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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21891390 No.21891390 [Reply] [Original]

The defi revolution we were waiting for is finally here guys, all the pros of defi without the cons of the eth network.
Oin is build entirely on ONT, that mean no more expensive gas fees.
There will be a public sale soon, more info here: medium.com/oin-finance/oin-coin-public-sale-instructions-3b7b194bd914

>> No.21891434

Breh they fucked up their public sale and had to postpone it, yet we expect them to be able to run an actual entire bizness?


>> No.21891449

i'll never Invest into anything with .finance in its name
holy shit there are so much better projects being shilled right NOW

>> No.21891507

absolutely, the fact that they use that word is a red flag

>> No.21891766

It's just postponed because there were lots of scam groups around on telegram, this shows that they are actually serious

>> No.21891939

We fudding oin now?
Unironically bullish

>> No.21892144

Except that this time it's actual finance and not just a word thrown in there

>> No.21892498

When you see unbased fud even in presale you know that the project is good

>> No.21892671

unironically give a fuck

>> No.21892929

So what happened with the sale?

>> No.21893250

The sale was postponed, probably because of all the scam telegram groups trying to lure people in fake sales.

>> No.21893545

Scammers know it's gonna be big. My peepee is ready. Let's fucking go OINchads.

>> No.21893932

This has the potential to become the next big defi project, if only they didn't fuck up the sale.

>> No.21894081
File: 139 KB, 1024x742, Raiden,_use_blade_mode_to_disrupt_the_world_economy_for_the_jews!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they don't even link to the teams linkedin
they might as well not exist, the website is not responsive for all devices and it looks like it was thrown together in a few min to meme YOU into giving them money

>> No.21894334

It doesn't take long in google to see that most of them have actual real world experience and know what they are doing, it's not like you need linkedin for that

>> No.21894647

Indeed when you see so much interest even from scammer you can tell that the project will be big

>> No.21894915

This just in, apparently they got ddosed and that is why they postponed the sale

>> No.21894971
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>> No.21895029
File: 377 KB, 900x840, 11-119042_popcorn-clip-art-cinema-cartoon-transparent-cute-popcorn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are buying anything named .finance, go with Popcorn Finance. Your literal chance at 50x by the end of the week

>> No.21895462

You are not smart enough for this, you are better off buying popcorn finance at this point like >>21895029 said

>> No.21895743

Let's be honest I would actually buy this

>> No.21896260


>> No.21896620

Baseless fud, probably some pajeet that can't get in the public sale

>> No.21897169

Thank god the sale was postponed otherwise I would have missed this chance.

>> No.21897347

can you still register to get on this?

>> No.21897587

You guys do realize that the scam was all the "scams" that caused them to postpone their pre sale were planned?

They ran all those scams and pocketed the money.

Now they will do it again.

Lurn plz

>> No.21898042

This is one of the most ridiculous things i have read on here

>> No.21898476

The sale was postponed, you can still get in once they announce the new date

>> No.21898498

don't you have to register beforehand? It seems the registration is already closed

>> No.21898780

Registration will open when the new sale starts, so you still have time

>> No.21899135

This is unironically one of the only defi products worth waiting for right now

>> No.21899385

The most important thing right now is being lucky enough to get in the sale, after that we just hold

>> No.21899845

As long as the developers keep their shit together we might really see some good price action from them

>> No.21900177

How long until the public sale?

>> No.21900243

Reminds me of 0chain using google docs

>> No.21900557
File: 380 KB, 700x1007, inotfiedthecia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21900907

Since they had it planned for today but it was postponed I would think that they will announce the new date very soon

>> No.21901289

Stay poor

>> No.21901836

I don't want to wait for an announcement just to have it postponed, I hope next time is the final one

>> No.21902019

If any of you are still retarded enough to fall for .finance scams, you deserve to have your money stolen.

>> No.21902454

If you really think that this is a scam maybe you should do a better job researching projects

>> No.21902629

when sale

>> No.21903200

Probably next week, we should get more info soon