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21920146 No.21920146 [Reply] [Original]

So now that the dust has settled, what went wrong? Dex too complicated for normies? Dex a failure? Was it all a pajeet shill scam all along?

Was was the daily volume past 24hours?

>> No.21920166
File: 22 KB, 320x422, 1596462134436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing went wrong and nothing has changed. The DEX is still in beta. You are just impatient and probably bought the top

>> No.21920299

Are you going to make this exact same thread every day now?

>> No.21920313

dex is just being tested and played with, wait until erc 20 tokens and usdt to come + hardware wallet support and the next uniswap shitcoin craze will happen on the stakenet dex, just imagine accumulating those shitcoins without having to pay eth fees and having orders being possible, also agregators putting your orders on beaxy and other chink shitcoin exchanges.
We won't kill binance probably since we're limited to bitcoin like and erc 20 but we will kill every other dex out there.
And all the whales will use stakenet for private no kyc txs.

>> No.21920354

Its a vaporware POS shitcoin from 2018. Who the fuck is going to download a sketchy application to trade their crypto? Certainly not normies and definitely not people who know what they are doing.

>> No.21920400

Bullish as fuaaark

>> No.21920403

Yeah and I forgot to add, this is not speculation this is guaranteed to happen, use your brain, they delivered on their promises and raiden is being tested right now (you can test it on linux), so it will happen 100%, making this a safe long term hold. And even the adoption is going to happen 100%, it's going to be the first no kyc lightning raiden true dex hosted on MN's, even in a bear market this will make us lots of money.

>> No.21920535

No one wants to download and install a wallet just to use a dex when Uniswap exists.

>> No.21920569
File: 518 KB, 629x405, poo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nothing wrong
>keeps dumping

>> No.21920603

>nobody will download the software

At least get your fud consistent

>> No.21920645

They said dex launch this month and changed it to soft launch/beta, severely underwhelming and no real insentive to keep buying or holding until actual progress is made, progress that people actually care about, hyped too early for the wrong thing, sell now and buy in at a cheaper price later when stuff gets going again

>> No.21920657

At least learn what vaporware means pajeet. Will help you in your future shilling adventures

>> No.21920759

>downloads hundreds of gigs of porn
>won't download a 90 mb dex
>will keep paying 5$ for each successful or failed tx on uniswap
why even make it if you're this retarded, you'll blow it all on yeezy's and rims

>> No.21920765

god i wish i sold in the 0.4 range. are we going back to 0.1c?

>> No.21920790

Who the fuck downloads porn LMAO. This isn’t 1990 retard. No wonder a dumbass who think downloading porn is still a thing would buy this shitcoin

>> No.21920818

nobody is going to use this sketchy pos dex

by the time such technology is relevant, a far better dev team will have come up with a far better solution without the sketchy autistic p&d bullshit

everyone is just fine paying 0.02% fee on CEXs

institutional money will never NEVER touch stakenet

have fun generating $0.50 per day with your masternodes

>> No.21920836
File: 268 KB, 500x700, investinrope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Another fud thread
Pic related is a better investment for you faggots.

>> No.21920844

probably ranjesh because he has to use a public wifi hotspot, every kilobyte counts when you're in kolkata

>> No.21920916

These threads are unbelievably low effort FUD. Someone is really going out their way to make as many threads and posts as possible with the same kind of sentiment (thereby likely the same person) of making fun of a BETA DEX launched just 24 hours ago.
"Uhhh What's the daily volume over the past week huuh?"

Obviously someone is trying to lower the price to accumulate more MN's. Otherwise no one would go out their way to do all of this.

Does anyone think it's a coincidence that OP never returns in any of the threads, but only got 1 post? And that most of the same-tier fud ID's are also unique? Nope, it's very obvious.

>> No.21920923

Stakenet is a scam.


>> No.21920947

the delusions of you bagholders is unreal

the fud is unironic, this project is actually garbage tier

what sort of basement dwelling cucks actually believe this project has steam? nobody gives a fuck about l2 dex from this team

>> No.21920970

i'm still here you wanker. i'm just trying to figure out how far we're going down so i can get out with some profit.

why isn't the price holding steady? there's obviously people realizing it's not worth the hype.

>> No.21921041

>"calls out" anons that have been scammed when poo coin dumps
>had no problem with the daily shill threads shitting up this board for weeks and convincing people to buy the top
fuck you, you low life piece of shit

>> No.21921100

>$1 public release
>$10 raiden
>hydra... sky's the fucking limit.

yeah, what was i thinking. someone fucking market buy a masternode so i can get out.

>> No.21921128

It takes one look at your stupid OP post to realise you're a tool. No one with a few brain cells would ask those questions less than a day after the BETA went public. God damn you are a moron.

>> No.21921162

woah. that's a bit harsh mate. woke up on the wrong side of your cat today grant?

>> No.21921426

I'm sorry

>> No.21921544

>vaporware (noun): software or hardware that has been advertised but is not yet available to buy, either because it is only a concept or because it is still being written or designed.

blatantly incorrect, software can be downloaded from links here:

>b-bu-but it sucks to use
1. moving the goalposts, your factually wrong on your first fud why would anyone believe your second?
2. your opinion, you don't have to use it and can continue to pay $6 per dex transaction for wrapped tokens and fake assets.

next fud please

>> No.21921636

>this project is garbage tier
hence the continuous fudding 24/7, because that's something that happened for things like Orion protocol, kyber and band, right? there were people fill time dedicated to ensuring those things were continually based with low effort fud because they are shit projects right?

>or maybe, just maybe, the product here will disrupt the space, and current L1 exchanges are scared it will kill them, thus the continued, coordinated fudding

>> No.21922435

The biggest problem with this norm-friendly wallet is... its not norm-friendly at all.
Download a software? sync and renting channels? L1 and L2 balance? This is too much for the average joe to care. Devs must make all of this works on the background or at least put this shit in an advanced settings or something.

>> No.21922480


>> No.21922521

why do paid shills not bother removing the cube from link memes

>> No.21922541

They are working on an easy mode for retards.

>> No.21922663

yes i have confirmed this with devs

>> No.21922697
File: 803 KB, 1600x860, STAKENET DEX.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this looks pretty fucking normie friendly to me

>> No.21922756

delusional bagholder

>> No.21922893

What kind of confirmation and how is this easy mode?

not talking about the trading part, but the setting everthing up part. People don't want to set and rent lightning channels and send fund from on-chain to off-chain balance before trading.
Not trying to fud or anything, I got a MN myself, but that's just not gonna happen

>> No.21922962

you have to remember, half this board doesn't do trade analysis or manage entry points.

they're literally uniswap mouth breathers, where all they have to do is refresh the uni trade page to see if
>coin go up
so they can try to beat out their transaction fees in profits with the latest pnd

from a user interface standpoint it's extremely simple - because it's not geared toward investors, it's geared toward gamblers. there's no order book, you just ante up and hope that 1) the transaction goes through, and 2) you don't get dumped on before you sell.

if you succeed on both points, you get a rush of endorphins not unlike hitting a jackpot on the slots. if you lose, well tough luck try again next time.

>> No.21923026

this isn't easy mode - this is for people who actually want to control their trading experience and costs.

the devs will eventually release a mobile version which will streamline a lot of these settings - and sounds like they may make a version of this for desktop too so inexperienced users can just let the app manage it for them.

>> No.21923604

A simple swap option has already been confirm but this interface was needed first for the market makers/liquidity providers as they can’t do that from a simple UI