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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 35 KB, 478x642, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21895787 No.21895787 [Reply] [Original]

Female Anon here. So I want to start a business, but I want to know all the types of industries. I know there is the agriculture industry, the technology industry, etc...
Where can I find a website that tells me which will grow in the future, and the sub-sectors of that industry. It needs to be reliable. I see people saying that cloud computing, AI, and E-commerce are the hot shots. I just need a page so I can analyze the data.

>> No.21895806

That's a man

>> No.21895817

Start an Onlyfans

>> No.21895825

Fuck off whore

>> No.21895832
File: 12 KB, 250x250, pepe rich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cock in your ass will grow, if you know what I mean

>> No.21895852

If you’re white and aren’t used up, go get married and have kids

>> No.21895854


>> No.21895883

You're going to have to do your own research. For most online companies, their market data (ie, their targeting, ad pixel, email list, etc) is actually the most valuable part of their business, and fucking no one is giving that away for free. Market research companies literally sell the information you're asking for for like $10k+ (and thats per industry/niche, you dont even get access to all their data).

>> No.21895917

You know the rules. Tits first.

>> No.21895933

Trans are not women

>> No.21895954

I just want to know the value of each industry, the value of each sub-sector in that industry. I want to know where the money is at.

>> No.21895962

>Female Anon here
>please list me all types of industries
>agriculture industry
oh I haven't laughed like this in a while, thanks brother

>> No.21895972

Covid chucked a spanner in most/all predictions.
BUT| e-commerce probably not going to lose anytime soon, depends more what you have actual talent for

>> No.21895995

Get a degree in something you like you dumb whore. Avoid social sciences, those are ponzis

>> No.21895999
File: 190 KB, 789x428, Screenshot_2020-08-26 Bella Thorne Breaks OnlyFans Record, Earning Over $1 Million in First 24 Hours.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you are attractive female, you can make just be existing and posting sfw selfies

>> No.21896047

Start an onlyfans and sell foot pics and cosplay to weebs easy 50k eoy

>> No.21896072

Yes, E-commerce is a subsector of the technology industry. Where can I find the DATA about the value of e-commerce and AI and cloud computing. I want to know their growth. I see a lot of articles saying x and y but where the fuck do they get their sources? I want the data so I can analyze it.

>> No.21896082

Tits or gtfo

>> No.21896084

>Female Anon
You know the rules

>> No.21896091

>femanom here
Why bitches have to be like that?

>> No.21896111

>Female Anon here.
post proof

>> No.21896129

They are insufferable

>> No.21896137

When will they learn
Shoe on head or sharpie in pooper

>> No.21896174
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>female here
lmao me too
pic related is me

>> No.21896214

Might as well go to an e-commerce forum and ask guys what their niche, demographic, and suppliers are. Anyone who has such data is either selling it or paid a stupid high price for it. I almost can actually believe you're a cumdumpster. Go fuck yourself, entitled cunt piece of shit. If you want to make it you have to put your work in. Pussy is cheap these days, just holding one while asking for free shit from guys won't work this time. Maybe irl a simp would buy you a drink but nobody is about to hand over the keys to their empire for so little. You didn't even post tits.

>> No.21896224

>Female Anon here

You know the rules. And so do I.

>> No.21896230

>Female Anon here
look at that monkey brain go straight to its wired directive even through a computer screen for fuck sake. Women have no internal monologue

>> No.21896235

ok tranny

>> No.21896245

marketwatch.com is alright

In the search section you can look up stuff like "biotech" and get biotech market research reports, alternatively you can google stuff like "office desks market watch", and they'll give you a run down of the growth in that industry, the biggest players, etc. But the full reports with the actual good stuff in it costs thousands of dollars (depends on the niche). It can be broad or product specific, they have shitloads of reports on basically everything. But, as I said, no one is giving away good market research information for free. NO ONE. Market research is basically the difference between insane profitability and bankruptcy, and is my opinion the most important part of running an online business. Brick and mortar gets more leeway because people will just google something like "office supply store Philadelphia", and you'll get a lot of customers just by virtue of being the closest one to their house. The internet doesnt have this luxury, so targeting is highly competitive, and every single company guards this shit really tightly and there's an insanely high value placed on it.

The information you're seeking is literally more valuable per unit sold than the actual product itself is.

>> No.21896247


>> No.21896278

Have you heard of mr Bezos and his company called Amazon?

>> No.21896296

Nasty she's a nonwhite subhuman

>> No.21896297

What hurt you?

>> No.21896326

Post tits slut

>> No.21896330

This is shit tier newfag bait, OP. I know you’re better than this

>> No.21896349

No, but is e-commerce still profitable even when Jeff is there?

>> No.21896376

eCom/Shopify worked in 2016, every retard who was on /biz/ back then made money.
We moved onto crypto now.

>> No.21896409

Recently? I can't think of much. I cut my finger a bit while trying to slice some cured means thin about two weeks ago. I had just sharpened it the night before so I hadn't gotten a feel for the handling yet.
How about you?

>> No.21896429

>and is my opinion the most important part of running an online business.
So is starting a business luck then?

>> No.21896496

crypto, is the Fintech industry even worth it? So you are saying e-commerce is not worth it anymore?

>> No.21896581

Get in the business of onlyFans.

>> No.21896608


>> No.21896658

You know the rules

>> No.21896675

Ya but you obviously need to adapt a bit. If you can somehow tie in a subscription service to your business it can be good. Normies go nuts for that shit. Or if you can secure distribution/resale rights for something. Amazon also has a HUGE counterfeit problem, and people can jack up your listing with fake shit just because it's cheaper (like literally just say it's the same product, and then they get your buy button while piggybacking off your ads and your copy/creatives). Chances are if you're buying something expensive and branded on amazon you're getting a fake. And people know this.

Fwiw influencers are really really good right now for shilling ecomm products. People trust them and trust alone can sell anything to someone once. You can find them on site like upfluence.com. I actually recently had a website/brand of mine essentially put out of business because a competitor of mine got Kylie Jenner to make some instagram posts with it. It got so much bad press that I couldn't advertise my stuff without people spamming links to the news stories lol. Life and learn, but the point is, it's a really powerful marketing tool.

>> No.21896731
File: 170 KB, 379x548, 1597964575634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trannies get off /biz/ REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.21896765

Look up the 11 sectors of the S&P500 and I guess read about each sector to learn more about them and to see where each is headed.
https://finviz.com/ has a good chart just to know the names. Uuuh other than that, I guess just look for problems that you have in your everyday life and try to come up with solutions (be it an item or a service). People will pay for convenience.

>> No.21896798


make an onlyfans enjoy the few years of relevancy don't waste too much money(although you probably will) and leave the real money making business to men, you'll probably end up being a single mother anyway lmao

>> No.21896822

Basically read some books, be cunning, and make some bucks if you play it right.

>> No.21896823

You said you're a woman? Ok well start with only fans then realise what a whore you are and make the decision if you can carry on living like that. Also all you've done is acknowledge a few industries. How about picking one a doing a tiny bit of research yourself. How retarded are you, if you can't even find out the growth projection of an industry, how the fuck are you going to build a company in that industry and contribute? How about baking cakes and selling them on Facebook to your friends. Truth be told, you're going about this all wrong. You're just looking to make money. How about looking for problems and then coming up with a solution to said problem. Just learning industries are hot, does not qualify you to start a business. The question is how can you contribute, and the answer is you most likely can't. Unless you have spend many years acquiring skills which I highly doubt. Because you wouldn't be here asking for help. If you are serious about starting a biz that isn't some small local company. Do yourself a favour and spend years learning, networking and figuring out ways to contribute. Don't insult the fine people of /biz/ with such stupid questions. You may as well of asked how can I become a millionaire? As this question is literally that but re worded. Also I don't think many females have what it takes to run a company. Look at Susan the CEO of YouTube she driving it into the ground. Anyway good luck with your OnlyFans and be sure to share the link when it's up and running!

>> No.21896890

Fuck off tranny

>> No.21896912

it's a website called college lol

>> No.21896960

This post is so dumb that it must be a woman.. No troll is this good. You should make an onlyfans, seems to be the ideal route for the ladies these days.

>> No.21896961

Blockchain industry

>> No.21896991

If only you knew how fucked stupid you sound. If you had half a brain you wouldn't be on /biz/ embarrassing yourself like this. If I eat a tin of Alphabetti spaghetti and shit out a string of letters and numbers, I can send you a picture of that to analyse miss AI. Also AI isn't real lmao it's just deep learning.

>> No.21897054

post a female hand with timestamp bitch

>> No.21897055

Thank you incel :)

>> No.21897129
File: 18 KB, 500x350, 85770604-56a0597c5f9b58eba4b00112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21897152

tl;dr suck my dick you fucking whore lmao

>> No.21897148

hahahhaha, fucker

>> No.21897156

>’female anon here’
Stopped reading after this. You could have very easily asked your question and been given advice without mentioning you’re a girl. But you did, thinking you deserve special treatment because of your axe wound.

Follow the rules of this board next time or go back to plebbit

>> No.21897161

Literally this, also if she was here looking for actual advice she wouldn't have stated shes a female anon, unless she is that fucking stupid she thinks she will find simps on /biz/ ... either way this is too good to be a larp. I think she came here to try and flex her biz vocab like AI and Ecommerce. It's so fucking cute watching them try.

femanon if you are reading this and came for real advice. Don't state what bits you have between your legs you entitled cunt. No one here cares. Your lack of awareness is the reason for these attacks and you deserve the. If you choose not to learn from them, then that is your fault.

Sincerely Male Anon

>> No.21897179

e commerce is useful insofar as you have a niche. my sister makes and sells boutique baby clothes for significant markup. I have a couple products lines in the wellness space on the side (organic/herbal pillows). But the days of being an aggregator are long gone unless you have several of your own product lines and want to scale.

The questions you're asking are good ones, but really generic. Where can I go to find market data? What are the trends? What you're looking for are industry reports. Analyst companies buy and sell this information; it's not cheap. there are free offerings online, though, and these are enough unless you want to start running stats. for example: https://www.mordorintelligence.com/industry-reports/online-gambling-market https://finance.yahoo.com/news/cloud-computing-market-research-report-070700022.html https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/Market-Reports/cloud-computing-market-234.html

You're asking for a data-driven overview of all business, probably to do some research and generate a business plan to build some revenue streams.. You know, the traditional shtick. Suggest you write down the things you actually want to spend your time doing and research those industries. Find some people in those industries and schedule some coffee chats. Sit down and actually make connections in the fields of interest. Talk to people without an agenda, as in, don't be looking for a job, just look for information. You will get more clarity about what you want to spend time doing as you go on and opportunities will present themselves effortlessly if you're not a self-serving bitch with an attitude and a victim complex. Keep notes in your spare time and let the business plan organically build itself.

Also, crypto is a fun sector to play in right now, both speculatively and professionally. These teams are always hiring and you get top notch insight if you're immersed in it.

>> No.21897267


>> No.21897292
File: 36 KB, 750x400, 1_w3sKz7_L4FwS0B4fu8hp2g.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel bad for my initial comment, if you want to make it just buy xrp. Then fund your other shit.

>> No.21897400


HAHAH You clearly don't feel bad if you're shilling her that garbage. Sorry for spoiling the joke but I wouldn't want to see this whore get into financial difficulty cause some cunt on 4chan gave her dumb advice. Even if she is entitled.

>> No.21897429


>> No.21897462

You're hurt, how do you know im not just saying that so you don't buy in? LOL

>> No.21897484
File: 1.42 MB, 1137x862, can_you_feel_that.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>wants to start a business
>thinking farming or cloud computing

try the commercial jousting sector or fucking machine robotics so you'll be more in line with your intended role: getting penetrated

>> No.21897520

>getting penetrated
By who, Musk or Zucc?

>> No.21897666

what if you were actually a man and just typed "i'm a female" into the internet omg dawg
just think of the possibilities ;)

>> No.21897690
File: 105 KB, 1200x488, WumKAm3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got that Becky energy fem anon.

Please answer honestly; is this a larp? if so hats off to you sir.

>> No.21897713
File: 574 KB, 1079x1110, Screenshot_20200826-120725_DuckDuckGo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are too old for zuc and too fat for musk

>> No.21897727


>> No.21897750

>reddit style comments

>> No.21897762


>> No.21897837

When did it get so easy to bait? Newfag alert

>> No.21897857

I'm not following anon could you elaborate further my good man?

>> No.21897892

Oldhetero alert

>> No.21897906

One of the thriving and which has a bright future according to me is blockchain technology. Some of the application which I like about it's in business is online casinos. A current example is games.bitcoin.com at this site one can earn bitcoins on the form of rewards for playing their online games such as blackjack, roulette, slots, and many more to earn big.

>> No.21897979

>the hot shots
So many words that almost are 'thot' but not quite.

>> No.21898007

Explain I don't use Reddit so idk what you're talking about.

>> No.21898077

Even if this isn't bait, it's taught me how to bait in almost every board. Claim to female and ask to be spoon fed information. lool thank you femanon I'm off to go bait some neck beards.

>> No.21898134


Fintech is worth it, but you're not breaking into traditional finance without contacts and/or backing by major VCs due to staggering amount of regulation you need to clear first. Unless you have a couple million dollars to burn to pay for lawyers and regulatory clearances (without turning a profit yet) then forget it.

Crypto is more interesting of course since it's unregulated and there is a lot of potential to earn some money, but you need to be careful and read up on exactly what circumstances regulation kicks in if you're going to start a service/SaaS. Regulatory issues are highly dependent on your jurisdiction of course but if you're in a well-functioning OECD/FATF attached first world country then you can't just open an exchange without getting the feds on your ass.

>t. have been working in fintech for the past four years and recently started a crypto company

>> No.21898147

>Female anon here
>Spoonfeed me everything.


>> No.21898205

Best business for you would be the cooomming business..if thats you in the pic ill be a customer

>> No.21898276

I'm kinda sad that this thread is not just 300 coomer memes with no words.

>> No.21898350
File: 269 KB, 406x277, Girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to pile on with the rest of these faggots, POST TITS OR KYS YOU STUPID SMELLY CUNT

>> No.21898422

Ahahhh lol