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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21940809 No.21940809 [Reply] [Original]

We're back with a vengeance. And we're just getting started.

>> No.21940978

Hopefully anon. Bought in at 1.19 like a fat retard

>> No.21941101

One day soon someone else will be saying "WHY DIDNT I BUY IN AT $1.19 FUCKCKCKCKK"

>> No.21941107

I held and will be rewarded

>> No.21941159

Yes buddy. Strong hands deserve strong returns.

>> No.21941170

Staking without “staking” is kind of nuts.

14 is fud

>> No.21941257
File: 106 KB, 930x721, 1597899755342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In attendance, wtf is going on?!

>> No.21941276

Use the new logo when u make a thread breh

>> No.21941551
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>> No.21941558

Who has it?
Also this was an ez hold, matter of time before developments helped this go back up. Marketing hasn't even started.

>> No.21941563
File: 27 KB, 640x640, photo_2020-08-27_18-06-55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21941577
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Sleek af brahs

>> No.21941748

what is the new website

>> No.21941819


>> No.21942135

one of the best defi websites Ive seen yet. Liquidity mining makes my boner harder

>> No.21942205


>> No.21942236

I know a guy who:
>bought at 80cents
>sold at 2.42
>bought at 1.5
>bought at 1.15
>bought at 80 cents
> what next biz?

>> No.21942286

14 bucks

>> No.21942319

i had a similar experience but Ive ended up with assloads of flow now. Should be a fun ride once we're truly back on track for $14

>> No.21942347
File: 855 KB, 500x295, 1597822449892.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no funds left to spare. Sold at ATH. I wish I could buy back in, but I can't. Good luck flowies.
Seize the throne