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21892950 No.21892950 [Reply] [Original]

(AAVE) aTokens - $1 billion mcap
(COMP) cTokens - $500 million mcap
(GRO) gTokens - $1 million mcap

Just. DYOR. I don't know what else to tell ya.

>> No.21893145

I don’t think most of the people on this board understand the implications here... in fact, most think “DeFi” is a meme.

>> No.21893188

Biz is sleeping on GRO. Not another Uniswap rug scheme. Not hard to spend a few minutes to see why this is the next easy 100x.

>> No.21893517

Biz is so lost these days, navigating scam after scam after scam and then theyll turn around and wonder how they missed this going to 3 figures in weeks

>> No.21893701

why is this so under the radar, literally noone is talking about this... 5mil volume already

>> No.21893749

literally every post above me is a discord shill group

>wow biz always sleeps on the good ones... this will 100x soon sirs

>> No.21893824

i'm not, im curious why ive never heard of this and how it's 5mil volume with 1 mil marketcap

>> No.21893837

It is going to though. You just assume because some intelligent people are on this board and know what's going on that it's all "discord shills"

Growth doesnt even have a discord. You could so easily just research the project but you're not going to because you're incapable of it. Don't buy it if you can't DYOR.

DYOR isn't a meme by the way.

>> No.21893866

Ehhh I assumed the same but after lurking their telegram for a bit they’re is pretty much 0 shilling and nothing but really good discourse about the project.

>> No.21893963


literally this, the project is some AAVE, COMP, YFI level and the mcap is very low for something like this. It's only a matter of days before people start catching up

>> No.21893976

I bought 100 of these last night because the logo reminded me of Genesis trees from Legend of Legaia. I have no idea what the fuck it does

>> No.21893997

So Gtokens arent released until sometime in September "In September, depends on how development and audits go but we'll keep things updated"

>> No.21894005

>900k dev tokens still not locked up
also i swear the supply decreased, explain that one shills

>> No.21894221

It reached its short-term top. I'll wait for a correction and then consider. Sorry for anyone who fomo'd in at that price desu.

>> No.21894288

that's gonna be a big mistake

>> No.21894303

is this project audited?

>> No.21894311

op is a dumb pajeet. fully diluted marketcap is how you compare these projects. but the low iq pajeet op doest know that. copy is valued at multiple billions. aave at 1bn. aave is much higher quality project than comp, and very undervalued. aave is the one to back. op pajeet just wants to shill gro scamcoin.

>> No.21894322

not gonna lie OP I jumped on this train when it dipped to $8. Now idk why the price is rocketing. Why hasn’t the rugpull occurred yet? Liquidity is locked. But the devs wallet is not locked and it’s holding 90% of the supply. did the devs do this as a deterrence to stop biztards (Like me) into buying HUGE BAGS at low prices and dumping on reddit faggots?

>> No.21894392

telegram "It'll be locked in the coming days according to Whitepaper distribution"

>> No.21894462

How the fk do I get back in telegram group! I need updates! Mute me if they want to. Don’t block me fking admins!

>> No.21894572


the only people they had ban are the ones who go into the tg shouting scam. not sure what do you expect

>> No.21894628

teams anonymous, 900,000 tokens not locked. Project looks amazing, but until tokens are locked i wouldnt jump in.

>> No.21894696

THEY BANNED ME WRONGLY THOSE FKING IDIOTS! That dog had the same profile as me! Fucking telegram admins (that’s the only thing they can put on their resumes - telegram admin)

>> No.21894777

gTokens eliminate impermanent loss

If this doesn’t mean anything to you do not buy :P

>> No.21894839

Idk if I’d consider the team anonymous, is the Powermine team

>> No.21894993

The top wallet is for the token allocations. 200k~ for Powermine swaps, 200k~ for future liquidity, 200k~ for team vested over 2 years

If you’re worried about it, don’t buy till they’re separated into their own contracts. By that time this will probably be at $50 but, better safe than sorry if you dont know this team. I’ve been in Powermine since day 1 and these guys are awesome

>> No.21895077

why don’t you just shut the fuck up and back to your telegram group and lick their mother fucking balls you fucking wage cuck

>> No.21895092

Even if you’re going off fully diluted it’s only $20m mcap...

>> No.21895186

fuck this could be revolutionary. are growth tokens g tokens? or are they different. really excited for this if i see a dip im scooping a bag

>> No.21895336

All good, I am invested with few kek ETH's but untill first wallet is locked or something, not a $ more

>> No.21895436

Thanks anon, someone that actually understands it.

Banned for being a fucking moron constantly spouting scam. The telegram admins are very tolerant and have been constantly addressing questions.

Imagine getting in ZZZ or YFI when it was around these prices. That is what is going to happen and with good reason, just read the whitepaper or ask in TG.

>> No.21895611

ask them to fking let me back in! It’s wtf biz does to get in at lower prices! Fking weak hands

>> No.21895809

Nope, a big mistake would be to fomo in at the top and then having to hold the fucking bags of people who bought minutes or even seconds after it released on Uniswap. It's not like I lose much if the price goes even higher - there are new promising projects showing up all the time right now. If I miss this one, I'll just jump onto another. Win-win. Don't be a fucking brainlet, NEVER FOMO.

>> No.21895934

this thread smells of curry no offense

>> No.21896048

honestly nah it has some telegram curry but it seems legit. most curry posts are fucking "next 100x sirs buy please here this link we going to the moon!!!" and theres some of that but a lot of it is backed by reason and a solid ass project.

>> No.21896459

You're still fomoing in at the bottom since they haven't even started yet. Triple digits in a week once it launches.

>> No.21896545

Uh-huh. You do you. It's already down $5. First major sell-off is only just starting.

>> No.21896609

Where is it being tracked? I don't see charts on gecko

>> No.21896653

Wasn't the first major sell off when it went from $16 to $9? That's when I hopped in.

>> No.21896735

Yeah there’s actually been 2 sell offs before this one... looks like $20.50 was probably the new floor tho it’s going back up pretty quick

>> No.21896779

As a powermine holder I would just say do not underestimate the team, super talented

>> No.21896848

ARRGHH biz I keep seeing defi and farming and borrow usd to send to dai to send to eth and it is so fucking confusing I don't get it ARRRRRRGRGGGHHHHHHHHHH.

Just spoonfed me how to set up this defi and Ill help pump your coin

>> No.21896899


Absolutely nothing to worry about, all coins have people cashing out for various reasons. Best of luck to you anon.

>> No.21897035

The platform launches in September so like 2-3 weeks or so till farming starts

>> No.21897384

Ok I have no idea what this really means but I missed out on all of defi so far so I will drop some eth, also looking at etherscan there are some big bags on there accumulating which makes me feel comfy

>> No.21897446

What is the suicide stack?

>> No.21897792

Bumping for interest

>> No.21897882

Thanks anon

>> No.21897936

gro is a scam. pajeet discord group is shilling it

>> No.21898096

Stay sour, I just joined and my uniswap is processing as we speak, the project is actually very non scammy for saying how early it is, this is the exact same vibes as early YFI

>> No.21898143

>this is the exact same vibes as early YFI
i have fuck you money

>> No.21898190

You have fuck you money but not enough balls to put in a couple eth, ok

>> No.21898457

Got ten of them at 20usd. Don't fuck me guys.

>> No.21898593

I've tried, cant see who is behind this at all, just a fancy website. Could be chinks, no twitter etc.

>> No.21898602

Did the telwgram disappear? Or did I get banned right after joining?

>> No.21899044

You just got rugged

>> No.21899375

No. I just looked it’s still going.