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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21892027 No.21892027 [Reply] [Original]

Alright lads, its been a while since ive came here. Left around mid summer 2019, got me a girlfren, doing more social activities and having more fun in real life, been a link marine since the beginning of the times and have held onto my stack with tight fucking hands. Recently seen crypto gaining more attention again in the media, whats new? Anything fundamentally change? BTC, ETH, LINK? anything new i should look into getting a bag of? Only shit that has promise. Appreciate all of you fuckin virgin autists, any old link marines here?

>> No.21892035

Shut up, idiot

>> No.21892142

eat shit with ur fake gf whos a 100% a tranny

>> No.21892165
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Cool story faggot I’ve been here the whole fucking time slowly going insane while holding a FUCKING HUGE bag of link
I check /biz/ once every 5 minutes and have been doing so for over three years straight get on my alcoholic OCD pothead level if you want to know what the fuck is happening
Even when I make it I’m still going to browse /biz/ all day I mean my folio hit $1,000,000 last week but I don’t even give a fuck because I’m not selling a single stinking link until AT LEAST $100

>> No.21892167

cringe, get laid faggots

>> No.21892195

grats fella. ive got quite a decent bag of link too. still doesnt feel real, but i just dont even care/open my folio anymore.

>> No.21892211

That's the spirit, don't forget you're here forever

>> No.21892350

I just stare at it for hours while perpetually masturbating to disgusting mid 2000s gonzo pornography