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21889663 No.21889663 [Reply] [Original]

>be me, 35 years old, upper middle management in a large corporation
>new young employees start in the office
>7 of them are great, extroverted, funny
>1 of them almost mumbles sometimes, isn't as enthusiastic, is the only one that wears glasses (not fashionable ones either)
>isn't as polished as the other recruits
>hasn't travelled to as many countries as other people
>told him to do training on the computer instead of going to the client presentation
>another time, we're discussing politics at lunch
>he just stared at the table awkwardly when we made jokes about Trump (I like Trump, but still, you have to pretend)

I asked the receptionist (9/10 25 year old blonde) what she thought of him based on their interactions and she said, "He's kind of quiet. He hasn't really talked to me, he just says Hi and Bye"

But the killer was:
>we all had to work 100 % remote when coronavirus hit
>his productivity went UP

That's the last straw. If not being around your team mates ENERGIZES you, then you're some sick twisted freak. We're going to put him on furlough (Government pays 80 % of wages of redundant staff) this week and cut his contract when the scheme ends.

He casually mentioned he had signed a 9 month lease. Wew, I hope furlough lasts that long! Remember kids, don't be awkward!

>> No.21889693

Good bait, I’m mad ngl.

>> No.21889710

i dont get it

>> No.21889732

There are people who genereally think this way unironically in high up positions

>> No.21889756

Sir, this is 4chan. People here have mental illness self probably included

>> No.21889771


>> No.21889776

This russled my jimmies

>> No.21889817


How can you be 35 years old and never heard of the concept of introverts and extroverts before?

>> No.21889853

They don't know how to manage or communicate well then, not to anyone that's different than them. Read a couple books on it and they'll do a little better at finding and using strengths. After all, it's not like it's easy to devote yourself to a company and slowly climb the ladder kek it takes big brain to be man a ger wite. Jesus I was a store manager at 18, they think their job is the hardest

>> No.21889906
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>> No.21889963

I am an introvert myself, everyone look at me like I'm a dumbass at work because I don't like to speak that much. The fact is I only speak to people who can afford to understand what I have to say, and they are not ready to hear it. I can go and see god whenever I want, they can't. That's the difference and I will still be quiet to those judging me for being the way I am.

>> No.21890030

If this regularly happens then I'm screwed.

>> No.21890034

Normies everyone!

>> No.21890066

This hit hard

>> No.21890082

shut up noone wants to hear you

>> No.21890085

weak pasta but I like the idea, you just need to polish it a bit

>> No.21890114

nice blog Post

buy Link

>> No.21890139
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If this was true you wouldn’t have posted into the ether on a message board.

>> No.21890198

Wow you sound like so important, not awkward, not uptight and very uppery middle managmenty

Truly, an interesting thread

>> No.21890204

You are a cunt

>> No.21890272

Bloody hell, some absolute sadcases on here.

>> No.21890273

Just kys.

>> No.21890289

>itt op tells the story of how he thinks he got furloughed
Just get better at your job, nerd.

>> No.21890293

middle management is a meme, people can manage themselves. I mean they manage to get to the office all on there own..
And guess what OP, you are just another wage cuck doing work for someone else so they can get rich.

>> No.21890314

Pretty good troll, I'm actually mad even though I know it's not real, 8/10

>> No.21890333

Know this is a larp but I was that kid a few years ago at my first job as a tech recruiter, but honestly way more awkward. I hated working with normie faggots and didn’t realize being around so many strangers and having to cold call (I’m an introvert) made me very uncomfortable. I left after 1 month and started learning coding. 2 years later I work as a remote dev and these same assholes call me for jobs. Life is funny sometimss

>> No.21890356

I like to let some clue behind me, I think some people deserve to know the truth about the spiritual / mental nature of our world.
"Great power implies great responsability"

>> No.21890373

You have to respect each other and you call yourself a middle management fukkin retard

>> No.21890534
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Actually autist, used my autism to dive into topics like group behaviour, selling, reading people. At this point I'm literally the guy who is send to the big boys deals because they know I will always get the deal done. Currently got a leadership positions normies literally told me they couldn't read me and find this hard. Meanwhile I read them and get what I want.

>> No.21890548

Since you can see god whenever you want I have a question for you. Does he live in the sun? Once in college Brad went to get weed but the guy was gone or didn’t have any. But then as Brad is parking behind our house on mifflin street, he runs into this dark young gentlemen who for some reason was in our backyard. Brad learns this fine young man has weed so he invites the guy in (Wtf brad), and we don’t know that brad just met him in the yard so we assume he’s the original weed hookup. This guy proceeds to roll a joint that’s like foot long, but he uses literally 30 rolling papers and the weed was shit. Anyway, we’re all drinking Long Island iced tea out of Muskie glasses (basically 24 oz of straight liquor) which we generously share with new guy. After awhile he starts telling these crazy stories like his uncle was a ninja who trained him in the ways, so he had an impenetrable defense. He demonstrates by getting into a crab position on the ground (facing up, feet and hands behind him holding him off his back). Lucas stands up, jumps towards him and fake kicks at his head. Dude says, “I blocked it”. Fucking hilarious. Then he tells us he got hit by a car when he was a kid, which flung him as high as the streetlights, and he traveled to the sun, where he met Jesus and god. Then he says “I don’t feel so good, my doctor says I’m not supposed to drink.” We’re like dude, then why did you just bogart that monster joint and drink three mugs of booze? So Dave and I agree to drive him to the hospital. We told him to get out across the street at a busy corner (park and university?) and drive off. Turns out he was 15. Fucking brad. Ten years later brad is walking down state street and sees him, recognizes him instantly. The guy is a street preacher. True story. College was great.

>> No.21890582
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we're all gonna make it bros

>> No.21890976

So what youre saying is that you are an asshole. Check

>> No.21891315

> new employee is not chaddy
Probably op is one of those genx retards that Cannot accept that they are not 20 anymore.
OP you need to cope harder with your Middle life crisis.
On the other hand, kill all nerds and neets.

>> No.21891548

any books/resources in particular that you recommend?

>> No.21891635

I'm introvert as fuck and people respected me when I was a wage cuck because I was good as fuck.

I was a customer service and sales monkey.

>> No.21891665

>believing an autist can read people

>> No.21891686


>> No.21891770

>gen x

>> No.21891797

Based. Kid should have learned to turn up his autism up to 12 that way it becomes entertaining and then middle managers want to keep him around.

>> No.21891920

>If not being around your team mates ENERGIZES you, then you're some sick twisted freak.

honestly 0/10 bait try harder next time

>> No.21892497
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>Tfw when productivity dropped off a cliff as soon as we started working from home
Could I really be a chad

>> No.21892549

I don't get the joke because I mow lawns

>> No.21892565

I'm king wagie, I work long hours as a codemonkey while consuming the only media I enjoy (history podcasts). I am upbeat, always pretend to love the company, and within the first lie to my manager, telling him that I have OCD.

Every single manager I have has loved me.

>> No.21892624

You will never going to make it and I hope your whole family tree falls in a debt bigger than a third world shithole.

>> No.21892664
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My manager one time told me "I can tell you're a quiet guy, but I appreciate when you speak up." He's a good guy, but the only reason he thinks I'm a "quiet guy" is because I don't do bullshit small talk unless absolutely forced to. There's good managers out there even in fortune 100 companies.

>> No.21892702

Good job and pat yourself on the back for being an absolute pathetic man. You will not be missed. Kill yourself or change drastically for the better.

>> No.21892778


>> No.21892782

unironically fuck awkward retards, everybody deserves everything they get i learned.

>> No.21892803

>Good bait
for u

>> No.21892886

Lol when some autistic faggot pretends to be in upper management. Cool story bro, looks like you’re running low on cheetos, get mommy to bring them down to the basement LOOL...

>> No.21892990
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holy cope is this what you tell yourself? I used to think like this too and tell myself things like "im too intelligent for these normalfags" it honestly made me feel superior in a way. Now i just accept i get anxious around people or i genuinely have nothing to say.

>> No.21893208

t. Self-loathing awkward retard
uwu make me hate myself senpai

>> No.21893257

That literally how I feel my manager is thinking about me.

I despise every single one of you. Getting home and closing the door, has the same feeling for me like being through nicotine withdrawal for 24+ hours then finally having that cigarette.

>> No.21893307

Shut the fuck up

>> No.21893324

Ahhh I see you're either a baiter or one of the people who is truly the twisted freak.

>> No.21893331

I am literally a genius.

>> No.21893424

Ignore the haters. Any conversation is inherently limited by the least intelligent or aware person participating. You’ll probably want to work on your soft skills if you need to interact with normies but you’re alright and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with you

>> No.21893450

>He doesn't want to be my friend and he only wants to get get paid for doing his job
Yeah, sounds like a terrible human being, maybe you should do one of those mandatory team events that everyone loves to make him more social

>> No.21893490

Do you get laid ever?

>> No.21893572

Wagecuck, how can you be 35 and not retired? This is /biz/, a magical place where we retire at 32.
You may laugh at furlough cuck, but we laugh at you.

>> No.21893607

a year ago I would have insulted you harshly for this post
but really, it's important that we all try to overcome our autism enough to soothe the normies. Or at least be competitive in some fashion, so that we are needed on the team even if we freak everyone out a little bit.
In other words, OP's antagonist wasn't even making an effort. Nothing of value was lost.

>> No.21893665

you may score well on the tests
but the real test is life

>> No.21893673
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dont be so hard on yourself

>> No.21893766

based schizoposter

>> No.21893864

This honestly triggered me hard. Not because I'm that awkward kid, but because I haven't even gotten a job like that before. Despite having a polisci degree the only jobs I've had involve stocking grocery store shelves either as an overnight stocker or a merchandiser during the day. Being forced to interact with people makes me so fucking angry. I had a job at Hersheys as a sales rep. You have to go to convenience stores and have conversations with the store managers about their inventory, make recommendations, etc. After the training period where i pretended to be enthusiastic about it, within the first week on my own, I ended up not going in the stores anymore. I just parked my car outside the store to spoof my companies gps system on the tabelts we were given, and id just sit outside in my car because I couldn't talk to people. I spent 5 hours a day driving around to 711s/gas station coneivence stores/etc just sitting in my car for 15-20 minute stretches and lying about the things i did in the store on my tablet

I did this for about a month, and then i made the wrong turn at an exit omw to an in-person meeting that was far away. Instead of calling them, i turned my phone off, waited 2 days, and then sent an email and said i didn't want to do the job anymore. then i overnighted all my equipment back to their HQ instead of meeting the girl in person and blocked her email.

I can't do it guys. I'm gonna hide from the world for the rest of my life

>> No.21893875
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>"He's kind of quiet. He hasn't really talked to me, he just says Hi and Bye"

I don't want to bother her. I have nothing to say anyway

>> No.21893964

i am an extrovert but office people - especially the scummy leftist bluepilled clown faggots like (You) - really made me introverted lately.

What is the point of exerting energy towards you faulty fuckers? Just so I can become a fake ass fanny like yall are? having laughs with management and throw us under a bus like the guy you mentioned that told you abotu his lease? jeeez, get fooked boomer

>> No.21894008

make it less obvious and this would be 10/10 neet bait

>> No.21894069


Oh, I thought this was going to be about being old and slow, in middle management, with life ending fast.

>> No.21894162

OP tone it down a bit and take it to /r9k/, you might literally kill someone

>> No.21894256

but you can give her ATTENTION,its like gold to them

>> No.21894266
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>> No.21894513
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>> No.21894586
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I bought xPOP today. I will make your salary by next week.

>> No.21894648

You have an anxiety disorder.

>> No.21894796
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I want to fucking kill myself. The only reason I know this story is fake is because that guy would have never made it past the job interview. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH WHY DID I HAVE TO BE BORN LIKE THIS

>> No.21894926

Man is unique in the universe in that we are simultaneously the sculptor and the clay. You can shape yourself into anything you want, you just need the will to do it. It’s not easy but nothing of consequence for ever is

>> No.21894931

Based and clearly fucking insane pilled

>> No.21894962

Big mood.
>pass google interview
>can’t match with a team
>pass amazon interview
>can’t match with a fucking team

>> No.21894983

>being a wagecück in 2020 while crypto is mooning
>he didn't made it from LINK already

>> No.21895546
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He probably holds Chainlink and doesn’t give a fuck about all of you and your stupid secretary

>> No.21895662

It works because it doesn't have to be real. It's just a reminder that middle management Dave and his big normie axe is waiting to give you the chop for any bullshit reason at any moment

>> No.21895788
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>when the IT guy reads Jung rather than teamwork books

>> No.21895882
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this is sad but true

>> No.21895970

Would you recommend that book?

>> No.21896012

I wish I could have met one person like you at my work.
It would have made it interesting to go there to have someone to talk to who is a real thinking person and not an automated bot following his programmed script from childhood.
Even if I can make a conversation, it's so tiring to speak to people who always speak of the same topics and the latest gossip.
It makes me feel like I am living in an automated factory.

The worse part is that I have to hide more and more things the more I learn and improve myself to the point there is almost nothing left to discuss.
I can never speak of the time I spend learning trading.
But the same goes for all my different interests, which are completely outside of the norm.
As if hiding my power level was not already a problem, when I have to constantly ignore the truth.

>> No.21897003


This should be fake but this is actually how normies think and act like in the corporate world, if you're not a jolly good fellow and blend in totally with other ultranormie coworkers they'll fuck you up. This shit even happens in software companies, which used to be a safe haven.

Remember, hide your power level.

>> No.21897043

I haven't read it myself but how to win friends and influence people is supposed to be good. Apparently the book helped Charles Manson build a cult.

>> No.21897134
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>whom I picture as OP

>> No.21897218

Dont let this be you.

The post is talking about the OP character right? I mean imagine sticking around that long in an office job to be a middle management cock sucker.

>> No.21897232


No, you're just an extrovert normie.

>> No.21897259

"I like Trump" -- stopped reading, since OP is clearly an idiot

>> No.21897293

Imagine coming to an Iranian basket weaving site at 35 years of age

>> No.21897349

i used to work in a restaurant, had tolerable social skills. they've since eroded. i barely talk to anyone at work (white collar office job.) my social skills are basically 0 now that i've been working from home since april. i don't care. fuck normies.

>> No.21897385

I never talked much, but when I did I learned in high school to just make whatever I was saying/contributing funny. Usually it was just little quips, teasing, etc. Makes people like you more and less likely to view you as a freak.

>> No.21897458

This is shitty bait OP

>> No.21897592

It feels so good to ignore all the normies who are having a breakdown from their lack of unproductive gossip time.
I only feel bad for the huge amount of time I spent doing nothing before I worked remotely.
If I have to go back to my desk for more than a few hours a week in the future I will really consider leaving my work.

>> No.21897609

Good way to deal with people to be honest. I usually do the same when my workplace gets new graduate staff at the beginning of each year. If I cant have an enjoyable conversation with someone within the first 2 weeks of meeting them, they go on my shit list. From then on ill pull them up on every little thing they do wrong, whereas I let things slide for the people I enjoy talking to.
Being extroverted and social is actually one of the most important things within a workplace.

>> No.21897671

Just abit of rape here and there

>> No.21897755

You tried bro.

>> No.21897785

I pulled a similar stunt when I got a shit gig in the backroom/stocking shelves at walmart overnight. I couldn't deal with the constant interaction between managers, employees, pajama wearing customers, etc.

Noped the fuck outta there, mailed my badge and didn't shop there again for months. I had to go into the woods in the dead of winter for a few weeks so my parents thought I was work. Dark times but it can get slightly better.

>> No.21897838

>coworkers discussing politics at lunch
>just stare awkwardly and don't say much
Fuck I know this is bait but I know this feeling all too well.

>> No.21897846


You're despicable.

>> No.21898012

I play the chill, outgoing coworkers. literally would drain me in the office as people would come to me with their office problems, but it did put me in the loop of a lot of situations. i realized people just want to be heard and vent, so if you nod your head and say yeah they will keep going. the key is to provide solutions to their problems and not add to the negative gossip when it's about another coworker

the people who talk the most are unironically the head managers in the office

now that we're all at home I don't have to hear all that BS and get to work 3-4 hours a day but be paid for 8. it's fucking awesome. not only that but my productivity also increased so I'm given more important tasks (but still work way less). one director told me she heard from another that she didn't know i had these abilities based on how i acted in the office (friendly, outgoing). shows you how much people will believe a facade. now this same manager who thought this about me is always trying to be buddy-buddy with me, literally the reason why she thought I was a slacker lmao

>> No.21898080
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>that guy who shows up to his minimum wage job clearly high as shit, doesnt talk to anybody
>doesnt even matter because the job is just standing in place doing nothing anyway
>managers always asking if hes okay and I just say yea swamped with schoolwork
It was me working at the university gym last year

>> No.21898135

same here. one time I got a "anon, anytime you speak up you just bring brilliant ideas"

another one was "anon, I've noticed once you say something, sometimes people don't buy it or dismiss at first, but you calmly keep mentioning it until they catch up to you"

normies are so hilarious. they also think I'm always ahead because I bring up news events or memes months before they get popular in the mainstream. like I was calling all these tiktokers zoomers last year and people were like "wtf is a zoomer". AOC tweets it out and it's "wow anon, you were early on zoomer too". lmao

>> No.21898182

I think you can still be introverted and still be social. Ppl at my work know I'm a little quiet. But for me I have a geniune interest in people. Call me a normie but its kinda fun/passes the time to run into someone every now and then and talk about their dog how or how their home renovation project is. typical normie convo:
>hows ur project
>i just installed a new gazebo
>oh really where'd you get it
>oh cool how much, i bet its nice when its so hot outside haha.
Not every conversation has to be deep/philosophical. Idk, its just not a big deal. Although it is nice to run into a fellow geek to joke around with.

>> No.21898201

>That's the last straw. If not being around your team mates ENERGIZES you, then you're some sick twisted freak.


>> No.21898213

Not really. I also cut women slack if they are attractive or young, not because I shit where I eat, but because it is in my nature. And if people avoid attending out of work social events, they are not offered the same opportunities as the people that I have had social drinks with.
What reason would I have to keep people around when I do not enjoy there company/presence? Maybe keep an autist or two if they are only passive/shy (kind of like a mascot), but only if they are friendly and somewhat engaging when I go out of my way to interact with them. The ones that are just weird, depressing or who avoid interaction can fuck off because they decrease the morale of those around them. No need for them regardless of how hard they work.

>> No.21898216

S-Shut up!

>> No.21898303

I had a boss once tell me "People are starting to talk about how un-social you are. You never talk to anybody here. You need to start being more social or it will reflect on your reviews and could lead to you being terminated."
My response was something like "I try to talk to my coworkers but I don't know what to say."
He said "Literally just come stand by my desk when you see other people there. Stand there, even if it's awkward, and I will talk to you."

Amazingly, this worked. Being told "just fucking stand there awkwardly" so directly helped me a lot I guess.

>> No.21898371

yeah I do miss shooting the shit about sports and other random things happening around the office. at lunch me and some of the lunch guys would go for walks to check the downtown eye candy. good times honestly but still prefer working remotely by far

>> No.21898381

I had one interview where the manager told me they were looking for a quiet reserved person. Probably the last hires were outgoing instagram hoes not suited to the job. Yes some places like conservative law firms or back office types get to shine in those kinds of solitary analyst/writer type roles... but they are a tiny minority of jobs.

>> No.21898421

You have to do it unfortunately. Sounds like you have a good boss though who is throwing you a bone. It means you must come across as an ok person, just quiet/shy.

>> No.21898525

your boss helped you out more than you know. good man

>> No.21898619

This is the perfect example of an upper middle management fag. He get’s a bit of power, listens to other people’s opinions on someone he should support and in the end he list a to a blond receptionist. Sorry, but you will never make it, uppermiddlemanagementfag.

>> No.21898624

>I can go and see god whenever I want, they can't.

Powerful anon detected

>> No.21898674

i have now doubt that productivity goes up for a large number of people

>> No.21898685

Kek same. Already head of my section because of it.
Clients see me as someone with integrity, coworkers like me and ask me for advice, and I just sit there talking absolute shit.

Then I go home and crash the fuck out/ work out.

>> No.21898808

I hope you get cancer. Also get the fuck off my website normalfag.

>> No.21898824

I see myself in your description...

>> No.21898880

Wish I knew this going into my first job. Very important...

>> No.21898914

I know this is completely fake but If you wanna fire someone for working too hard it's your loss. There's other companies that'd want him.

>> No.21899011


>> No.21899012

Can you elaborate? Does this mean you just don't act like a normie enough?

>> No.21899040

Good job, sir!

>> No.21899050

Not in this economy

>> No.21899057

Just be more outgoing anon. Not exactly a hard concept to get across. Just talk more to those around you, be friendly, make jokes and get yourself invited out for drinks with your workmates.
Ill be honest, I used to be extremely socially awkward when I was younger. Always struggled to make conversation and talk to women. But then I joint the military and now work in an 80% female environment. Things are just so easy now. Turns out that there is actually nothing to worry about when it comes to social interaction and it is extremely easy to make yourself likeable. You just keep your strange shit to yourself. I don't talk about politics, crypto, vidya, 4chan or any other odd topics when I am at work. Save those sort of conversations for on here or with your actual friends.

>> No.21899069

Yeah. I have since changed jobs, but I stayed in that job for another 18 months after that meeting. I ended up really making friends with some coworkers over that time and I still keep in touch even now 8 months after leaving. By the end of that job, I felt like I was going to hang out with friends while working instead of hating it like I did when I started there. My reason for leaving was a career change, so it was unavoidable.

>> No.21899083

How is it even possible? Human species are hardest than PC

>> No.21899122

This is very true, you need some variety. It becomes intolerable when they talk about examining their 9 year old for pubes because he thought he had a hair on his balls.

>> No.21899148

That is just an executive in the making and you're working him out of the company
>I hope karma will smite you

>> No.21899166

That's what I aim for in my workplace. I find that when people see their colleagues as friends, they are more likely work harder to help each other out and less likely to take sick days, because it 'lets the team down'. You also reduce the amount of workplace induced conflict as the people in the workplace socialise in their own free time, therefore do not want to upset each other over work events. Plus I like to spend at least an hour per day just shooting the shit. We are all paid to be there, might as well enjoy it.

>> No.21899200

I can be outgoing. I'm considered very charismatic by people I meet. By week 3-4 of any job I just get too tired and can't keep up the charade. I stop fake laughing at their shitty jokes. After a certain point I can hardly bring myself to smile at them when I first meet them.

Co-workers start asking me if i'm doing alright and I just yah i'm good. I just can't fucking do it man. Its not even like I hate them. Its more exhausting putting on the fake charade then it is to do construction work.

>> No.21899220

I laughed thanks OP. Thank goodness I am a trustfund baby and live rent free

>> No.21899258

>Don't let this be you
>be me, 35 years old, upper middle management in a large corporation
>1 of them almost mumbles sometimes, isn't as enthusiastic
which one OP?

>> No.21899269

i thought op was going to say don't be a 35 year old wagie, instead he talks shit about neuro atypical people. lmao gtfo faggot

>> No.21899273

This has one major built in flaw: As soon as people are so friendly with eachother that it's more of a friend thing, it gets harder to criticize each other. Seen it happen a million times. Like, when Allen from accounting is not performing at all, but he's such a nice guy and his wife is sick and he has a bit of a headache sometimes and...

>> No.21899356


I wish you were just trolling but I know better than that.

>> No.21899384


>> No.21899438

I kind of understand what you mean. Unfortunately though, maintaining that facade is almost as important as your actual job in most workplaces. Failing to act 'normal' makes everyone else feel uncomfortable.
I guess I have it easier in this regard, because if i'm not feeling it and want a break, I can just turn on the authoritative/totalitarian aspect and pull a few people up on things so that everyone tried to avoid me for the day/tries to be overly friendly so as to not draw ire. Little do they know that I preemptively choose who I am targeting, based on who is working that day and which staff I actually like. I can always sell this as being forced to crack down on things by the higher up's, whereas I really just don't feel like interacting much that day.

>> No.21899451

we live in reality and it would behoove you to work on playing the same game as everyone else, but i understand why anyone would prefer not to

>> No.21899476

You don't want staff criticising each other anyway. You have managers to criticise staff.

>> No.21899504


At least you had a boss being honest about that, that's rare.

>> No.21899574

Why did you hire him if he wouldn't be a good fit with your team, retard?

>> No.21899766


It's about 90% true. Modern jobs are fucking daycares where they fuck you up if you don't (fake) getting really along with your co-workers and bosses, productivity and actually making money be damned. It's all about how others view you and if you embody the groupthink like a fucking sheep.

>> No.21899812


That really seems to be the case, even tech companies (especially the big trend ones) have this BS going on.

>> No.21899872


I hope karma fucking destroys him and his ilk for good.

>> No.21899915


Finally we're getting somewhere with you admiting it's a fucking facade.

>> No.21899962

Textbook Brad

>> No.21899987

do you also study the blade?

>> No.21900014
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Wow an introvert works better not having to play your gay little office politics if everyone going around and saying how many countries they’ve been to?

Fuck you op

You sound like a woman

>> No.21900344

yep. what you describe is building up the trust pyramid. when colleagues see each other as more than just that, then it really builds up the work environment and camaraderie. the people who are closed off are the ones who never get invited, don't get gifts, don't get chosen to fly to conventions, etc.

I was like you too and a little awkward when I started my office job but sports and food are great ice breakers. everyone will have their down time where they are focused on just work but enjoy those sociable times

>> No.21900355
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If this isn't just a LARP, his productivity probably went up because he doesn't have to worry about some roastie throwing an unwarranted HR case at him and he actually knows better than to discuss politics at work because he actually has half a brain.

>> No.21900522

The thing is, its only a facade if you yourself aren't normal. The normies in the workplace don't have an issue with each other. Thats why the onus is on you to change, because you are the minority. Its your ability as an outsider to pretend that you are not one, that will get you ahead in the workplace. You will see very few people in management positions who arent outgoing, or who cannot fake it 99% of the time. Unless they are the autistic overly authorative types, which has its on set of pros and cons.

>> No.21900629

you just digited

>> No.21900787

You guys laugh but this literally just happened to me. I was the quiet guy at a contract job and they let me go halfway through covid but kept the other guy they hired a couple months after me. He was the one that spoke up on the zoom meetings. My manager's parting advice was to speak up more. Although the difference is that my productivity didn't increase at all. I spent most of the time watching youtube.

>> No.21900808

Again, if your outgoing, you dont get HR cases. I work with mainly females. I spend most of my time at work joking and flirting with the ones I get along with, not for any reason then its fun to do. If you are actually fun and sociable, people wont complain. If you are wierd and act like that, without having a rapport, fair enough, you probably are harrasing them.

>> No.21900897

I want to kill normies with a hammer. Just splatter brains everywhere.

>> No.21900905

oh my god what a great boss

>> No.21901158

You don't have to be super social to survive in the work environment, all you have to do is take an interest in people. Ask them about their family, hobbies etc all that kinda shit. Sometimes you'll find you'll actually pick up some good wisdom and advice from people along the way. I'm not naturally outgoing but I always make an effort to talk to everyone I work with, if you're just sat there stewing people will pick up on your energy, one thing you can never hide is the energy you're giving off

>> No.21901226

>fake an interest
There, fixed your typo.

>> No.21901498


I'll have to concede that to you. And for that very reason I'm acting more and more as a wolf disguised as a sheep.

>> No.21901525


Nah you don't have to fake it. Problem with a lot of the replies here is that they don't seem to think the laws of the world apply to them at all

>> No.21901651

And by that you mean?

>> No.21901744


He means that non-normies must deal with living in a world molded by normies and become a normie. It's as simple as that.

>> No.21901785

>Unless they are the autistic overly authoritative types
could you expand on this? I've seen a couple of those. I feel like I could be one, but it might take too much work. I don't enjoy being a dick to people unfortunately.

>> No.21901826

Thats the thing, dont think of it that sort of negative way. The more you force yourself to socialise, the more positive vibes you will get back from the people you are interacting with and the more you will enjoy it. Eventually it will no longer feel forced and you might even find yourself enjoying the company of those you work with and getting joy from the interactions you have at work. At least that is what happened with me.

>> No.21901920

And you’ve just come up with an operating definition of borderline/almost functional autism. I appreciate your input but normies really have shit this site up

>> No.21901969

Just not true. I’d wager half the people on /biz/ are here to make it just so they can escape the normie life.

>> No.21902020

He just doesn't like to hang out with spergs, sperg.

>> No.21902040


And I'm certainly one of them. I was just stating the tragic state of things with that post.

>> No.21902076

Then dont be one. The overly authorative types enjoy being a dick. Thats why I called them autists. You wouldnt choose to be like that unless that is naturally who you are. They dont need to fit the normie mold though, as they will often get put in positions of minimal power, like supervisor roles, because they force people to work/do the right thing. But they normally they have a low progression caps, due to their poor social skills and often having complaints against them or too many conflicts with their peers. They are the ones who spend 20 years as a supervisor/lower management.
If your not naturally like that, there are no real benefits to acting like it, because if you can pull of being the extroverted type, you will usually surpass them eventually.

>> No.21902095

What I mean is it’s possible to leave. The “laws of the world”, as he put it, don’t have to apply to you. You don’t have to play the game.

>> No.21902150


Yeah this is a better articulated version of what I was trying to say. I know being around people and interacting can feel like a chore and tiring but you're gonna be fuckin stuck there for 40 hours a week either way so you might as well try and make the best of the situation. It'll help the time pass if you feel happier there. Realise as well that people probably think about you a lot less than you think they do, everyone got their own shit going on and their own worries to deal with

>> No.21902161

you sound like a woman. nice bait.

>> No.21902255


You're in the game whether you like it or not, the rules are already there, if you choose not to play by them you aren't "winning" man. This just doesn't apply to the work force, its life in general

>> No.21902312

please rewrite this pasta replacing the characters with sirgay and adelyn and post it in a chainlink topic

>> No.21902315

Stop pretending as though you aren't a normalfag

>> No.21902317

Of course the rules of the game no longer matter once you have won. Not everyone can win though unfortunatly and not everyone who lurks/posts on biz will end up rich.
Playing by the rules can be beneficial in other ways though. For example, it is much easier to meet/date/fuck women if you are extroverted, confident and comfortable talking to them. You can easily practice this at work (but never shit where you eat). The negative and socially akward people will still have trouble when/if they make it, they will just have more money and more to lose when they get blindsided by a gold digger or a bunch of superficial thots.

>> No.21902377

geez I wonder why they fired you

>> No.21902388
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>> No.21902417

The laws of the world? You stupid normalfag nigger. The only laws in this world are kill or be killed. This thread has given me a much much greater appreciation of the homeless then I've ever had before.

>> No.21902430

>try to be extrovert
>people only want to talk when they are in the mood and typically about themselves
What's the fucking point of trying? I was in the community slack channel and recused myself because all it was is people making random comments occasionally and no replies.

>> No.21902449

I don’t want to “win” this game, I just don’t want to play at all, so I don’t. There’s no life I want to live that involves spending 40 hours a week making petty small talk with my judgemental coworkers and pretending to care about their lives and interest when I really don’t give a fuck. Spending 40 hours of my life per week working on shit I don’t care about is already a bad enough deal as it is.

>> No.21902468

not true at all. you just have to fake being a normie. if you're not low IQ, you can even drop smart redpills to normies you interact with on the job or elsewhere. the point of doing this is to make a good wage to pay for investments that will get you out of having to follow normie orders

>> No.21902542

Your right, I probably am more 'normal' then you. But I was just as bad 10 years ago. I had crippling social anxiety and basically spent all my free time playing vidya in a filthy house. I once went two weeks without saying a word out loud because I took holidays, had no friends and could use self services at the supermarket. Realised I had no reason to talk because I had no one to talk to.
But I turned my life around. Just trying to give people advice as to how they can do the same.

>> No.21902628

I got my work done and responded instantly on the slack channel whenever they needed me. Besides nobody would know if I put my dog in front of the computer while remote working.

>> No.21902647


That's a way to deal with living in a world defined by normies (which also happens to be my strategy more and more), hence recognizing that what I wrote is true.

>> No.21902747

Same, I have Asperger's and learned how to manipulate people watching RSD on YouTube.

>> No.21902769

Must be a larp, no upper middle management could be so utterly useless at understanding their team and bringing out their strengths. Such a weak minded fool would have killed themselves years ago

>> No.21902857

you can confidence your way past interviews even if you dont say jack shit. just spur the boomers on to do all the talking and just sit there as if they have your full attention

>> No.21902874

its really not that hard

1. be aggressive in being willing to initiate communication. gentle and nonjudgmental in personality

2. be good looking enough that people give you benefit of doubt

>> No.21902989

Obvious larp, but it’s true. I’m introverted but at work you would have no idea. Everyone thinks the quiet guy is a creep. I hate sports but that’s what everyone wants to talk about so I just recycle whatever the last person told me to the next person, it’s fucking amazing how well that works. It’s absolutely draining, but I can say for sure 2 promotions were due to me forcing myself to act this way.

>> No.21903062


>> No.21903346

I hope you like the smell of lead coming from inside your head.

>> No.21903417
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Im starting new office job on monday, 33 kissles virgin, will be working with three other women in the same office. Any advice? Im not good at social shit, and probably autistic but i just dont give a fuck anymore i think, how i got the job is i pretended to listen what the ceo was saying and just noded my head agresively and just "will do my best sir" after each sentence, is being "yes men" all it takes nowadays?

>> No.21903437

dude yeah i dont even watch too many sports but you can just watch the highlights and spit out talking points the next day and have a sports conversation. so easy.

>> No.21903458

Same, I got triggered.

>> No.21903500


That's a good one to add to my anti-normie toolkit.

>> No.21903511

people like you get the rope OP

>> No.21903528

You're a fucking faggot.

>> No.21903548

>tfw when

>> No.21903611


Oh my god, you're heading straight to hell. I would get out while I still can.

>> No.21903662


And yes, you need to be an "yes men". A vast majority of jobs can be summed up as making your boss look good and keep him happy and (hope) that the good shit comes at you.

>> No.21904033
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>be me,new employee in the office
>I'm part of 8 new employees there
>all wannabees
>all day talk about travels and parties, never take job seriously
>suddenly one day manager tells me to do training on the computer instead of going to the client presentations. Best day of my life, don't have to deal with pointless talking anymore
>you won't believe how stupid all sound at lunch table when they "discuss" politics, goddamn they don't understand anything, their general understanding ends with cnn and wsj article levels, but I suspect my manager pretends to be dumb about Trump, I bet he's regular at /trump general/ on /pol/
>corona hits, don't have to meet those fucking dumb colleagues anymore face to face
>side jobs suddenly increase, haven't had enough sleep for last few weeks, I still wonder how did I manage to increase my productivity past anyone else at current company
>I was occasionally talking to HR at company, kinda furious lady, but dunno, our minds click, she told me i will be put on furlough soon
>I guess more time for side jobs

>> No.21904037

Why hell? What can they do to me? Gossip? I aint scared of that shit, ima just do my job and work till i drop dead

>> No.21904276

Ok boomer

>> No.21904396

Underrated sun god post