of people curious/dabbling in the occult.

>> No.21947819

Are you insinuating that american voters have meaningful power because they pick the president?
You are a quintessential normie. Get off of this board, unironic communists have a firmer grasp on reality than you.

>> No.21947903

Geez you kikes are terrified

>> No.21947961

It began 4 years ago, this was a nice board before poltards ruined it.

>> No.21948007

1. He said the President of the US had no control over the FED. No mention of voters.
2. American voters have more control over the POTUS than Germans did when they voted Hitler in with 35ish% of the vote.

>> No.21948473

>1. He said the President of the US had no control over the FED. No mention of voters.
I see that applying logic isn’t your strong suit.
He implied that the president has power because he chooses the chairman. This implies the voters have power because they choose the president.

>> No.21948657

if you read albert speers biography, hitler always considered himmler a crackpot and made fun of his esoteric leanings.

>> No.21949104

they were all a bit pathetic to be honest, Hitler was a meth addict with anger issues. Goebbels was bullied as a child and later occasionally by Hitler.
They were a bunch of lowlifes who didn't understand how money works but rose to power over scapegoating in an economic recession worsened by the WW1 defeat. They loaned loads to do this and weren't able to pay back and were thus forced to start wars with other nations. Just look at how the central bank was ran, money printing based on work? That's an almost commie type of market distortion. Same with buying VWs for the people. Unsustainable.

I'm probably triggering you poltards with all this but the jew scapegoating was always just envy and necessity for maintaining power. The real existential threat to values is a consequence of the "enlightenment" which was always a western thing.

>> No.21949145
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>he actually believes this

>> No.21949489
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>The real existential threat to values is a consequence of the "enlightenment" which was always a western thing.
Possibly based if the implied solution is a return to medieval catholic Europe.
The European kings of old also had a firm grip on jewery and prevented them from spreading their degeneracy.

>> No.21949532

>money printing based on work

this isn’t what happened, also Hitler was barely involved with monetary policy, both the Reichsbank and the Ministry of Economics were controlled by Hjalmar Schacht, who implemented a secret quantitative easing program through his shell company MEFO that issued bills that were redeemable for Reichsmarks. Essentially bonds. In practice the bills were not paid back on time, the government instead kept deferring repayment while its debt grew. Schacht likely intended to pay it back, however he was forced out by Goering in the late 30s, who proceeded to run up huge deficits with the rearmament. The Nazi Germany absolutely used keynesian principles and a fractional reserve to jumpstart its economy

>> No.21949540

Central banks need to go away, we need DMG now.

>> No.21949718

implied solution is not a full reverse since collective consciousness remembers everything that happened and thus cannot revert.
implied solution is a hybrid between enlightenment and medieval Catholicism
Autarch who rules for life but heeds a democratic protectorate. Revitalised church which actually studies cultures and incorporates new spiritual elements.
Certainly not nazism which was ran by basically power hungry atheists with some occult interests.

>> No.21949731
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LOKI is my bank. Imagine caring about traditional money systems in 2020.