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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 404 KB, 840x854, just.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21939185 No.21939185 [Reply] [Original]

every damn fucking day I have to do it I feel like dying inside and wonder when this damn fucking hell will end.
Jesus, when the hell are we moon? when the damn hell will we see new ATH? These last 3 years have been very fucking long and they have been a fucking hell, I dream of the day when we again reach new ATH and I can quit my fucking job, wake up fucking late and not go back to work one fucking day until I die

>> No.21939255

I know how you feel, anon. Working is trash. I have my own hobbies to work towards that aren't financially lucrative but still benificial to others. I want to pursue those without wagecucking. Not like my job is fucking needed anyway, nor most of my co-workers jobs. I automate most of my fucking job.

>> No.21939301

What hobbies are those?

>> No.21939684

My target is to buy a small house outright, fill one room with canned food so that I dont have to see a bill for at least a year while still having 100k to play with in crypto. I need about 200k for a decent house, will be dicey trying to hold on for 300k

>> No.21939727

>when the hell are we moon?
What if never?

>> No.21939755
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I was at work for 12 hours today even tho I was only rota'd on for 7. I sat down once, for about 15 minutes. My only food was two kit-kats. My feet are crippled, my hands are fucked. I feel like an old man. I hate my job, it is killing me.
Nobody cares you fucking faggot, get over yourself. My ancestors worked down MINES. Some of them died in wars or got raped to death. People in Africa live in shit and squalor.
You're not fucking important, fucking shoulder your cross and shut the fuck up.

>> No.21939774

I could barely last 2 weeks on canned food. You will want to kill yourself. If you don't believe me, come home after work now and eat canned shit

>> No.21939810

want gains? https://cryptonomiks.com/

Well do our best to get you out of the rat race fren.

>> No.21939819

Yeah probably more like a chest freezer full of frozen veg and steak/chicken. Just whatever means I dont have to think about shopping or money

>> No.21939828

Pretty based desu
If you have no choice in the matter than you might as well lean into the game.

>> No.21939967

I have been working every weekend and night for the better part of 8-10 years and I'm not making sob threads, things could always be worse and you need to give thanks/be grateful that they are not. Give thanks to God and he will help you strive to do better always

>> No.21940075

You're using a computer to post this. Or smartphone which is the same thing. Crypto live here.

>> No.21940293

Good advice. I prayed for this job, even though it's difficult and I earn minimum wage. I begged God for it 2 years ago and I haven't missed a single day since. I thank God for it every day before work and thank him for another day of labour everyday after work, too. I hate it, hate it with a passion, but I NEED it and I'm glad to have it, so it's fine and I put up with it.
I don't want to work, obviously, but who does? By complaining I would only make it more difficult. I'm grateful for the chance to earn my daily bread and I make sure God knows how much I appreciate it.

>> No.21940352

Bless you friend, we will all make it, God bless us all

>> No.21940403
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>> No.21940410

chest freezer and contact a local small farmer for half a cow/pig, top quality and not as expensive as you'd think

>> No.21940442

Soup is canned and based /biz/raeli fuel and is a good food to keep weight off but also be filling.

>> No.21940496
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Based and soup pilled

>> No.21940562
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>> No.21940616

No such thing as a former Marine Anon. Once a Marine, always a Marine. But that’s not an excuse to be a retard. If you vote for Trump again the health insurance you don’t have is only going to get more expensive. Use your big head, not the little one solider. Simper fi!

>> No.21940647

Fucking lol, I am jealous of the higher pay you guys get in the US but fucking hell. Work life balance is near enough non-existent for a lot of your work force.

Just so you know run of the mill decent paid factory job in Europe

25 days fully paid holidays
9 bank holidays
Full wage Sick pay (I have never abused so will receive)
Free 7.5% total salary into Pension
$31k before bonuses/overtime etc (exact same job in the US would probs be $40k or more idk

>> No.21940652
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>> No.21940677
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>tfw quit my job
>currently living off inheritance

It gets extremely boring, but it beats wagin', thats for sure.

>> No.21940701

Jobs are soulless for the most part. The key is to own the business (basically own your income). To achieve that you have to work harder than those that settle into the employment racket.

Start a business anon. If you want to die now why not risk it all. If it fails you'll just want to die. Much like now. Do it.

>> No.21940740

King of /biz/

>> No.21940761

god gave you that job so you could build something better for yourself rather than make a career of suffering in it. Gotta keep moving and growing anon.

>> No.21940772
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>> No.21940797

i haven't worked since january of last year

>> No.21940954

anybody care to dump a few frescos? specially the one with the alarm clock saying "it's almost time again", a personal favorite

>> No.21940996
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>> No.21941014

I totally agree with you. I am so close to being able to leave. I've gone from being in debt to being the richest person I know. It's great. If Link goes to 25 dollars I am fucking out of there. Gonna buy a boat and spend 2 years in the Med. It will have all been worthit.

>> No.21941024
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>> No.21941036
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>> No.21941039

bless you

>> No.21941055
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>> No.21941077
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the people who dread work and get into this for a rich quick scheme are disgusting. you're just going to burn your money in your free time when you "make it"?

>> No.21941091
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>> No.21941169

>Being coachable
Holy fucking shit, my sides

>> No.21941227

I develop properties and never have to work ever again if I wanted, people like me get so much indirect hate for being landlords or wealthy people. I actually don't give a shit about other peoples livelihoods or that they have to work everyday of their lives, people online saying that wealth is evil and basically that anyone who has it has stolen it in some way. So much marxist shit going around

I have tried to help so many people in my circle and they hate any advice, they take it as a personal insult and justify that I just got lucky etc.

>> No.21941274

Good for you. Ignore the Marxist faggots and the communists. They're all lazy, inept pieces of shit. You're doing what's right by you and making it in a harsh world. They're just jealous. Tell them all to suck your rich dick.

>> No.21941279
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>> No.21941300
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>> No.21941904

Great to hear. Patience and discipline, anon. Patience and discipline. Happy for you.

>> No.21941936

Yeah. Wealth isn't evil or money isn't evil but it greases the slicks for those with evil in their hearts that's for sure. Glad you're wealth has afforded you a reprieve from stress and suffering. That is it's true value.

>> No.21941967


What is this comfy feeling inside me???

>> No.21942000

We’ve been seeing new ath after new ath what are you talking about ? You’re in chainlink right ?

>> No.21942323
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>>21939185 (OP)
>I was at work for 12 hours today even tho I was only rota'd on for 7. I sat down once, for about 15 minutes. My only food was two kit-kats. My feet are crippled, my hands are fucked. I feel like an old man. I hate my job, it is killing me.
>Nobody cares you fucking faggot, get over yourself. My ancestors worked down MINES. Some of them died in wars or got raped to death. People in Africa live in shit and squalor.
>You're not fucking important, fucking shoulder your cross and shut the fuck up.

>> No.21942474
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Anon. I feel you. I work a 9 to 5 blue collar job.
It's frustrating. So here is my honest advice from the bottom of my heart.

/Biz today is filled with Crypto. More then 90 percent of all posts in here are shit coins.

Before crypto this place used to contain solid advice, now its filled with memes and shitcoins trying to shit on each other. Shilling. Scams. Etc.

Some of the Crypto coins are awesome. But guess what. Their hard to understand what the functionality actually is. People just buy them because their popular.

If you want to see an investment in your return that is realistic and not risky then you should remain realistic.

If you put $500 dollars into Google, Microsoft or any other large tech company you will se a return within 8 months. Not only is the return more guaranteed then a crypto moon shot. The return is stress free. You wont sit on your computer or phone all the time having to track the numbers.

Unless you understand crypto coins, dont buy into the bullshit. Stick with what you understand. Invest in the things you are passionate about or use daily.

>> No.21942806

I can't imagine working a shit job for shit pay. I make 100k working from home and do about 15 hours of work a week. Even that has me wanting to quit and start another business. Crypto isn't going to save you. The only reason crypto even goes up is because you retards flock to it like a gambler flicks to the slot machines. I just need one big win! You're all gonna get rekt like the retards in 2017. If you wanna make it add value and people will pay your for it.

>> No.21942843

>when moon?
never. enjoy the next 50 years of wage cucking and cope

>> No.21943079

>damn fucking hell will end.
Once you buy SUTER (probably)

>> No.21944091

Stake coins like VRA

>> No.21944235

how fucking lazy do you have to be to literally throw potatoes, carrot, onion and protein into a pot with water and boil it for 45 min? add another hour to make broth from bone

>> No.21944313

Its all luck. Once you're out of school there's no way to show that you're worth more.

>> No.21944451
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You ugly wagecucks are not /biz/ and you don't belong here.

>> No.21944477

How come you haven't made it with your shit philosophy?

>> No.21944753

Who says I haven't made it? Lol

> Shit philosophy

A value proposition is the cornerstone of any business brainlet.

>> No.21944815

Holy shit man, if you are not important, then kill yourself and spare us all your worthless existence.

>> No.21944877

ok, that's great, but ive never had a job, so... who's the real winner here?

>> No.21944903

watch another jordan peterson video, i believe the phrase he used was "carry your cross", so the shoulder bit is slightly wrong, try to memorise it better next time

>> No.21945629

Nailed it, anon. Keep it up.

>> No.21945668

Congrats on your dice roll. Be smart and figure out a way to make that sustainable

>> No.21946032

I work psychiatric. Ive been working 70 hours a week and pulling 3k to 4k checkd biweekly. This week ive been spit on, had to clean a comode and shit, and today had to hear a borderline scream for 4 hours straight. The autistic kid seems like a 4channer, but he doesnt shower. Fuck my life. I made some bad decisions to end up here but it could be worse i guess

>> No.21946503

the best slaves are the ones who will thank their masters
like this guy >>21939755

>> No.21946711

If you made it you wouldn't be on biz now would you now? Ugly larping fuck.

>> No.21946761
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I would probably still be on /biz/ if I made it, but that's because I don't have any other friends to talk to

>> No.21947314

you guys aren't kleros jurors yet?

>> No.21947358

You don't understand. I would rather die in a war than work 9-5 till im 70.

>> No.21947470

I used to do the same thing for 1900 a month, gj

>> No.21947496


>> No.21947629

>pray to yahweh, the jewish god, and be grateful for your enslavement to his chosen people
Top golem

>> No.21947720

Wagecucking is a necessary evil on the way to making it. It's a metamorphosis that one must take in order to feel like they've truly made it. Trust fund babies and NEETS get the rope.
Triggered little unimportant bitch. Why don't you replace your maxipad and try and spare us all your facile bleating.
Who gives a fuck about washing your penis, bucko guy? I knew what a fucking Cross was before he came along you dickhead. Try and be your own person and not refer to celebrity whenever you can, you'll be happier for it.
Fuck off Commie. I don't have 'masters', I work for myself. I provide for myself. I'm living off of the sweat of my brow, which is a glorious feeling, something which everyone should try at least for a short while, once in their life. You sound like a teenage faggot. Lazy, lazy, lazy. Go watch Vaush, you bitch.
I don't intend to work till I'm 70, and nor should you. I intend to work until I'm rich enough not to, like all of you.
But I'm not going to whinge and cry while I do it.
You should all have some pride in yourselves. Do your work with dignity. If you must do it at least try and take some fucking pride in it.
/biz/ is populated by lazy little bitches. Nerds who shy away from hard work. You will be resented by everybody if you ever make it. You can say you won't care but it will gnaw at you. Nobody likes a lazy little bitch. Nobody likes bitterness.

>> No.21947830
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>I work for myself :^)
No, you work to provide passive income to someone else you ugly cucked wagefaggot.

>> No.21947865
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Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing that you have received.
Only what you have given: a full heart enriched by honest service, love, sacrifice and courage.
St. Francis

>> No.21947898

I work for myself. If I didn't get paid I wouldn't be working, idiot. That money is mine, I made it, I earned it.
Also /biz/ is a capitalist board you fucking fruit. Go to /b/ and frolic with the children who don't like the idea of doing literally anything because they want a free ride. You're a spiritual nigger. The person (gentile, by the way) who owns my business set it up himself. It was his idea, he put the effort in, he invested the money, he takes the risk if it goes south. I don't resent him that.
I don't resent the common worker. I don't resent the business owner. You're bitter and lazy. You have no work ethic. YOU are the jew.

>> No.21947992

>actually defending his subservience and cuckery
Holy shit, slave morality is real. You truly are a useful idiot to be used and exploited for profit like any other tool. Enjoy coping about that fact for the rest of your shitty slave life.

>> No.21948029

You are lazy. Have fun being lazy. If you read the thread you'll see I'm fairly close to retiring, in my thirties. Because I worked hard.

>> No.21948117
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>hard work makes you rich

>> No.21948133
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>> No.21948143

Sucking cock of course!!!

>> No.21948186

I'd like to squeeze your area between your lower jaw and your chest until you become grey.

>> No.21948194

Goddamn fucking based.
t. taking a shit at work

>> No.21948218
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Thanks for working so damn hard so that I don't have to.

>> No.21948224
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>> No.21948299
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> t.

>> No.21948372
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I hated working for other people in my teens and early 20s. Didn't matter what the job was. Felt like slave labor. Quit that, moved in with my parents and started hustling online. eventually grew multiple businesses over the years as opportunities came to me.
Not trying to be a bragfag so I'll just say start a business. Even if it's a small side gig. Don't put all your hopes in shitcoins. There is no quick fix for 99% of people.

>> No.21948381
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>Onions is your ID
>ironically lashes out at others

>> No.21948411
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Fuck (((friends))) most will just drop you as soon as you hit hard times, when you make it they all want a piece of you without shame.
Frens will always be here bro

>> No.21948454
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I feel you, OP. These last three years have been fucking brutal. So many fucking fake outs. I am sick to DEATH of work; I am paid well but I'm surrounded by Type A douchebags and the work is unfulfilling. I dream of the day I can finally stop looking at my God damned phone; /biz/ keeps telling me "soon" but "soon" never seems to come.

>> No.21948594

Anons is there any job/work that pays wells and doesn't give a shit about they hire as long as they work?

Recently graduated college and trying to find a job it seems that a lot of places even if you have their requirements and skills is based on office politics either they click with you or they don't and that impacts your ability to work and progress hard.

>> No.21948611

Why did you go to college dumbfuck?

>> No.21948628

Didn't have the opportunity to actually try out trades in high school and parents directed me towards it.

>> No.21948737

lol trades are even more retarded.

>> No.21948790
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Toughen up buttercup! You dumb zoomers are too soft skinned. That’s why when I see you fucks at work I make it as difficult as possible in you. You’ll never satisfy me, and after I run your soft zoomer asses through with my big boomer sick I call for your manager and ream your asses again.

>> No.21948798

How so anon?

>> No.21948811

you ok wagie?

>> No.21948850

Have you seen the people working in them?

>> No.21948904

>panic sold like a bitch early 2018 after ICX gains
>quit my job and still have money for a few years
>waiting for the next bull run

Life is comfy as fuck but I'm just getting scared of that infinite dollar injecting, why would people invest in shit tokens when they can get their x20 on tesla.

>> No.21948908

>4 guaranteed weeks of holiday/year for fulltime workers
>many workplaces more
>shitloads of public holidays including good friday and Easter Monday = guaranteed 4 day weekend
>if your employer makes you work a public holiday they have to pay you at least 2x normal or give you time off in lieu
USA has a lot going for it but treatment of workers is terrible

>> No.21949001

Should've stayed in school and studied harder.

>> No.21949080
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>Should've stayed in school and studied harder.
Why couldn't you?

>> No.21949308

Tbh, I would also rather fight in a war than "make it". It's just all so boring. Nothing really happens. I see surviving the coming economic or social collapse as making it.

>> No.21949360

If not college and not trades, then what?

>> No.21949369

>Before crypto this place used to contain solid advice
your newfag is showing, /biz/ was created because crypto threads were spammed on /g/ all the time.

/biz/ has always been about crypto

>> No.21949665
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>then what?
Manage real estate and capital assets and businesses provided by your high IQ family who built generational wealth.