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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21897863 No.21897863 [Reply] [Original]

VIDT is breaking out next stop 10$. Biz fudding this coin since 10 cents. See you noobs at 10$

>> No.21897891
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>> No.21897920

The token is literally not needed. VIDT can validate on DGB and LTO without specific tokens. The VIDT erc20 token was an ICO cash grab.

>> No.21897946

still fudding.. see you at 10$ noob

>> No.21898070

Literally the same fud since you sold at 1350 sats, salty motherfucker.

>> No.21898074

Enjoy watching from the sidelines buddy. Clients literally pay for the vidt tokens for the validations. Their erc20 wallets are used to track balances and transactions per client. Kys

>> No.21898114
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Meanwhile validations are going parabolic.

>> No.21898326

Interesting the fudders literally have nothing to say when this chart pops up

>> No.21898377
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>> No.21898467

and it has still not been refuted. A token is not required to publish data to the blockchain. VID proves this themselves every time they use DGB, LTO, and other chains

it's a backlog from July. Notice how the number of senders is actually decreasing. https://etherscan.io/token/0x445f51299ef3307dbd75036dd896565f5b4bf7a5?a=0xe7c54558a04f2f673ce271b6c908839e9342a50a#tokenAnalytics

This chart is based on a community produced algorithm. Until the team publicly states document validations are at an ATH, it is misleading bullshit used to ruse new investors

>> No.21898578

which is great -- it would be a pain to have to mirror the token to every additional chain used. In my mind, the token has 3 benefits: 1) it lets a client use the contract directly instead of the api (rarely comes up, but it might be very important for some future usecases)2) it monetizes usage in a transparent way (see chart above) 3) it gives team future options for evolving the business as blockchain becomes more mainstream (say, they decide a community ran node network would benefit them -- they will have that option easily available to them because the token already exists)

>> No.21898856

4) it allowed them to print millions of dollars and gain access to liquidity they would not otherwise have. Imagine you are thinking of creating a business that will use blockchain to validate documents etc. Is the most efficient way to do that by deploying a centralized token? Of course not. The project was designed post-hoc after the team decided to cash in on the ICO craze. It was free money

>> No.21898889

backlog or not, the validations are increasing (july was already at 93k, if some of this is backlog then it could be at 100k+)
The community produced algorithm was made with info about how the service works provided by the team, so calling it a 'ruse' is misleading.

>> No.21898921

you guys think the b2c and hardware announcements will be towards the last few days of the quarter?

>> No.21898956

just verify with your eyes

>> No.21898968

ah, you are the guy I argued with yesterday aren't you. Them getting liquidity is actually great too -- it let them grow a business that is actually getting huge customers now.

>> No.21899056

I don’t own this shitcoin but it’s weird how some people dedicate so much time to fuding a project that they’re not even in, and will never buy. Seems like a massive time waste.

>> No.21899072

It is absolutely a ruse. This is cryptocurrency. If VIDT wants to be anything other than a centralized piece of shit, they should start by making their actual numbers transparent.

Here's my guess, and you can call it a stretch. Validations are "exploding" yet the number of active clients is actually decreasing. The few existing clients are simply all sending more VIDT relative to the current price. So what is more likely: 5+ unique clients all magically performing more validations this month? Or VID team fucking with the rate so that people get excited and shill "ATH validations"? They have already proven that they are marketers. The last 3 months has been spent marketing

>> No.21899126

wow, you sure are salty huh

>> No.21899245


>> No.21899444

I honestly couldn’t imagine holding a coin for over half a year, especially at its bottom for 6 months only to dump it all right before the start of its uptrend. I remember you guys as if you all sold yesterday, and I feel so bad:( there’s more to life than just fudding your past mistakes. Just a few more months of patience and you guys would have been up 6 figures with the size of your bags. We win, we lose. Keep your heads up lads!

>> No.21899525

The guy sold a few months back and since then the price has gone 8x so he creates bullshit fud because he hates the community. He needs to find a hobby.

>> No.21899662

actually no I just hate people who lie and distort truth to pump their worthless token

>> No.21899781

Oh sure. Ever heard of VLINK? I hear there were one or two inaccuracies there.

>> No.21899816
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dead cat bounce

sell now

token is not needed

>> No.21899840

he was trying to fud to get cheaper viddies then VIDT pulled a fucking moon mission now he is mentally broken.

>> No.21899860

never shilled it

>> No.21899929

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

>> No.21900005

This is my most profitable hold. Lost so much money in the shitcoin buffet, im glad I still have my VIDT.

>> No.21900019
File: 109 KB, 1024x694, photo_2019-07-21_21-50-51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6 posts by this ID
oh man someone is really butthurt
my condolences for your loss, you can still buy back in the mooning is not over yet

>> No.21900025

$VIDT showcasing a new ATH for documents validated in a single month.

This is real world adoption at its finest.

This is revenue generation at its finest.

This is use cases actually being used.

DYOR and see for yourself.

how do you even sleep at night

>> No.21900267

Expect $2 EOM?

>> No.21900555
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>> No.21900561
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just look at marketcap

>> No.21901324

Is this about to be the next leg up?