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21903160 No.21903160 [Reply] [Original]

Microsoft word?

>> No.21903428

The point being is the ability for millions of people to make [Link-powered] smartcontracts while using familiar software. This is how global adoption starts. Why complicate matters? Everybody and their dog has access to Word.

>> No.21903475

Specially important when this makes it accessible for traditional banking companies.

>> No.21903484

basically you can now pay link to put price data in your text files instead of copy-pasting it yourself.

>> No.21903526

>microsoft word plugin

kek like .002% of the population even knows that plugins exist for word. the .002 percent that know they exist use them .1% of the time. everyone avoids them because they suck.

>> No.21903536

Wow. Truly revolutionary feature. 1k EOY.

>> No.21903575

Why are you seething so much?

>> No.21903668

because i used to do technical writing and i know how shit word plugins are. they should be avoided like the plague. nobody uses them. and if you any type of document revisions with other people, they likely won’t be able to or want to deal with a plug-in. another reason nobody uses them unless absolutely necessary.

>> No.21903682

So it’s a json parser

>> No.21903894

Whats .002% of 8 billion?

>> No.21903909

those are the people that know it exists. then .0002 will ever use them. i know they exist and avoided them and my job was microsoft word.

>> No.21903919

so you can link smart contracts inside legal contract documents

>> No.21903928

>not even google docs
we’re fucked bros, $100 link in like 16-20 years at best.

>> No.21903938
File: 12 KB, 235x403, colonel codec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Microsoft Word is a word processor developed by Microsoft. It was first released on October 25, 1983 under the name Multi-Tool Word for Xenix systems.

>> No.21903984 [DELETED] 

160k, which is less than the current amount of link holders

>> No.21903988

1.6 million people, that'd be great exposure :)

>> No.21904029

Gnot great maths

>> No.21904050

this, 3 years and the cloest thing to enterprise level integration is a third party plugin made by 3 failed lawyers from shit schools.

>> No.21904110

it allows delegated weather data to be transmitted safely through chainlink