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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21906955 No.21906955 [Reply] [Original]

There’s a huge power on this board, the collective hive mind at work here has made millions to those who can see past the cancer noise of pajeetery, scams and nonsense.

It’s in the hopes of evocating such magic that I come summoning all you autists and oldfags in the hopes that once again we can pull another one off.

I’m sure that folks who, like me, have bought a healthy bag of chainlink under 30 cents have took some profit by now. As there’s somewhat of a bull finding the good stuff for the fair price is tricky and most of the stuff around is utter shit anyway. So let’s put our collective genius to work, what opportunities and true gems are you seeing out there ?


>> No.21906972

its PNK

>> No.21906993

SNX and Fetch

>> No.21907006

I find somewhat of a paradox on PNK’s proposal. Why a smart contract would need human arbitrage if the point of the contract is not to be contested ? Perhaps I’m missing something

>> No.21907017
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soon from ground floor when it launches

>> No.21907018

why are people always asking for the new link? jesus christ, look at the chart. it's hardly any gains at all. i made more money than any fuckin link marine has off fucking STATERA. Look at XOR. LINK hasn't done shit, and will continue to do shit in comparison to other coins out there that fly under the radar.

>> No.21907067
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I only made 2 million on link. Kek

>> No.21907079


Because of the risk/reward ratio

Remember Buffets rules on making money...

“Rule No. 1: Never lose money. Rule No. 2: Never forget rule 1”

>> No.21907103

Congrats anon! KEK wills it ;)

>> No.21907151

Mainstream boomers are uncomfortable with using a system that has no accountability. Offer them the chance at arbitration in case something goes awry and they will be more willing to adopt crypto as a whole

>> No.21907215

Definitely not bots.

>> No.21907223

That’s a good point

What else they have going for them ?

>> No.21907433

How about DMG?

>> No.21907478

2 million bolivarians, you mean

>> No.21907487

DMG is a hidden gem, thing is under price suppression right now. Whales want it cheap still. Can only wonder whats going to happen after they're done accumulating

>> No.21907545

So many blue Id’s in here !

Sergey’s blessed us !

>> No.21907626

youl only get that kind of genuine research, frenship and consensus out of biz during a bear market after the normie scum has been removed. this board is totally different now. even the pajeets were based back then

>> No.21907668

What do yall use to buy these. Cause on coinbase none of them are supported.

>> No.21907757

LINK is the next LINK. This unironically is the last piece of the god protocol. Blockchain-smart contracts-oracles. The trinity.

>> No.21907783

Link makes it obsolete. Your shitcoin was dead before it even started.

>> No.21907800

There isn't one anon. If you understood link you'd realize it's the end game. All your shitcoins are belong to us. After this it's boomer stocks and real estate, and maybe some DeFi.

>> No.21907804

Yfi is the next LINK. You are warned.

>> No.21907811

It’s not KEK

>> No.21907852

Yeah, I agree that the quality has fallen greatly. But link was still shilled and discussed to great extent here in 2017 and link didn't explode on that bullrun. Remember Sergey´s refusal to shill? And Rory's evasive answears about everything on the telegram?

so it's partyally a reason why it's shit rn but not 100%

>> No.21907908

>Pink ID
>LARPing as a PNK hater
just bought 2k more Pinakion

>> No.21907932

This bitch really out here forgetting to change their IP
Nice scam, LINK is the next LINK

>> No.21908013

maybe true but no fucking way anyone is going to let an important contract dispute be decided by a bunch of anonymous 4chan incels and pajeets. to think this could ever be used in real life = severe retardation.

>> No.21908050

unironically SXP

>> No.21908058

someone makes one of these threads every single day and the answer is always the same. LINK is the next LINK. nothing else exists that has anywhere near the potential of the holy trifecta BTC ETH LINK and maybe never will. all you need to do is hold until the next bull run (2021) and you'll make it. easy as that.

>> No.21908067


>> No.21908316

Stupid argument, even if I agree PNK seems like a solid choice.

>> No.21908361
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>> No.21908375

I’m holding already but I need to diversify

>> No.21908477

It's so ironic how all the coins mentioned in threads like this are also the shittiest kek.

>> No.21908478


>> No.21908501

That was my initial paradox argument, why you need arbitration on a smart contract that extracts value from the fact that it needs no human interference ?

>> No.21908532

YfI was a good mention

>> No.21908602
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the next LINK is unironically LINK and you should know that if you bought under $0.30

>> No.21908708

Look at Polkadot and the new "defi" craze. Look at ETH fees. This is the price of ETH's success. ETH 2.0 is still a long ways away. There is therefore clearly a market for a stopgap mechanism that curbs the high fees/transaction times. Check out [STAKE] (Vitalik has shilled it/low market cap = make it stacks can be made).

Do a deep dive into [HEX]. Listen to Richard Heart's debates. Love him or hate him, Richard is extremely interesting and educational when it comes to how crypto is used today.

Swipe [SXP] is a relatively young coin being recently backed by Binance. Crypto.com has had success with their crypto cards, and Swipe looks like it will be the other major player in the space. I'm shilling this half for the token and half because cryto cards (even though you're going through an exchange) are dope and help to push crypto adoption.


>> No.21908764

I remember the HEX crazy on 4chan couple months ago, it screamed "bitconnect 4 nerds" far too much for my liking. STAKE's under my radar and I'll take a look at SXP

>> No.21908785

I still need diversification, link can be great and STILL fail...

>> No.21908802

if your folio is less than $100k then diversification is a meme. if you're over that then my top pick would be ALGO.

>> No.21908837

thanks! I'll look into it

>> No.21908843


If you have less than 100,000 LINK you don’t need to diversify.

Fuck if you had 100,000 LINK, 101,000 is still better.


>> No.21908881


It can still fail, never forget that

healthy diversification is not a meme

>> No.21908910

exactly. plus its just absurd to think that someone would want to put a contract dispute into the hands of random people on the internet.

>> No.21908968

Well we do that when choosing our president XD

>> No.21909146

You either have no idea what PNK does or no idea what LINK does, either way you're a retard.

>> No.21909190

guys i found a good one


its just released but top 7?

>> No.21909241

Both plaintiffs and jurors have PNK or ETH and stake in a dispute. Voting "wrong" (the outcome was different than you voted) slashes your stake. This heavily discourages trolling and brigading, while simultaneously providing the funds that reward legitimate actors. In a way it's like Proof of Stake, behaving is incentivized to be your best interest.

>> No.21909275

The only investment I’ve put money towards, and still do, is link.
Educate yourself anon.
Why is it needed? Why would I, as another company invest in link?

>> No.21909307

what are some trading platforms aside from coinbase and robinhood

>> No.21909337

the next link is most definitely AAVE.
I'm fucking mad I sold my 55k stack, I bought back only 3k and I'm already up 1+ ETH.

>> No.21909357
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holy fucking shit my sides
yeah this definitely looks like a good investment guys totally not a scam

>> No.21909376

Idk, aave’s Mcap to locked tokens ratio is a bit too high right now at 0.73

I prefer YFI at 0.55

>> No.21909449

This board is mostly fucking idiots and until you realize that you're ngmi. Link was a result of insiders telling the board what to do. And even then a large portion of the board never even bought it, or didn't understand it, or just held on blindly because of memes and autism. These people will never make it and you are doomed to lose all your money blindly trusting this retarded board.

>> No.21909450

It might be high, but you are thinking short term.
Remember that 100 LEND will become 1 AAVE in the future, and locked AAVE will remain in the safety module AFAIK.

>> No.21909576

In regards to Hex, you may want to take a deeper dive. What you mentioned is actually a part of the game theory that RH designed around the coin, and with a deeper dive you'd realize the irony in your post. Trust me it goes much, much deeper than the surface. It has an ah-ha moment to it, and once you get it, you'll realize it's unlike anything ever made before and has the power to easily break the top 5 market cap coins and revolutionize the way we think about crypto.

>> No.21909587

what exchange do you use

>> No.21909699

well enlighten me if you can then!

>> No.21909751

they can stipulate that they want the jurors to have certain qualifications if they wish, it just costs them slightly more. it's not for ultra-secure objective contracts like derivatives though, but for stuff that is inherently subjective like employment agreements. arbitration is already a big business for this stuff irl so any dispute doesn't have to go to the formal legal system

>> No.21909821

I don't want to thread hijack. I would just listen to Richard Heart's conversations on YouTube. Maybe start with his debate he had with Tone Vays. It's not really informational and certainly doesn't get into the deeper stuff and I think was pre Hex, but whether you're into crypto or not it was a hilariously one sided debate that cracked me up.

Definitely look at the fud as well, and then make your own decision.

>> No.21909883

At least for the next year, LINK is unironically the next LINK still...

>> No.21909904


There you go.

>> No.21909983

if you understand how we found link, then you understand we can't force it
just be patient and keep lurking, you'll see it when it happens
don't fall for the x is the new link bullshit, none of it is organic
it'll likely be some asteroid mining shit or some other shit that sounds crazy retarded rn but will make sense in a couple of years

>> No.21910034

LINK will be trading over $1000 American dollars. No other coin/token needed.

>> No.21910086
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Fill your tanks my brothers.

>> No.21910112

Please hear me out before you call me a shill.
So Stakenet released their dex yesterday, it's still in open beta and only has btc and ltc and xsn on it, but this shows one thing: They delivered, sure they took their time, but now they delivered a lightning dex, now what's next for them? Raiden. They have it working already anyone can install linux and request to test it, and since they delivered on lightning that was being tested they will eventually deliver on Raiden as well.
Do you know what that means? Am I crazy or has /biz/ become retarded? I have bought link in 2017 so I don't need to shill my xsn bags to make it, but the next link will need to be a low risk high reward project and has to give huge gains and be necessary for crypto.
stakenet ticks the low risk part, they delivered on lightening and raiden is being tested. the high reward point is also ticked because it's a sub 50 mm$ mc project with most of the supply locked in MNs and the devs only holding a small % of it. It will change crypto trading as soon as raiden is out, it will instantly kill uniswap and most other erc 20 dexes, and also it's needed if we want a sustainable bullrun, because in 2017 at the top there were a shit ton of btc unconfirmed txs.
Now, this is in my opinion the most certain x100 (from here, to 5 billion $ mc), it won't happen in a month like ampl or some other projects did, but it will happen, and this is why /biz/ was all in link, not because of the potential gains, but because of how certain they were of those gains, this is unironically the best long term hold right now.
Now don't just call me a pajeet or a shill, sure I have 20 MNs and would profit from the price going up, but I'm still not even selling my MN rewards, I'm looking for someone to fud this for me so we can discuss it, I want some well thought legitimate fud concerns.

>> No.21910200

Also this unironically, I was lucky as fuck to find /biz/ in 2017, been on /fit/ and /pol/ since forever and found biz right after link was out, missed the ICO but accumulated a 50k bag through 2017-2018, the key word is that it can't be forced.
If you look through warosu you'll see the threads about link being rare in August 2017 then started picking up more and more until all biz had a bag, the next link is not out yet, and if you don't hold a bag of link you're a moron, it's like not buying eth in 2017 at 10$ because you missed it at 1$.

>> No.21910282

How is it? Surely the principles should remain the same regardless of the amount of money invested

>> No.21910297

the absolute state of this board. Give me 2017 back.

>> No.21910358

link is the next link dummy

>> No.21910363

I can tell you didn't do much research. Random pajeets aren't going to pay hundreds of dollars to decide cases that they don't have expertise in. Would an average pajeet, right now, buy 1,000 PNK tokens and stake them on your vote in a case regarding for example Pay-Per-Click Advertising?

>> No.21910730

good post. some honest FUD for me would be governments would crack down on masternode holders.

it also just feels too good to be true. being this early on what is going to be the crypto's version of the new york stock exchange is mind blowing honestly. but we're here for a reason

>> No.21910879

>The next LINK
LINK is eternal.

>> No.21910895
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dude we've been trying to tell you it's PNK

>> No.21910973


>> No.21911078


We just need to reach the consensus with all the biztards that this is /ourcoin/. Actually, it has all features of it (great product, nice team, hyped on biz)

>> No.21911415

Emma has it. Paid 2.5 ETH to join her telegram lol

>> No.21912010

It's BAT ffs.

Buy some suicide bags of HNT and SER too.

>> No.21912092

It sure ain’t BAT

>> No.21912912

We need a hive mind investigation into Minerium. Great concept, tiny market cap, a few heavy buyers, needs more study

>> No.21912964


I know for a fact this will pump hard soon. ;)

>> No.21913055

>It’s in the hopes of evocating such magic that I come summoning all you autists and oldfags in the hopes that once again we can pull another one off.
Not your personal financial meme machine

>> No.21913104

It's PRQ

>> No.21913120
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>everyone in this thread shilling a different shitcoin
To be honest, if you pick 100 shitcoins and put a thousand on each, at least a couple will probably 1000x eventually.

>> No.21913160
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blatant racism, transphobia, and toxic masculinity

but go on... I'm listening

>> No.21913163

As if I was the only one who made money outta link on /biz/

>> No.21913166

>let me just toss 100k randomly into shitcoins...

Go back

>> No.21913178

going to say this once. It's SENT.

>> No.21913208
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I wish I got into this earlier but I spent the last 2 years literally self destructing. it's good to be back though, and I feel great about my future. comfy chilling with my /biz/ bros

>> No.21913236

DIA coin is really interesting

>> No.21913275

Randomly? No. You are still picking the top potential ones. 100 is obviously an exaggeration. More likely a top 20 which is definitely reasonable for a lot of us here.

>> No.21913303
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sup bro. have this rare pepe

>> No.21914062

It's still link.

>> No.21914086

Vidt obviously

>> No.21914164

It’s BZRX. There is not a single staking/tokenomic model more generous. It doesn’t exist.

This will 10x by EOY. Just read the token model v3 blog, then realize there is no better passive gains token. As long as fulcrum gets some volume you’re rich.

$7-10 EOY.

>> No.21914402

Diversification in crypto is a meme since everything that matters ( except currencies such as bitcoin ) need real world data or there really is no point to utilize a blockchain.

>> No.21914661

Same here man I threw away 2k link in debt :) . Back on the chase

>> No.21915392

What would be your concentrated folio sub 50k ?

>> No.21915653

Does DMG belong on this list? Should I sell my bag for PNK?

>> No.21915895

check out LINK (Chainlink) seems like a promising project

>> No.21915966

why is XSN only on Livecoin ffs

>> No.21916061

I feel you, bro. I don't know what is wrong with the faggot that also you'd you with some snarky shit. That's why even if some of these bitches make it, they would still never get pussy.

>> No.21916223
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>took some profit

>> No.21916246
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Move into ARPA before Bella Protocol. MPC is the next bubble and ARPA is the first mover.